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Postage Stamp facts

While investigating facts about Postage Stamps and Postage Stamp Cost, I found out little known, but curios details like:

One of the most well known Presidents of the USA, Theodore 'Teddy' Roosevelt, was against putting "In God We Trust" on currency, saying it would "... cheapen such a motto by use on coins, postage stamps, or ads"

how postage stamps work?

In 2013 Belgium printed half a million postage stamps that smelled and tasted like chocolate as a celebration of the country’s chocolatiers.

What postage stamps are worth money?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what postage stamps are available. Here are 50 of the best facts about Postage Stamps Near Me and Postage Stamp Price I managed to collect.

what postage stamp do i need?

  1. A man handmade his own postage stamps featuring his face for years to mail letters all over the world, and was never found out.

  2. The UK is the only country not required to name itself on its postage stamps.

  3. The crew of the Apollo 15 moon mission took 398 unauthorised postage stamp covers to the moon with them, with the intention of selling 100 of them to a German stamp dealer who provided them. When discovered, NASA re-assigned all the astronauts involved to non-flight roles.

  4. Before the invention of postage stamps, the recipient of a letter or package had to pay the postage when they received it, effectively buying their incoming mail from the postal service

  5. In 1930, Spain printed a series of postage stamps featuring Goya's "Naked Maja" painting. The United States refused all mail sent with this stamp.

  6. The Knights of Malta, a sovereign entity (part of the U.N. General Assembly) with 13,500 knights, 40,000 doctors and a further 80,000 volunteers. They have only 2 official citizens, but they still issue passports, coins and postage stamps despite having no physical land or territory

  7. Since Britain was the first country to issue prepaid postage stamps, British stamps are the only stamps that do not bear the name of the country of issue on them.

  8. Theodore Roosevelt vocally disapproved of putting "In God We Trust" on US currency, saying "It seems to me eminently unwise to cheapen such a motto by use on coins, just as it would be to cheapen it by use on postage stamps, or in advertisements."

  9. Britain is the only country that does not need to put their country name on postage stamps. This is because they were the first to create them.

  10. Only one man was authorized to take official photos of Adolph Hitler. At the photographer's suggestion, he and Hitler received royalties from any use of the photos...even from postage stamps. This made the photographer a millionaire.

postage stamp facts
What postage stamps are valuable?

Why postage stamps?

You can easily fact check why do i need a postage stamp by examining the linked well-known sources.

Ida B Wells has had many honors in her name including a United States postage stamp in 1990.

Stanton was only the second non-president, after Benjamin Franklin, to appear on a U.S. postage stamp.

The "Hitler" mustache was originally coined as the "Toothbrush Mustache" before Hitler came along. It was also known as the 1/3, the postage stamp, and the soul stache.

In the years after his death, Louis was honored with postage stamps, in movies, and had the Detroit Red Wings hockey team's arena named in his honor.

When postage stamps increase?

North Korea issued a series of postage stamps featuring Prince Charles and Princess Diana. There were even celebrations in North Korea when the two were married.

How much are postage stamps?

President Franklin D. Roosevelt was so enamored with postage stamps, he was known to draw rough sketches of the type of commemorative stamps he wanted the U.S. Postal Service to consider issuing.

It's estimated that 10% of San Marino's revenue is generated by the sale of its postage stamps to international collectors. The government of San Marino has the world's only philatelic minister of state, Simone Celli.

Postage stamps have been issued in honor of Alice Paul in the United States and Great Britain.

Houdini's U.S. postage stamp contains a hidden image

A postage stamp depicting the a Statue of Liberty was once released but used a photo of the Las Vegas Replica at the New York, New York Casino instead

When do postage stamps go up?

Arthur Conan Doyle created a postage-stamp-sized book containing a special 503-word Sherlock Holmes story for inclusion in a doll's house for Queen Mary.

About Åland Islands that has its own flag, postage stamps and considered to be a separate 'nation' for radio even though it is an autonomous, demilitarised region in Finland.

The crew of Apollo 15 sneaked over 398 postage stamps to the moon without authorization, planning to sell them as souveneirs upon their return, the stamps were confiscated and massive embarrassment ensued.

San Marino lays claim to be the oldest extant sovereign state as well as the oldest constitutional republic. It is only 61 in size, and generates 10% of its revenue from postage stamps

The country of Togo printed a postage stamp with a photo of an actress portraying Marie Curie, thinking it was actually Marie Curie

How much is a postage stamp now?

Before stamps were popularized in the 1840s, recipient paid postage & so "spamming" was quite costly

The Government of Barbados issued a limited edition series of postage stamps featuring centenarians and super-centenarians, in 2016.

A Canadian couple claimed exemption from taxes, on the grounds that affixing postage stamps to their clothing made them equivalent to royalty

The Treskilling Yellow. It is a Swedish postage stamp, one of the rarest stamps in the whole world. Because of how rare it is, it is to be worth more than $3.14 million U.S. dollars.

The average postage stamp contains 5.9 calories in its glue

In 1972 Bhutan produced "record stamps," playable on phonographs and fully functional / legal as postage

The Penny Black was the world's first adhesive postage stamp used in a public postal system. In 1837, British postal rates were high, complex and anomalous. To simplify matters, Sir Rowland Hill proposed an adhesive stamp to indicate pre-payment of postage.

The economy of the Vatican City is supported by financial contributions, the sale of postage stamps and tourist mementos, fees for admission to museums, and the sale of publications.

The postage stamp of The Statue of Liberty depicts not the real statue in New York, but the replica in Las Vegas.

Postage stamps weren't always prepaid. Some of the first post offices in the 1840s made recipients pay for their mail, and only if they came to pick it up. This led to postage going unpaid, a decrease in revenue, and the creation of federal postage stamps.

UPS does not allow shipments of postage stamps and shark fins.

A single standard postage stamp contains around 5.9 calories and Special or Commemorative stamps can have up to 14.5 calories.

There was an unofficial mascot for the 2000 Sidney Olympics named Fatso the Fat-Arsed Wombat. Fatso appeared with gold medalist athletes, was commemorated in an official postage stamp, and immortalized in statue form as a nod to Olympic volunteers before it was stolen in 2010.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Postage Stamp. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Postage Stamp so important!

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