Dc Comics facts
While investigating facts about Dc Comics Movies and Dc Comics Characters, I found out little known, but curios details like:
DC Comics' original candidate for its first headlining black superhero was the Black Bomber, a white racist who would turn into a black superhero under stress. Comics historian Don Markstein called it "an insult to practically everybody with any point of view at all."
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DC Comics sued the soccer club of Valencia CF for using a "bat logo" vaguely similar to the Batman one, despite Valencia using it since 1919, 20 years prior the creation of Batman
What dc comics to read?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what dc comics to start with. Here are 50 of the best facts about Dc Comics Heroes and Dc Comics Meaning I managed to collect.
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Timothy Hunter, a DC Comics character created by Neil Gaiman seven years before Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. He wears glasses, lost his mother when he was young, discovered he was destined to be a powerful wizard, and has a pet owl.
The original candidate for DC Comics' first headlining black superhero was Black Bomber, a white racist who turned into a black superhero under stress. He was described by historian Don Markstein as "an insult to practically everybody with any point of view at all."
Clark Kent (Superman in DC Comics) is also a character in the Marvel universe, where he's actually just a mild-mannered reporter and nothing more.
Jim Shooter, a Comic Book writer who started writing comics at the age of 13 and sent them in to DC comics. The head of DC liked them so much that he immediately commissioned Shooter to write Superman stories. Shooter got a regular position at 14, working to support his struggling parents.
When Barry Allen "died" in the DC Comics, Marvel introduced an amnesiac speedster with blonde hair and red suit who can't remember his name but knows it sounds like "Buried Alien". He was named the "fastest man alive" in his first appearance.
After batman and robin rescued it from a slaughterhouse, DC comics included a bat-cow
The rights to the original Captain Marvel have been owned by DC Comics since 1972. However, trademark conflicts with Marvel have resulted in DC marketing the hero under the name, "Shazam!"
Jesus exists in the DC comics universe. His list of abilities is just: carpentry.
Neil deGrasse Tyson assisted DC Comics in selecting a real-life star that would be an appropriate parent star to Superman's home planet Krypton. A red dwarf star in the constellation Corvus was chosen. Corvus is also Latin for "Crow" which is the mascot of Superman's high school.
There is a DC comics supervillain that gets his strength from doing cocaine.
Dc Comics data charts
For your convenience take a look at Dc Comics figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why dc comics are dark?
You can easily fact check why was dc comics created by examining the linked well-known sources.
When Alan Moore was preparing to write 'The Killing Joke', he asked DC Comics editor Len Wein if they had any problem with crippling Barbara Gordon (Batgirl). Wein replied, 'Yeah, okay, cripple the bitch.' "It was probably one of the areas where they should've reined me in, but they didn't."
DC comics has a supervillain named Captain Nazi, whose powers include super strength, speed, stamina, and the ability to fly by breathing a "special flying gas". - source
In 1984, Warner Bros. almost closed down the DC Comics publishing imprint and licensed the characters to Marvel. Marvel apparently declined, thinking that the reason DC was failing was the characters, not the management and did not consider the characters profitable. - source
Dc comics created a super villain named "snowflame" who needs cocaine to function
Comic book distribution is monopolized by one company, Diamond. Marvel, DC, Image, etc. have all had exclusive contracts with them since the 90's or before. After a federal investigation, Diamond were cleared of violating anti-trust laws since they don't monopolize all forms of literature. - source
When dc comics started?
Batwoman first appeared in the DC Comics universe as a romantic interest for Batman to dispel suggestions of his homosexuality.
How dc comics started?
The term "superhero" is trademarked, and jointly owned by both Marvel and DC Comics. It is extremely rare for trademarks to be jointly owned, and may violate the legal definition of a trademark as being "a single source of a product or service"
The "Mad Hatter" character in "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" is never actually called "Mad Hatter" in the book, but just "Hatter". Instead, "Mad Hatter" is a supervillain in DC Comics with a very similar appearance.
"DC Comics" stands for "Detective Comics Comics"
The DC from DC Comics stands for Detective Comics, so their company name is redundant.