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Smokey Bear facts

While investigating facts about Smokey Beards and Smokey Bear Yeg, I found out little known, but curios details like:

The Smokey Bear Effect is a bad thing, decades of preventing small fires leads to the accumulation of undergrowth, that fuels massive superfires today

how old is smokey the bear?

A group of firefighters buried themselves to survive a dangerous wildfire, then adopted a black bear cub who also survived and making him the real "Smokey the Bear."

What happened to smokey the bear?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what kind of bear is smokey. Here are 34 of the best facts about Smokey Bear Edmonton and Smokey Bear Merchandise I managed to collect.

what does smokey the bear say?

  1. Due to decades of fire prevention leading to an increase in fuel for forest fires, Smokey Bear has actually helped make forest fires more dangerous than otherwise

  2. The Smokey Bear Effect, and how the stringent prevention of wildfires by the U.S. Forest Service has led to "megafires" which are much more destructive and even fatal.

  3. The famous "Uncle Sam Wants You" and Smokey Bear's "Only You Can Prevent Forest Fires" posters are both imitations of a British army recruitment poster from 1914.

  4. The only Americans with their own personal zip code are the President and Smokey Bear.

  5. The Smokey Bear Statute of 1952 is a real federal statute, complete with rules like no wisecracking in the Smokey Bear costume.

  6. The Smokey Bear effect which was an indirect result of the Smokey Bear campaign. The Smokey Bear campaign has been so successful at preventing forest fires that it has allowed trees and debris to pile up on the forest floor, indirectly resulting in forest fires that burn larger and hotter.

  7. The introduction of the Smokey the Bear fire-suppression mentality has led to larger, more dangerous forest fires, and regular moderate forest fires are healthy for many species of trees.

  8. Before the creation of Smokey Bear, the U.S. Forest Service's mascot was Bambi. Disney loaned the character to them for just one year, and they then decided on a bear afterwards. He was named after "Smokey" Joe Martin, a New York firefighter who suffered burns and blindness during a 1922 rescue.

  9. Smokey Bear was a real bear who was rescued from a forest fire in 1950, and later became a living mascot for wildfire prevention.

  10. It's a federal offense to claim to be Smokey the Bear in the US (without permission)

smokey bear facts
What is smokey the bear?

Why smokey the bear is bad?

You can easily fact check why was smokey the bear created by examining the linked well-known sources.

Sam Elliott is the regular voice of Smokey Bear. He's had only one line of dialog in the past 12 years: "Only you can prevent wildfires."

Smokey Bear received so much fan mail that in 1964, he got his own zip code of 20252 - source

About Twiggy the Water-Skiing squirrel. Twiggy stands on a pair of styrofoam skis and zoomed around a little pool behind a toy boat. The aim was to be the water safety equivalent of Smokey Bear. - source

In America, only the president and Smokey Bear have their own zip codes

Sam Elliott shares a birthday with and voices Smokey Bear - source

When did smokey the bear die?

Smokey Bear was created in 1944 in response to the WWII Japanese submarine attacks on Santa Barbara, CA (1942) near Los Padres National Forest. This attack caused a growing fear of incendiary shells causing massive wildfires and disastrous loss of life.

How to draw smokey the bear?

Smokey the Bear's name was originally "Hotfoot Teddy". Smokey Bear's name and image are protected by U.S. federal law, the Smokey Bear Act of 1952.

A century of fire suppression has led to the trend of massive fires in the US known as the smokey bear effect.

Following a forest fire in Lincoln National Forest in 1950, a little bear was found trapped in a tree. This bear cub became Smokey the Bear.

Bambi was responsible for the creation of Smokey the Bear

The "Smokey the Bear" hat was actually started by the Buffalo Soldiers of the 9th Cavalry regiment assigned to park ranger detail.

When was smokey the bear created?

Smokey the Bear and The President both have their own zip codes.

August 9th is considered Smokey they Bear's anniversary date.

His name is "Smokey Bear," not "Smokey the Bear."

The actual Smokey the Bear had his own zipcode, because of the amount of mail he received at the National Zoo

Smokey the Bear has his own zip code, 20252

How did smokey the bear die?

Special zip codes for smokey the bear, and presidents.

We see so many damn Smokey the Bear ads because Ad Council ads go into unsold airtime slots

Bambi lead to the creation of Smokey Bear

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Smokey Bear. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Smokey Bear so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor