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Testified Congress facts

While investigating facts about Testify Congressional Hearing and Cohen Testifies Congress, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Elmo from Sesame Street is the only puppet or non-human to testify before Congress in 2002, advocating for increased funding for music programs.

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Silas Soule, an abolitionist who, among other accomplishments, was present at the Sandy Creek Massacre where he refused to order his men to fire. He testified at Congress against his commanding officer and was murdered soon after, likely as a result of his testimony.

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 36 of the best facts about Elmo Testified Congress and Who Testified Before Congress Today I managed to collect.

what non human testified before congress?

  1. When congress asked physicist R.R. Wilson to justify the US government spending millions of dollars on a new particle accelerator (Fermilab), Wilson testified that the knowledge gained from it would have "nothing to do directly with defending our country except to help make it worth defending."

  2. In 1990, a 15 year old girl testified before Congress, describing how Iraqi soldiers killed babies in a Kuwaiti hospital. This helped stir US favor for the Gulf War. The girl was later found to be the daughter of a Kuwaiti ambassador, and her story fabricated by American PR firm Hill & Knowlton

  3. In 1994 the CEOs of the seven biggest tobacco firms testified before Congress that "nicotine was not addictive" despite overwhelming scientific evidence.

  4. Elmo is the only nonhuman to testify before the US Congress

  5. Seth Rogen testified before Congress to call for financing care for sufferers of Alzheimer's disease and that he has a charity for the same called "Hilarity for Charity"

  6. In the late 80's, as colorizing classic movies became a thing, George Lucas testified before Congress, calling anyone who tampers with original versions of films 'barbarians'

  7. On September 19, 1985, when Frank Zappa famously testified before Congress to protest the PMRC's attempt to legislate and censor heavy metal music lyrics, Zappa compared the proposed legislation to "treating dandruff by decapitation"

  8. John Denver's 1972 hit "Rocky Mountain High" was banned by many radio stations briefly, as the FCC was recently permitted to censor songs that promote drug use. He eventually testified in Congress, explaining that the song is about the mountain peaks and not drugs.

  9. Howard Hughes built a very large wooden sea plane which was nicknamed the Spruce Goose by the press. It was an H-4 Hercules that Hughes was contracted to build by the U.S. government. He later had to testify before Congress because of its expense. He flew it only once to prove it could fly.

  10. Silas Soule, an abolitionist who, among other accomplishments, was present at the Sandy Creek Massacre where he refused to order his men to fire. He testified at Congress against his commanding officer and was murdered soon after, likely as a result of his testimony.

testified congress facts
What are the best facts about Testified Congress?

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Ten men in Hollywood who had been subpoenaed to testify as to their possible (unfounded) involvement in Communism chose to cite the First Amendment's guarantee of the right to free assembly and free speech instead of answering the question "Are you now or have you ever been a member of the Communist Party of the United States?" Because they didn"t answer, they were all sentenced to jail time. Eight men were sentenced to six months and two received a year in jail for being in Contempt of Congress.

McNamara testified to Congress that the Maddox was not involved in South Vietnamese raids on North Vietnam, although that was later determined to not be true.

Lamb Chop, the sock puppet, has testified before Congress - source

In 2002 Elmo became the only non-human to have testifed before Congress. "Former Republican Rep. Duke Cunningham of California asked Elmo to testify before the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services and Education."

In 2002 Elmo from Sesame Street testified in front of Congress - source

What to do when testicular torsion?

Elmo is the only non-human to testify before Congress.

Stephen Colbert testified before Congress for migrant worker rights

Elmo testified before Congress in 2002, and is the only non-human to have done so.

In 1969, the government was going to stop funding for Mr. Roger's Neighborhood. After testifying before Congress for around 6 minutes, Mr. Rogers went from a budget of &6,000 to a budget of $20,000,000.

Actor Jack Klugman testified before congress leading to the Orphan Drug Act of 1982 after publicizing the issue in two episodes of his television show Quincy, one where his character confronts a senator for holding up the bill, as Senator Orin Hatch was actually doing at the time.

Seth Rogan testified before Congress to bring awareness to Alzheimers, and created Hilarity for Charity, a Netflix special that released in 2018 to dually raise awareness.

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in 2004, it was testified before Congress that the thimerosal (mercury} in vaccine hasn't been tested since 1929. In that test it was given to 27 people with meningitis who all later died.

Robin Williams testified before Congress in May 1990 regarding homelessness. He read a letter on behalf of Billy Crystal and then shared his own thoughts on the matter. Williams's own thoughts start at minute 7.

In 1990, Robin Williams testified to Congress in support of an act that would create a system of support services for the chronically homeless – people he called “America’s refugee nation”.

In 1969, the government was going to stop funding Mr. Roger’s public television show. After testifying around 6 minutes before Congress, Mr. Rogers went from a budget of $6,000 to a budget of $20,000,000

In the 1990's congress ordered a new review of JFK's killing. The X-Ray tech from 1963, Jerrol Custer, testified that the secret service in 63' had him tape bullet shards to JFK's skull b4 X-Ray. After this testimony in 1997 Mr. Custer was fired from his job & died at age 59. (ctrl +f 'tape')

There was a hacking group in the '90s that testified to the USA Congress that they could shut down the entire Internet in 30 minutes.

In 1999 NRA testified to Congress that they supported mandatory background checks for all firearms purchases.

A 19 year old MF Doom (Zev Love X) testified in front of congress to help pass the National Voter Registration Act

When the US Congress went to outlaw the non-medical use of anabolic steroids in 1990, its actions were opposed by the American Medical Association, the FDA and the DEA, who all testified that they were not addictive and did not meet the criteria for being classified as a controlled substance.

Jack Valenti - President of the MPAA, creator of Digital Mil Copyright Act - testified before Congress demanding legislative protection from a new and dangerous technology: the VCR. Ultimately, the home video market came to be the mainstay of movie studio revenues throughout the 1980s and 1990s.

A 15 year old girl lied in her testified before Congress describing how Iraqi soldiers killed babies in a Kuwaiti hospital. The girl is the daughter of a Kuwaiti ambassador and speech was written by American PR firm Hill & Knowlton (1990)

In the 80s, intravenous vitamin E was pushed to market without FDA approval because it was a vitamin. It killed at least 38 infants. The doctor who blew the whistle was threatened with libel or slander charges and ultimate testified to congress over the deadly drug.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Testified Congress. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Testified Congress so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor