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Washington Capitals facts

While investigating facts about Washington Capitals Schedule and Washington Capitals Roster, I found out little known, but curios details like:

The present-day Washington State was originally called "Columbia", but Congress forced the name change to "Washington" in honor of George Washington and to avoid confusion with the nation's capital, the District of Columbia

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During the American Revolution, "Columbia" was used to describe all of America; that is why the capital of the USA is called Washington, District of Columbia

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what channel is the washington capitals game on tonight. Here are 28 of the best facts about Washington Capitals Tickets and Washington Capitals Lines I managed to collect.

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  1. Washington, DC, is home to one of the largest Ethiopian populations in the world, 2nd only to that of Ethiopia’s capital, Addis Ababa. While official census data shows about 30,000 Ethiopians in the DC area, others estimate that the true number is closer to 250,000.

  2. George Washington loved ice cream. He loved it so much that he even bought ice cream making equipment to the capital when he became president. Colonial ice cream was more liquid than modern ice cream, and was for the wealthy elite only.

  3. A half-naked statue of George Washington was commissioned by Congress, who relocated it when it was found funny and offensive. The demigod-like statue is portrayed in Dan Brown's novel The Lost Symbol to support the idea that the national capital is full of Freemason and occult symbols.

  4. The man who voices the arena announcer in Oblivion is the announcer of the Washington Capitals NHL Team

  5. When John Adams became Vice President Abigail spent part of her time at home on the farm and part of her time in the capital. She often helped Martha Washington, the First Lady, to entertain officials and dignitaries.

  6. On April 30th, 1789 George Washington was inaugurated as the President of the United States in New York City. New York City was the new country's first capital city.

  7. She preferred the more cosmopolitan nature of the new capital city of Washington to what was at the time backwater rural Massachusetts, although she intensely disliked the politics that had come to characterize the city at the time.

  8. Washington's capital city is Olympia and its largest city is Seattle.

  9. Pierre Charles LEnfant designed the layout of Washington DC, he was dismissed before finishing the project and Congress paid him very little ($3,800) for his major contribution to the creation of the Capital. He eventually died in Maryland in poverty.

  10. The state with the most cities larger than its capital is Washington, where the capital city Olympia is the 24th most populous in the state

washington capitals facts
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Why does washington have two birthdays?

You can easily fact check why does washington have 2 birthdays by examining the linked well-known sources.

There are three universities and the capital of the United States, Washington DC named after George Washington, as is Washington State.

The "Storm that saved Washington", a heavy thunderstorm that occurred less than a day after British troops set fire to several public buildings in the capital, the storm extinguished all the fires and drove the British troops away while badly damaging their ships. - source

The Navajo term for "capital city" is 'Wááshindoon bikin', which literally means "Washington's House". - source

Martin Luther King Jr. was a vocal critic of the Vietnam War, liberals, and capitalism, among other things. Before his assassination he began to organize a "Poor People's Campaign" which would march on Washington. He was targeted by the FBI, which sent him letters encouraging suicide.

The Cuban capital building "El Capitolio" has a size of 681 by 300 ft. Its design although it is often compared to that of the United States Capitol, it is not a replica of it. "It is similar to that in Washington D.C, but a meter higher, a meter wider, and a meter longer. - source

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Two world capitals are named for US presidents: Washington (DC), USA and Monrovia, Liberia

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During the construction of the White House, the city of Philadelphia built a much grander presidential mansion near Washington's Philadelphia residence in an effort to continue being the nation's capital, but Washington declined to occupy it

The town of Vancouver, Washington was established before Vancouver, B.C. and for a short time was the capital of Washington territory.

Nigeria created its modern capital city of Abuja in 1980, patterned after Paris and Washington DC when its former capital Lagos became too congested and polluted

Bridgetown (capital of Barbados) is the only city outside the present United States that George Washington visited.

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Capital punishment [ death penalty ] can still be done by hanging in the U.S. states of Washington and New Hampshire, if the inmate so requests it in the first and if lethal injection cannot be given in the latter.

Even though George Washington knew the U.S. capital was to be named after himself, he referred to it as "The Federal City"

Mia Khalifa ruptured a breast implant after getting hit by an errant puck during a 2018 Washington Capitals playoff game

The 1974-75 Washington Capitals had only 1 road victory that season. After winning their only road game, the team celebrated by getting a garbage can, signing their names on it and skated with it.

The Washington Capitals’ logo is spelled all lowercase

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Washington Capitals. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Washington Capitals so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor