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Stripped Naked facts

While investigating facts about Stripped Naked, I found out little known, but curios details like:

About Robert Antley, a bike shop owner who was waiting for burglars in his store. When they broke in, he was waiting with a gun where he made the men strip naked and brutally beat them for hours.

how can you be stripped of british citizenship?

After he was accused of witchcraft, Giles Corey was subjected to "pressing." He was stripped naked and weight was added to a heavy plank on his chest to force him to plead innocent or guilty. Each time he was asked to make his plea, he said "more weight" and was eventually crushed to death.

What does it mean to be stripped of british citizenship?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what does it mean to be stripped of your british citizenship. Here are 32 of the best facts about Stripped Naked I managed to collect.

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  1. The Shirime, a japanese spirit that strips naked and flashes its butthole that contains a shiny eye to innocent bystanders

  2. A 17 year old survivor of the 2011 Norway attack was arrested, stripped naked and jailed on suspicion of carrying out the attack due to his alleged lack of emotion upon being rescued. He was released after the police discovered he was a traumatized survivor of the Chechen war.

  3. When a prisoner is sentenced to be caned in Singapore, they aren't told in advance when the sentence will be carried out, they need medical officials to certify they're physically fit, and they are stripped naked and caned by trained officers who swing the 1.27cm thick cane at speeds up 160kph.

  4. While a crucifixion was an execution, it was also a humiliation, by making the condemned as vulnerable as possible. Although artists have traditionally depicted the figure on a cross with a loin cloth or a covering of the genitals, the person being crucified was usually stripped naked.

  5. That, 7 months ago, a Pakistani university student, Mashal Khan, was stripped naked and brutally beaten to death on his university campus by a large angry mob over a fake claim of blasphemy. There were 20 officers on campus at the time of attack.

  6. In Ancient Rome there was a festival in which two young men would sacrifice a goat, smear its blood on their head, strip naked, put on a thong made from the skin of the goat, and then run around the city hitting any woman they saw. This was thought to promote fertility.

  7. A hoax caller convinced Donna Jean Summers, a McDonald's manager, to strip her 18 year old female worker naked, call her husband to McDonald's, and allow him to make the 18 year old perform naked jumping jacks, spank her, and examine her vagina. Donna was awarded 1.1 million dollars.

  8. Publilius Volero, a roman veteran, a former centurion, who refused to serve as a soldier. While being strip naked by the lictors, who intented to whip him, Volero knocked out one of the elite guard and provocked a riot that canceled the draft. The next year he was elected Tribune of the pleb.

  9. Women are banned from Japan's Okinoshima Island and men must strip naked and perform a cleansing ritual before they set foot on the land

  10. Soichiro Honda, founder of Honda Motor Co., once stripped naked and proceeded to assemble a motorcycle engine in front of his engineers.

stripped naked facts
What happens when you are stripped of citizenship?

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A woman accused of stealing was forced to strip naked, perform oral sex, other lewd acts (at work) because of phone call scam.

In 1992 Stephen Chao, ten weeks in as president of Fox Television, gave a speech about censorship at a company meeting where he hired a man to strip naked in front of the attendees, including Rubert Murdoch, Dick Cheney, and their wives. Murdoch fired him. - source

In 2009 Willie Nelson released an album called Naked Willie. This album was released in some countries under the alternative title Stripped. - source

During the 1974 Academy Awards live telecast, after a man ran stark naked across the stage, the host David Niven turned to the audience and said, "The only laugh that man will ever get in his life is by stripping off and showing his shortcomings."

Theres a new station in venezula which has all reporters strip naked. - source

When can you be stripped of your citizenship?

A player was caught cheating in an online game Guild wars 2. Game's security lead took control of the character in-game, stripped it naked and then forced the avatar to run off a bridge, plunging to its digital demise. The player was then banned.

How can you be stripped of your citizenship?

In 2015 a Canadian man broke into a house, stripped naked, and trashed the place but didn’t steal anything. He was arrested after getting stuck in an air vent in an attempt to warm himself up.

Malyasian authorities prevented tourists from leaving the country, because they stripped naked on the peak of Mount Kinabalu which made the "mountain spirits mad" and led to an earthquake that killed 13 people.

A man stripped down naked in front of children in a Danish tv show

Chris Pratt stripped butt naked in one of the Parks & Recreation scenes

GG Allin, a punk rocker who was raised to believe he was Jesus and performed live shows where he would cut himself, strip naked, defecate on himself, and occasionally sexually assault people in the audience or have sex with an animal

What happens when you are stripped of citizenship?

A man made dozens of calls over a period of 10 years to fast food restaurants across the U.S., pretending to be a police officer and demanding actions be taken by employees. In one case a woman was forced to strip naked and perform oral sex.

Danish national television has a programme where adults strip naked in front of children and talk about their bodies

About the African Warlord, General Butt Naked. Who would get "drunk and drugged up" with his troops, sacrifice a local teenager and drink his blood, before stripping down to their shoes and marching to battle wearing colorful wigs and purses

In Ancient Greece there was a famous courtesan, Phryne, who once stripped naked before judges in a court while in judgement, in so doing earning their pity. While this is apocryphal, it is understood by scholars that similar tactics were successful in those times.

Daniel Pantaleo, the officer who choked Eric Garner to death, once ordered two black men to strip naked on the street for a search. The charges against the men ended up being dismissed.

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Crucifixion was typically carried out by specialized teams, consisting of a commanding centurion and his soldiers. First, the condemned would be stripped naked and scourged. This would cause the person to lose a large amount of blood, and approach a state of shock.

A player was caught cheating in an online game Guild wars 2. Game's security lead took control of the character in-game, stripped it naked and then forced the avatar to run off a bridge, plunging to its digital demise. The player was then banned.

In 1626 the Wanggongchang gunpowder factory exploded with the blast allegedly heard as far as 150 km (93 mi) away. Later estimates put the blast as equivalent to the Hiroshima bomb. 10,000s of houses destroyed, with people stripped naked by the blast. Contemporary accounts: 20,000 people killed.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Stripped Naked. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Stripped Naked so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor