April facts
While investigating facts about April, I found out little known, but curios details like:
BMW ran an advertisement on April Fools Day 2015 that read "April Fool's Day Special - Come with any old car and receive a brand new BMW". One woman turned up with her old Nissan and got a brand new BMW with the number plate "NOF00L"
Pornhub displayed a message that said it automatically shared the video you were watching on social media for April Fools
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 50 of the best facts about April I managed to collect.
One man won $6 million in one night from one casino. Don Johnson singlehandedly ruined the Tropicana's April 2011 revenue through blackjack; he'd already won $9 million at two other casinos. He is now banned from most Atlantic City casinos.
Easter and April Fool’s Day have not fallen on the same day since 1956, but it will happen again in 11 years.
In 2015, Queen Elizabeth II decided to not breed anymore corgis so that she would not leave any behind when she died. Her last corgi died in April 2018
2000-year-old graffiti was discovered in the ancient city of Pompeii, such as "On April 19th, I made bread." and "If anyone does not believe in Venus, they should gaze at my girlfriend."
Mark Twain was born on the day when Halley’s Comet flew by earth. He said “I came in with Halley’s Comet in 1835. It is coming again next year, and I expect to go out with it.” Halley’s Commet next appeared on April 21, 1910 which is the day Mark Twain died
For April Fools Day in 1998, Burger King took out a full-page ad in USA Today introducing a Whopper designed especially for lefties. The new burger would contain the same ingredients as the original, but rotated 180°. Thousands of customers swarmed BK restaurants requesting the "lefty" Whopper.
There was a man so dedicated to April Fools, he flew hundreds of tires into a dormant volcano in Alaska and set them on fire, fooling the locals and coast guard into thinking the volcano was active
Queen Elizabeth II stopped breeding Welsh Corgis so none would outlive her. Her last Corgi died in April of 2018.
On April 9th 2007, a theater filled with parents and their small children who were there to see 'The Last Mimzy' were accidentally shown 'The Hills Have Eyes 2', in which the beginning of the movie features a screaming, bruised, beaten, and bloodied woman delivering a deformed newborn
On this day, April 13th, a Friday in 2029, an asteroid more than 1,000ft wide will pass by Earth closer than the moon and will easily be observed with the naked eye.
April data charts
For your convenience take a look at April figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

What is true about april?
You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
Current Emperor of Japan, Akihito, plans to retire next April. This will be the first time in 200 years a living emperor of Japan has abdicated. With the ascension of his son, Naruhito, a new era of Japanese history will be proclaimed
In April 1998 two women walked onto The Golden Gate Bridge at the same time intending to commit suicide. They did not know each other, but soon realized they were there for the same reason. A patrol officer saw them sitting on the railing, chatting. One jumped, followed by the other. - source
Ulysses S. Grant provided the defeated and starving Confederate Army with food rations after their surrender in April, 1865. Because of this, for the rest of his life, Robert E. Lee "would not tolerate an unkind word about Grant in his presence." - source
The LSD equivalent of 420 is called 'Bicycle Day' and is celebrated on April 19th. It commemorates the first time LSD's discoverer, Albert Hofmann, purposely took the drug as an experiment and had to be taken home by his lab assistant on a bicycle.
American Singer-songwriter Bob Dylan has been touring non-stop since June of 1988 on what is now called the “Never Ending Tour”. He played his 3,000th show of the tour on April 19, 2019. - source
On April Fools Day 1997, Wheel of Fortune host Pat Sajak and Jeopardy host Alex Trebek swapped shows for the day
In 2001 a Hooter's restaurant held a sales contest offering the prize of a new Toyota (which was actually April Fools’ joke). When a waitress won, she was given a new toy “Yoda". She sued the restaurant alleging fraudulent misrepresentation and won enough money to buy a new car.
On April Fools' Day 1997, Alex Trebek and Pat Sajak traded places. Pat Sajak hosted Jeopardy! and Alex Trebek hosted Wheel of Fortune with Sajak's wife, Lesly, as Trebek's co-host. Sajak and Vanna White played contestants at the wheel, with winnings going toward charities.
On April Fools' Day 2006, Brian Shaffer, an Ohio State med student, was captured by CCTV entering a campus bar — but NOT coming out again. He's been missing for 10 years. Police wonder if he somehow escaped, others believe his body is still inside the bar.
Tom Moore Jr, a member of the Texas House of Representatives, introduced an April Fools resolution to illustrate how some of his colleagues didn't read things they voted on. The bill passed, officially commending The Boston Strangler for his work in population control.
Germans have a running gag where they pretend the town of Bielefeld does not exist. Even when Angela Merkel talked about a meeting she had in Bielefeld, she added: "…if it exists at all." Bielefeld has even released a statement insisting their existence, but unknowingly published it on April 1.
April infographics
Beautiful visual representation of April numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

5 of 6 major reservoirs that supply water to Cape Town are drying up. The city will run out of water in April