Tom Hanks facts
While investigating facts about Tom Hanks Movies and Tom Hanks Son, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Tom Hanks was paid a low $800 for the movie "He Knows You're Alone", $50,000 for "Toy Story" and a high of $70 million for "Forrest Gump".
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Tom Hanks has been gifting the White House press corps with new coffee machines since 2004 after visiting and finding an old decrepit Mr. Coffee machine serving really bad coffee. Latest was a $1700 espresso machine in 2017.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what's tom hanks real name. Here are 50 of the best facts about Tom Hanks Net Worth and Tom Hanks Mr Rogers I managed to collect.
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Tom Hanks produced Mamma Mia with his wife, Rita Wilson. Hanks even auditioned to be one of the three main men but was denied because his singing voice wasn't quite up to snuff
Tom Hanks is a big fan of community colleges. Since he had poor grades in high school and lousy SAT scores Hanks ended up at Chabot, a nearby community college, because it accepted everyone and was free.
Steve Martin's wedding came as a surprise to his guests. The roughly 75 star-studded attendees (including the likes of Tom Hanks, Diane Keaton, Eugene Levy, and Carl Reiner) said that he had invited them to his house just for a "party." To their shock, upon their arrival his wedding began.
When Dungeons & Dragons was released, various groups believed it was a front for murderous Satanists. This lead to Tom Hanks’ first starring role in the TV propaganda movie Mazes and Monsters, in which he becomes his D&D character and stabs a hobo in Manhattan because he thought it was a goblin.
Tom Hanks' younger brother Jim sounds so similar to Tom that he often does substitute voice-over work for computer games when Tom doesn't have the time.
Tom Hanks' daughter, Elizabeth Hanks appeared in the film Forrest Gump. She was the little girl on the school bus that refused to let Forrest sit next to her.
Tom Hanks was asked how he wanted Michael Conner Humphreys (Young Forrest) to speak so that there was continuity from young Forrest to grown up Forrest. Instead, Tom decided to imitate Humphreys' thick Mississippi accent, and thus the iconic Gump accent was born.
Tom Hanks turned down the role of Andy Dufresne in The Shawshank Redemption because he chose to star in Forrest Gump instead
Tom Hanks is an avid support of NASA's manned space programs and originally wanted to be an astronaut, but "didn't have the math". He was awarded the Douglas S. Morrow Public Outreach Award in 2006 for his contributions to raising public awareness of space programs.
In the novel, Forrest Gump goes to space on a NASA mission. It crash lands on an island where he's stuck for years. These scenes weren't in the movie, but Tom Hanks did go on to star in Apollo 13 and Castaway.
Tom Hanks data charts
For your convenience take a look at Tom Hanks figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
Both Tom Hanks & George Clooney are related to Abraham Lincoln
Tom Hanks in Castaway allowed himself to gain weight to fit the role of a middle-aged man. Production was then halted for a year so he could lose 50 pounds and grow out his hair for his time spent on the island. During the hiatus, Robert Zemeckis used the same crew for What Lies Beneath. - source
Tom Hanks has a younger brother named Jim Hanks who works as Tom's voice double on all Toy Story video games and spin-offs - source
Tom Hanks intentionally gained 50 pounds to film the first half of Cast Away. He then took a year off to lose the weight and grow out his hair prior to filming the second half. During the break, the director and most of the crew went off to film What Lies Beneath.
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Tom Hanks refused to get paid for his roles in Forrest Gump and Saving Private Ryan, preferring to take percentages of the movies’ worldwide total gross instead. He got almost $60 million from Forrest Gump, and between $30 million and $40 million from Saving Private Ryan.
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Michael Connor Humphreys, who played Forest Gump as teenager, was initially supposed to learn how to talk like Tom Hanks. Hearing this, Hanks sat down with Humphreys and decided that he would talk in Humphreys Mississippi accent instead. He still has tapes of him and Humphreys practicing.
In the movie Cast Away, when asked what was in the FedEx package Chuck Noland (Tom Hanks) left unopened, director Robert Zemeckis replied that it was a waterproof, solar-powered satellite phone.
Steve Martin, Martin Short, and Tom Hanks have yearly colonoscopys together, and have a sleepover the night before.
The accent used by Tom Hanks in 'Forrest Gump' was actually the real-life accent of the boy that played young Forrest.
Although "Madison" was the second most popular girl's name in 2001, it was virtually unheard of before the 1984 movie Splash, where a mermaid adopts it as her human name after seeing a street sign for Madison Avenue. To this Tom Hanks's character initially protests: "But Madison isn't a name!"