North America facts
While investigating facts about North America Map and North American Rescue, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Honey bees aren't native to North America. When they arrived from Europe they spread out faster than the colonists, and Native Americans considered the appearance of the "white man's fly" to indicate the approach of European settlers
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A North Korean defector who escaped to China, returned to see his family, then escaped again to Thailand, went to Argentina, then trekked through South and Central America to sneak into the US through Mexico. He is now a US citizen.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what north america time zones. Here are 50 of the best facts about North American Arms and North American Savings Bank I managed to collect.
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D&D is a very popular game in prisons throughout North America and since dice are not allowed inmates use decks of 20 playing cards to roll
Native Americans created a universal sign language that allowed 2/3 of all Indigenous tribes to communicate across most of North America, hundreds of years before Europeans invented a sign language of their own.
There are more trees in North America than there were 100 years ago.
A European fungus, accidentally spread to North America in 2006, has caused Bat populations across the US and Canada to plummet by over 90%. Formerly very common bat species now face extinction, having already almost entirely disappeared over the Northeastern US and Eastern Canada
There is a pharmaceutical treatment for alcoholism that is 75-85% effective. It's a standard treatment for alcoholism in Finland, but is relatively unknown in North America.
One of the reasons Thomas Jefferson sent Lewis and Clark to map the American West was to find mastodons—a large, extinct, elephant-like mammal. Jefferson was interested in the fossils being discovered across North America and believed there were still mastodons roaming the unexplored West.
Camels originated in North America some 45 million years ago, and roamed as far north as the Arctic. 3-5 million years ago, they crossed the Bering land bridge to Eurasia and eventually migrated south. They also ambled down to South America, where they evolved into llamas and alpacas.
In 2004 North Korea demanded that the Czech Republic ban "Team America: World Police" from theaters. The Czech Foreign Minister relied "Obviously, it's absurd to demand that in a democratic country.''
There is enough water in Lake Superior to flood the entire landmasses of North and South America to a depth of 1 foot. It contains over 3 quadrillion gallons of fresh water.
Haunted house attractions didn't really go mainstream in North America until the Great Depression, when parents began organizing haunted houses or trails to keep young men from causing trouble on All Hallow's Eve.
North America data charts
For your convenience take a look at North America figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check why is mexico part of north america by examining the linked well-known sources.
Russia and the United States are only 2 miles apart, and during the winter, you can walk between the two nations. There have been proposals to built highways and high-speed rail connecting Asia and North America the Bering Strait.
A team from Norway and other Scandinavian countries made a viking ship from scratch using viking technology and sailed to North America to prove that the Vikings could do it, and they did!
Vancouver, Canada has the least affordable housing in North America, more expensive than Manhattan and San Francisco - source
When north america was discovered?
Greenland has a university, with 14 staff and 150 students. It is so small because the Government pays for students to have a free university education anywhere in Europe or North America.
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Tomatoes weren't commonly used in Italian cuisine until the 18th century. Tomatoes originated in North America and didn't arrive in Europe until after the discovery of the New World.
Millions of bats in North America are dying from a disease called White Nose Syndrome. Scientists don't know how to treat the illness. In 2008 an estimated 2.4 million pounds of insects went uneaten due to the diminished bat population, causing major strain on agriculture in New England.
All arcade games imported into North America from 1989 to 2000 had the following FBI slogan included into their attract mode: "Winners Don't Use Drugs".
The world’s richest regions, such as North America and Europe, are not only increasing their forest area but also have more forests than they did prior to industrialization.
If the Solar System fit in your hand the Milky Way galaxy would be size of North America
North america infographics
Beautiful visual representation of North America numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

For the people in North America - Visualization of land burnt in Australia and area of smoke coverage