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Small Pox facts

While investigating facts about Smallpox and Smallpox Vaccine, I found out little known, but curios details like:

A man was cured of HIV in Germany via a bone marrow transplant from a donor whose gene mutation made him immune to HIV. That gene is relatively common in N. Europe. Researchers have speculated that the gene is the result of natural selection during diseases similar to small pox or Black Death

how smallpox spread?

The well-preserved body of a woman who died from small pox in the 1850s was discovered in an iron coffin in New York City in 2011. The body was originally believed to be a recent homicide victim.

Smallpox looks like?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what's smallpox in italian. Here are 16 of the best facts about Smallpox Vaccine Scar and Smallpox History I managed to collect.


  1. George Washington is considered the sickest president to hold office, suffering from malaria, carbuncle, dysentery, small pox, diphtheria and many other diseases.

  2. In 1617 Pocahontas died of small pox while still in England. She was only 21 or 22 when she died.

  3. A world renouned scientist who oversaw the eradication of small pox predicted in 2010 that humans have about 100 years before we go extinct

  4. The inventor of the small pox vaccine wanted to treat everybody. Because of this goal he ended up giving the vaccine away for free to people.

  5. In 1792, when Capt, George Vancouver made a survey of what would become the British Columbia coast his crew repeatedly stepped ashore looking for locals but only found overgrown villages littered with bones or small groups of survivors. Small pox had beaten the survey and wiped out the locals

  6. The prosperity of Aurelius" early rule was ended when the so-called Antonine Plague began ravaging Rome in AD 165, which modern scholars believe was small pox. The Antonine Plague left millions dead and decimated the Roman economy before it ran its course in AD 180.

  7. Listerine was originally sold as a surgical disinfectant, a cure for dandruff, a floor cleaner, a hair tonic, a deodorant, and as a "beneficial remedy" for diseases ranging from diphtheria and dysentery to small pox and gonorrhea.

  8. Russia and the US still have stocks of the small pox virus, despite the World Health Organization concluding in 2010 that keeping samples of it no longer served any beneficial health or research purposes.

  9. Edward Jenner discovered the vaccination for small pox by infecting an eight year old boy with a lesser deadly cowpox then inoculated him again with small pox once he was healthy.

  10. Small pox killed a half billon people in the 20th century ... which is 10x more than WWI & WWII combined

small pox facts
What does smallpox look like?

Why smallpox vaccine stopped?

You can easily fact check why smallpox is so deadly by examining the linked well-known sources.

The Marias Massacre. A massacre of a band of Blackfeet by the US Army occuring on Jan 28, 1870. A drunk Maj Baker had been ordered to hunt down a wanted Blackfeet who fled. Instead massacred a friendly band of which suffered from small pox and were absent of warriors of whom left to hunt.

The Amazon Rainforest used to be populated by more than 20 million people until around 500 years ago, when the European explorers spread small pox and it wiped them out completely. The size of the civilization is estimated to be the same size as India and very advanced. Mind. Blown. - source

US Genocide Against Native Americans, where somewhere around 9 million where killed by a combination of small pox blankets, physical violence and other atrocities - source

The first international hockey game was played in Burlington, VT because of a small pox outbreak in Montreal

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Small Pox. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Small Pox so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor