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Smallpox Virus facts

While investigating facts about Smallpox Virus Name and Smallpox Virus Structure, I found out little known, but curios details like:

In 1978, a year after smallpox was eradicated worldwide, the virus escaped from the lab of professor Henry Bedson. It infected two last patients, including the last person to ever die of smallpox. Bedson, who had been working to rid the world of smallpox, killed himself the next day.

how we conquered the deadly smallpox virus?

A mycologist named Paul Stamets argues mushrooms will revolutionize our way of life by using the mycelium fungus to clean polluted soil, make insecticides, treat smallpox and even flu viruses.

What virus causes smallpox?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is smallpox virus. Here are 27 of the best facts about Smallpox Virus Or Bacteria and Smallpox Virus Origin I managed to collect.

what type of virus is smallpox?

  1. The word vaccine comes from the Latin root "vacca," meaning cow. This is due to the discovery that smallpox could be prevented by inoculating patients with the much less severe cowpox virus.

  2. No vaccine has been developed for monkeypox virus but in the past the use of smallpox vaccination has proven to be effective.

  3. There is a promising treatment for cancer involving the genetic modification of viruses such as smallpox and even HIV. These viruses are being injected into the bloodstream and have been shown to kill certain cancers without spreading the used virus within the patient.

  4. In order for the smallpox vaccine to work it must be administered prior to coming into contact with the virus.

  5. Incubation of smallpox is usually between 6 and 16 days, but has been known to occur between 5 and 21 days in some cases.

  6. Monkeypox is often compared to smallpox but is considered to be a much milder disease. Smallpox has been eradicated.

  7. Smallpox virus retention debate: It centers on whether to finally and irreversibly destroy the two last remnants of the virus that causes smallpox, which reside in government laboratories in the United States and Russia which may re-emerge as a bio-weapon.

  8. The term "vaccination" stems from the Latin word "vacca" (cow), tracing back to its origins using the cowpox virus to inoculate against the more-virulent smallpox.

  9. In the original novel of The Ring, the cause of death was a mutated smallpox virus that fused with Sadako's inherent psychic powers, rather than her restless spirit seeking revenge for her murder.

  10. The variola virus (that caused smallpox) is estimated to have killed more members of the human population over the span of recorded history than all other infectious diseases combined.

smallpox virus facts
What kind of virus is smallpox?

Why hasn't the smallpox virus been destroyed?

You can easily fact check why keep smallpox virus by examining the linked well-known sources.

The last known death of Smallpox was after its eradication, in 1978 a British medical photographer named Janet Parker was exposed to the deadly virus at University of Birmingham Medical School. The virus was being grown in a research laboratory below her and came up via ducting.

There are now only two locations where the smallpox virus is officially stored and handled under WHO supervision: the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, Georgia, and the State Research Center of Virology and Biotechnology (VECTOR Institute) in Koltsovo, Russia - source

The first case of monkeypox in humans occurred in 1970 in the Democratic Republic of Congo. When a nine year old boy became infected. Smallpox had been eliminated in the region two years before.

Only two stocks of eradicated smallpox remain in the world, in Siberia, and in Atlanta. There are no plans to destroy the virus stocks

The last person died of smallpox in 1978, after being accidentally exposed to the virus by a scientist working on it the floor below. That scientist subsequently commit suicide. - source

When was smallpox virus discovered?

After smallpox, Rinderpest became the second virus to be eradicated worldwide

How long does smallpox virus live?

18th century vaccine doctors carried around small decorative containers filled with cowpox scabs. They would use these scabs to inoculate people against smallpox since the viruses are closely related

Smallpox is not the only virus to have been eradicated. In 2011, Rinderpest (or "cattle plague") was also completely eliminated from the wild.

The Soviet Union had a massive biological warfare program, especially concerning smallpox. A production line to mass produce the smallpox virus was developed in 1990

When scientists destroy the samples the smallpox virus will become the first life form intentionally eliminated from the earth

As the Arctic's permafrost continues to thaw, scientists are concerned that dormant smallpox viruses living in the soil could be reanimated

When did smallpox virus extinct?

Rebirth Island was a former Soviet biological weapons testing area. In 1971, a small amount of weaponized smallpox virus was released to the mainland, killing 3.

Biological warfare dates back to the 18th century where during the Siege of Fort Pitt, military leaders knowingly ‘gifted’ Native Americans rags infected with the smallpox virus

Edward Jenner, the father of immunology, proved that inoculating yourself with the cowpox virus could provide immunity against smallpox by unethically taking his poor gardener's 8 year old son and injecting him with pus taken from a milkmaid with cowpox's blister.

Camels can suffer from Camelpox, which "is the closest known virus to variola virus, the cause of smallpox". And that Camelpox could possibly make a jump across to humans, by human design or natural evolution.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Smallpox Virus. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Smallpox Virus so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor