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Threw Grenade facts

While investigating facts about Throw Grenades and Man Who Threw Grenade, I found out little known, but curios details like:

A British Royal Marine threw himself onto a grenade to save the lives of his comrades. His body armour and backpack shielded him from the blast. He was left with just a nosebleed and headache.

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3 years after illegally joining the Marines at the age of 14, Jack Lucas snuck onto a ship bound for Iwo Jima, stormed the beach without a rifle, and threw himself on top of two grenades to protect his team. He survived, and is the youngest person to earn the Medal of Honor at 17.

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 32 of the best facts about The Soldier Who Threw Himself Onto A Grenade and Soldier Who Threw Himself On A Grenade I managed to collect.

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  1. In 2006 a soldier named Ross A. McGinnis was manning the gunner’s hatch of his unit’s Humvee when an insurgent threw a grenade inside. Instead of leaping to safety, McGinnis shouted a warning, jumped inside and threw himself on the grenade. He was killed instantly, saving his team. He was 19.

  2. 3 years after illegally joining the Marines at the age of 14, Jacklyn Lucas snuck onto a ship bound for Iwo Jima, stormed the beach without a rifle, and threw himself on top of two grenades to protect his team. He survived, and earned the Medal of Honor at the age of 17.

  3. A British Marine who flung himself back-first onto a grenade to save his comrades. Though the explosion threw him in the air, his rucksack absorbed the blast and he walked away with a nosebleed and a headache

  4. In 2011 a Gurkha single-handedly held off 12 Taliban as they attacked his base. Alone on the roof, he fought ‘an onslaught of rocket-propelled grenades and AK-47s’. He fired over 400 rounds, launched 17 grenades and detonated a mine. After his gun failed, he threw his tripod to fend a man off.

  5. One of the assassins who attempted to assassinate Archduke Franz Ferdinand threw a grenade but missed the Archduke's car. He swallowed cyanide and jumped in the River Miljacka, the cyanide was old and did not work, and the river was only 10cm deep. He was captured seconds later.

  6. During the battle of Wizna, 800 polish soldiers held off 42,000 nazi soldiers for 3 days. Once the poles ran out of bullets, their commander threw himself on a grenade instead of surrendering. The battle is referred to as the Polish Thermopylae.

  7. Pres. Bush was almost assassinated in 2005 after Vladimir Arutyunian threw a live RGD-5 hand grenade wrapped in a handkerchief at him. Miraculously it failed to detonate because the handkerchief remained around the grenade preventing the striker lever from releasing

  8. A British marine who threw himself on an enemy grenade in Afghanistan, walked away with a nosebleed and got himself the George Cross

  9. On April 5, 1943 the Destroyer USS O'Bannon encountered a Japanese submarine. Too close to fire their guns, the crew threw potatoes at the Japanses sailors, who thought they were grenades, distracting them long enough to get distance from the sub, fire their guns, and eventually sink it.

  10. In 1944, 22-year-old Corporal Anthony Damato threw himself on an enemy hand grenade, saving the lives of his two Marines at the cost of his own life. President Roosevelt later awarded him the Medal of Honor calling it a "fearless and valiant sacrifice reflecting great upon himself and the US".

threw grenade facts
What are the best facts about Threw Grenade?

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Most of the posthumous Vietnam War Medal of Honor decorations were awarded to those soldiers who threw their bodies on live grenades to absorb the detonation

In WWII, the USS O'Bannon found itself next to a surfaced Japanese sub. As the Japanese tried to man their deck guns, the O'Bannon's deckhands threw POTATOES at them. The Japanese thought they were grenades, buying the O'Bannon enough time to steer away and sink the sub with depth charges. - source

Daniel Inouye , Former Senator, and Medal of Honor recipient. When told of the severity of his wounds, refused treatment, rallied his men for an attack, and was struck in his right elbow, nearly severing his arm and leaving a grenade stuck in his hand,using his other hand he threw it back. - source

A British Marine who flung himself back-first onto a grenade to save his comrades. Though the explosion threw him in the air, his rucksack absorbed the blast and he walked away with a nosebleed and a headache

One Canadian national, Omar Khadr, was 15 when he was taken to Guantanamo Bay. He was convicted because he threw a grenade that killed an American soldier. His father had taken him to Afghanistan to fight as a child soldier. Omar spent 10 years at Guantanamo Bay and plead guilty to murder after much torture. His sentence was eight years, not including the time he had already served. He was returned to Canada in 2012 and released in 2015.

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When Zabdiel Boylston, a Boston physician, inoculated 248 people against smallpox, religious fanatics threw a grenade into his house

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Marines threw themselves on grenades for 5 out of 5 of the posthumous Medal of Honors awarded at the Battle of Pelelui

Robert H McCard threw grenades and dismantled a tank's machine gun when he ran out of grenades, making time for the rest of his crew to evacuate the area. This let his men escape, while at the cost of his life. McMard was given a Medal of Honor posthumously.

During the battle of Iwo Jima, a 23 years old Navy medic was tending to a wounded Marine when a grenade landed next to him. He threw it and seven more grenades back at the enemy. The ninth grenade exploded in his hand, killing him.

One of Gaddafi's guards threw a grenade at advancing rebels on the road above but it hit a cement wall above the pipes and fell in front of Gaddafi. The guard tried to pick it up, but it exploded, killing him and Younis.

Interesting facts about threw grenade

A Danish officer in ww2, during an operation killed 6 people, captured 4 machine guns n 2 people. Took out another position, rallied his troops, flung in more grenades and went forward, he was wounded, but still as he fell he threw in another grenade, wounding the enemies.

Jacklyn Lucas, a US Marine private who enlisted at 14 and won the Medal of Honor at 17. During a patrol in Iwo Jima, he was ambushed and had two grenades thrown at him. He grabbed them, buried them in the sand and threw himself over it. He survived, despite having 200 shards of metal in him.

In 1957, Moshe Dwek, a Jewish Israeli, threw a grenade into the Israeli parliament building, which wounded the then prime minster and several members of his cabinet. In 1987, Dwek started his own party and ran for a seat in the Parliament.

Cpl. William Kyle Carpenter, an automatic rifleman who threw himself in front of a fellow Marine to shield him from a grenade explosion in Afghanistan. He miraculously survived and became the youngest recipient of the Medal of Honor in 2014.

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In 2005, George W. Bush was nearly assassinated when a man threw a live grenade at him. The grenade did not explode because the handkerchief that it was concealed in prevented the striker lever from releasing.

In 2005 while visiting the country of Georgia, a man threw a grenade which failed to detonate at President G.W. Bush.

A SWAT team broke into a house and threw a flashbang grenade into a 2-Year old's crib while searching for a small amount of drugs

President Bush was nearly assassinated by Vladmir Arutyunian, but the grenade Vladmir threw at the president did not explode.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Threw Grenade. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Threw Grenade so important!

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