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Upstate York facts

While investigating facts about Upstate New York and Upstate New York Map, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Spiritualists, Mormons, Shakers, Jehovah's Witnesses, and Adventists all originated from relatively the same place (upstate New York) and the same time (early 1800s).

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There's a PBS TV station in Upstate New York who has more Canadian viewership than American, and therefore signed off every night with the Canadian national anthem and then the U.S. national anthem.

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is minimum wage in upstate new york. Here are 27 of the best facts about Simpsons Upstate New York and Upstate New York Towns I managed to collect.

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  1. Tommy James and the Shondells declined an invitation to perform at the Woodstock festival, because James' secretary put it to him as "Yeah, listen, there's this pig farmer in upstate New York that wants you to play in his field."

  2. There is something called the North Country Trail, which starts in upstate New York and ends in North Dakota and is 4,600 miles long

  3. Philadelphia cream cheese is named for a village in upstate New York, not the famous Pennsylvania city.

  4. The longest tunnel in the world is the aqueduct that takes water from upstate New York to Manhattan. It is 13.5 feet wide and 85 miles long.

  5. The man who distributed the very first ransomware virus in 1989 was discovered, but never convicted, and now owns a butterfly conservatory in Upstate New York

  6. In October 1847 she was accepted at the small Geneva Medical College in upstate New York.

  7. 1816 is known as the Year Without a Summer. Average global temperatures decreased by 0.4 - 0.7 degrees Celsius, leading to massive crop failures and food shortages. Frost occurred throughout the summer months, and Maine and upstate New York experienced snowfall in June.

  8. The Oneida Limited company (of silverware fame) is what remains of a utopian community from Upstate New York where communism, free love, and eugenics were practiced.

  9. In Rochester, NY, six webcams have been watching a family of Peregrine Falcons living on the Times Square building and another on the Kodak Office Tower as part of a decades-long reintroduction of the nearly wiped-out species to upstate New York.

upstate york facts
What does upstate new york mean?

Why is it called upstate new york?

You can easily fact check why is upstate new york so poor by examining the linked well-known sources.

John Bonica, the founding father of the discipline of pain medicine, was a decorated professional wrestler who once defeated the entire 36 member wrestling team of an upstate New York college in one day. In 2004 he was awarded the Professional Wrestling Hall of Fame New York State Award.

A mob boss named Dutch Shultz buried what is today $50,000,000 in treasure somewhere in the Catskills Mountains in upstate New York. Nobody has ever found it. - source

In 1995 over 400 suitcases belonging to former psychiatric patients in upstate new york were found in the attic of willard asylum. And their contents were photographed - source

The tuxedo jacket is named after the exclusive Tuxedo Club in upstate New York. “Tuxedo” being an anglicization of an Algonquin word meaning “place of the bear”

Lynette "Squeaky" Fromme, the woman who almost assassinated U.S. President Gerald Ford in 1975 (and subsequently recieved a life sentence), was released on parole in 2009 and apparently lives in upstate New York. - source

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Doubleday was born in Ballston Spa, New York on June 26, 1819. He spent his childhood in upstate New York.

How far is upstate new york from me?

The five largest cities in upstate New York compete for the Golden Snowball Award, which is given to the city with the most snowfall that winter. Syracuse has won 13 of the last 15 years, with Buffalo and Rochester each winning once in that span.

Alec Baldwin recorded commercials for the Upstate New York grocery store chain Wegmans because his mother was obsessed with it

The Niagara Escarpment, which forms Niagara Falls, is a 1,000-mile-long cliff the stretches from Wisconsin, through Canada, and into Upstate New York

Paul Rudd and Jeffrey Dean Morgan Co-own a Candy Store in Upstate New York (Samuel's Sweet Shop)

Both tree-shaped air fresheners and the safety pin originate from the same small upstate New York town

When does upstate new york open?

15 towns in Upstate New York are actively pursuing secession to Pennsylvania, partly due to NYS's ban on fracking. [Article] [xpost-r/wtf]

Hasidic Jewish Women are not allowed to drive in an upstate New York town

In 2013, two men from upstate New York were arrested after building a "death ray" x-ray device and plotting to use it against Muslims, and other perceived enemies of the United States and Israel, including Obama.

A town in Upstate New York decided to secede from the Union and join the Confederacy during the Civil War. They voted to rejoin... in 1946.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Upstate York. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Upstate York so important!

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