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Navy Destroyer facts

While investigating facts about Navy Destroyer Golf Course and Navy Destroyer Course, I found out little known, but curios details like:

After France surrended in June 1940, the Royal Navy sailed down to Algeria to seize the bulk of the French navy. When the French refused to surrender control of the ships, the Royal Navy open fired, destroying the fleet and killing 1300 French sailors

how many destroyers does the us navy have?

An identity thief stole the identity of a surgeon and while aboard a Navy destroyer was tasked with performing several life saving surgeries. He proceeded to memorize a medical textbook just before hand and successfully performed the surgery with all patients surviving.

What is a navy destroyer?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what does a navy destroyer do. Here are 50 of the best facts about Navy Destroyer Ship and Navy Destroyer Names I managed to collect.

construction of the first navy destroyer began in what year?

  1. The Navy's stealth destroyer, the USS Zumwalt, can't fire its guns because the ammo is too expensive

  2. An identity thief stole the identity of a surgeon and while aboard a Navy destroyer was tasked with performing several life saving surgeries. He proceeded to memorize a medical textbook just before hand and all the patients survived.

  3. An identity thief stole the identity of a surgeon and while aboard a Navy destroyer was tasked with performing several life saving surgeries. He proceeded to memorize a medical textbook just before hand and all the patients survived.

  4. 500 years ago, China destroyed its world-dominating navy because its political elite was afraid of free trade. Some vessels were 6x larger than Columbus' Santa Maria.

  5. There is a "letter of last resort" on every trident nuclear submarine in the Royal Navy. They are hand written by the PM and destroyed unread every time a new PM is elected. They contain orders for an event where Britain is destroyed, but nobody will know what they are until that time comes

  6. The newest and most advanced destroyer for the US navy is commanded by Capt. James Kirk

  7. During WW2, a German air raid in Bari, Italy hit the US Navy's SS John Harvey and 1000 people were exposed to the secret cargo of 2,000 mustard gas bombs. Doctors observed that the mustard gas destroyed the white blood cells of the victims. This discovery led to the development of chemotherapy.

  8. HMS Jervis, a destroyer which served in the Royal Navy during WW2, did not lose a single crew member to enemy action despite having participated in 13 major actions and serving throughout the war.

  9. The United States Navy spent $14 million training dolphins for military purposes. Due to the secrecy of such practice, rumors of military dolphins include seeking and destroying submarines using kamikaze methods.

  10. Tameichi Hara was the only Imperial Japanese Navy destroyer captain from the beginning of WW2 who survived to the end.

navy destroyer facts
What is a destroyer navy ship?

What is true about navy destroyer?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

Andreev Bay, where the Soviet Navy "stored" used nuclear fuel from their submarines in incredibly unsafe conditions. The amount of radiation generated is equal to Chernobyl's destroyed #4 reactor

In 1989 Pepsi received a cruiser, frigate, destroyer, and 17 submarines as payment from the Soviet Union for their soft drinks; briefly having the 7th largest navy on the planet. - source

They navy's largest, stealthiest and most advanced destroyer is commanded by Capt. James Kirk. - source

Sir Francis Drake was again sent out by Queen Elizabeth to destroy any Spanish ships and to aid the Lisbon rebels against the Spanish. More than 20 ships were lost, along with more than 12,000 members of the English Navy.

The Allied fleet at the Battle of Okinawa was the largest in history. The U.S. Navy combat ships included 132 destroyers, eighteen battleships, seventeen carries, and fourteen cruisers. They were joined by twenty-eight British ships, which included fourteen destroyers and five fleet carriers.

When was the first us navy destroyer construction?

The British Navy was supported by its state of the art "dreadnought" destroyers. "Dreadnought" was the term used for the first of the modern battleships built in the early twentieth century, which came from the first in its class, HMS Dreadnought.

How many destroyers are in the us navy?

The US Navy's newest guided missile destroyer is commanded by Captain James Kirk.

Ferdinand Demara, an identity theif aka "The great imposter" once pretended to be a surgeon while aboard a navy destroyer was tasked with performing several life and death surgeries. He memoried a medical book just just before doing the surgeries, and all the patients survived.

In 1947, the Royal Navy detonated 6,700 tonnes of explosives on the German North Sea island of Heligoland in an attempt to destroy it, creating on of the largest artificial, non-nuclear explosions in history.

On the second day of the Battle of Midway, a destroyer of the Imperial Japanese Navy named the Tanikaze dodged a total of 90 bombs from American planes, making one of the most incredible naval escapes of the Pacific theatre during the Second World War. (Source in comments)

Last year, a Navy exercise launched the first ever object into space from the UK. It was promptly shot down by a US Destroyer.

Construction of the first us navy destroyer began when?

The Navy's 3 Zumwalt Destroyers each have 2 Advanced Gun Systems which cannot be used because they can only use one type of round - which was cancelled.

The attack on Pearl Harbor resulted in 92 U.S. Navy aircraft being destroyed and 31 damaged. 77 U.S. Army Air Corps aircraft were destroyed and 128 damaged.

[TIL]Chesty Puller once saved a group of Marines trapped behind enemy lines by flagging down a nearby Navy destroyer and directing the actions that would save nearly all of their lives

A US Navy submarine hit a sea mountain while doing ~40 MPH, completely destroying the bow (front). Only one life was lost, and it is still in active service.

When the British sacked Washington DC in 1814, Royal Navy Admiral George Cockburn ordered all the "C" type destroyed at a DC newspaper "so that the rascals can have no further means of abusing my name."

How fast can a navy destroyer go?

A 16-year old Irish girl stowed aboard a US Navy destroyer in 1988. She came aboard while the USS Conyngham visited Cork and, with the help of five sailors, hid until the stowaway was discovered when the ship returned to Norfolk, Virginia.

A sunk Imperial Japanese Navy destroyer was salvaged in 1954 and was recommissioned into the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force as a radar ship. It was the biggest ship in the JMSDF for much of its early days, and was the only ship in the JMSDF to have served in combat under the imperial navy.

In the Great Marianas Turkey Shoot, the US Navy destroyed 90% of the Japanese Navy's Air Arm without losing a single warship.

In 1940 the British Royal Navy was sent by Winston Churchill to destroy the French Navy and in the process killed 1297 French sailors

The U.S. Navy named a Gleaves class destroyer after Thomas Edison in 1940. They named it the USS Edison.

An American destroyer was captured by the Japanese Navy during WWII and survived to be recommissioned by the US after the end of the war.

The U.S. Navy has a destroyer named after British Prime Minister Winston S. Churchill.

During the Panama crisis of 1885, the U.S. was forced to withdraw from the country after the modern Chilean protected cruiser "Esmeralda" arrived there. Publications speculated that it could "destroy [the entire US navy], ship by ship, and never be touched once".

In 1923 seven US Navy destroyers were run aground due to a navigation error caused by favoring dead reckoning over newer radio navigation aids, which showed the squadron was off course but were ignored by the captain and navigator. This error costed the US navy more warships than during WWI.

In 1940 an agreement between the US & UK provided 50 WWI-era navy destroyers in return for a 99-year rent-free lease on British possessions in the Caribbean, Bermuda, & Newfoundland. The UK transferred eight of the ships to the Soviet navy in 1944. By 1952, all 50 ships had been scrapped

Ferdinand Waldo Demara impersonated a military surgeon with a stolen identity aboard a Canadian Navy Destroyer during the Korean War and performed numerous life-saving operations after speed-reading a surgical text book.

The Honda Point disaster, when 7 new US Navy destroyers ran aground in 1923 due to poor navigation. 5 of the destroyers were lost and 23 sailors died.

In 1942, Ernest Hemingway used his 38’ wooden boat, the Pilar to go on seek and destroy missions for German U-Boats. Enlisted by the US Navy, he armed the boat with hand grenades, machine guns and a specially made bomb in attempt to defend the Atlantic seaboard from the enemy.

The Honda Point disaster, the largest peacetime loss of U.S. Navy ships. On of Sep 8, 1923, 7 destroyers, at a speed of 20 knots, ran aground at Honda Point, on the coast of Santa Barbara County, CA. 23 sailors died in the disaster.

A rumor that President Franklin D. Roosevelt had left his dog in the Aleutian islands in 1944, and that he supposedly sent a navy destroyer to retrieve it.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Navy Destroyer. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Navy Destroyer so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor