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Gold Plated facts

While investigating facts about Gold Plated Necklace and Gold Plated Chains, I found out little known, but curios details like:

An artist made a counterfeit penny out of $100 worth of gold, which he copper-plated and then put into circulation in Los Angeles. Two years later, it was found in New York.

how to clean gold plated jewelry?

A dutch man named Jan de Doot, in 1651, removed his own bladder stone with a kitchen knife. He pulled it out through an incision he made in his perineum. It was the size of an egg and weighed a quarter of a pound. He lived for years after, and had the stone plated in gold.

What's gold plated?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what's gold plated worth. Here are 50 of the best facts about Gold Plated Earrings and Gold Plated Meaning I managed to collect.

what gold plated means?

  1. There are gold plated ATMs in various countries that dispense gold bars (first ATM was located in Abu Dhabi). The machines are fitted "like an armored vehicle" and tested with explosives to prevent theft.

  2. The FIFA World Cup trophy is worth nearly $20 million, far more than any other pro-sports trophy. It is made of 6kg (13.5lb) of solid 18k gold. Winning teams are only given a gold-plated replica, the original stays in Zurich.

  3. The most expensive yacht in the world is a gold-plated super-yacht worth $4.5 billion USD. It comes complete with a statue made from the bone of a T-Rex dinosaur

  4. Mack trucks with gold-plated bulldogs indicate that the entire truck is made of Mack components, whereas trucks which use another manufacturer's components are given a chrome-plated bulldog.

  5. Olympic gold medals are actually just gold-plated silver, and bronze medals are only worth about $3.

  6. Aluminum was once so rare that Napoleon III would serve his state dinners on aluminum plates. The rank-and-file guests had had to settle for dinner served on gold or silver plates.

  7. There are 96 bags of astronaut poop, pee and puke on the moon. They were left behind to make room for bringing moon rocks back to earth. Theres also 12 Hasselblad cameras, a gold plated telescope, used wet wipes, space food wrappers, golf balls, 70 other space craft, and 12 pairs of boots there.

  8. The Statue of Libertys torch was replaced in 1986 and is made of copper plated with gold, which is why it doesn't oxidize like the rest of her.

  9. At the 1936 Olympic Games in Berlin, Jesse Owens (3 Golds already in hand) was one failed jump away from not even qualifying for the Long Jump Final. German competitor, Luz Long, placed a white towel 1 foot from the plate & told Jesse to 'take off from there.'

gold plated facts
What's gold plated silver?

Why gold plated headphone jack?

You can easily fact check why gold plated contacts by examining the linked well-known sources.

The phrase "Are you joshing me?" traces back to a man named Josh Tatum, who, in 1883, passed off gold plated nickles as $5 gold coins. Because he was a deaf-mute and never explicitly asked for change, he was allowed to keep the money.

His first invention was an improvement to the gold and silver plating process the rights to which he sold to Elkington of Birmingham in 1843.

White gold is Yellow gold plated with Rhodium, and will need to be replated after several years - source

The Swedish company LELO currently holds the record for the most expensive vibrator in the world: a 24-karat gold plated vibrator that costs $15,000.

On May 10th, 1869 Governor Stanford drove the last spike, often called the Golden Spike, into the track. The spike was only gold plated as real gold would have been too soft a metal.

When was the biggest gold nugget found?

There are four gold-plated DeLoreans that exist in real life

How long does gold plated jewelry last?

Nazi leader Herman Göring had a gold-plated pistol; a Walther PPK embossed with his initials and his family crest of a fist holding a ring. Göring loved jewellery and even had a large gold ring and cufflinks, all engraved with his family crest.

The Carbide and Carbon building in Chicago, built in 1929, with a gold leaf plated top and green terra cotta exterior walls, was believed to be designed after a champagne bottle.

MasterCard Gold cards are actually gold-plated with 24K gold.

According to accounts by those close to Joseph Smith, the Book of Mormon was not read from gold plates as is commonly believed, but was instead quite literally pulled out of a hat.

The Queen has a gold plated Nintendo Wii

Where and when was the largest gold nugget found?

All except 3 DeLorean sportscars (featured in Back to the Future & Macklemore music videos) left the factory uncovered by paint or clearcoat due to the use of stainless steel in the body. The 3 exceptions were plated in 24-karat gold and only 1 of the gold cars is in private ownership today.

For Xmas in 1980, Delorean Produced Three 24K Gold Plated DMC-12 Cars as part of a promotion for American Express.

Paul McCartney has written and performed so many hits that he was awarded a Rhodium plated record, because it's more valuable than a Gold or Platinum one.

When Prince Charles was invested as the Prince of Wales in 1969 the orb on top of his investiture coronet was gold plated over a ping-pong ball, and the coronet still contains the ping pong ball.

How to restore gold plated jewelry?

The late King Hussein of Jordan sold his London apartment to pay for the 8.2 million dollar, 80kg gold plating of the Dome of the rock in Jerusalem, where Mohammed ascended to heaven.

Due to a metal shortage during WWII, Oscar statuettes were made of painted plaster for three years. Following the war, the Academy invited recipients to redeem the plaster figures for gold-plated metal ones.

The Grammy Awards are Made of Gold Plated Grammium, a Proprietary Metal Alloy, Whose Composition is Known Only to the Maker of the Awards

In 1998 the President of Turkmenistan spent $12 million of government money to build a 75m monument to neutrality. At the top was a 12m gold-plated statue of himself, which rotated to always face the sun.

“white gold” is not a type of gold; it’s just yellow gold, plated with rhodium.

A Gang Member in LA Died After Attempting to 'Gold Plate' His Penis

You Can Gold Plate Your Tounge for Around $2

Mythbuster's Adam Savage claims to own the only 24 karat gold plated C-3PO replica in existence

Gold-plated Harley-Davidson is the world's most expensive motorcycle priced at 535,000 pounds.

The world's most expensive dildo just went on the market. Its $10k and plated in solid gold

In order to promote the game "BIG Family Games" THQ sent the Queen of England a Gold-Plated Wii Console

There is a gold-plated record aboard the Voyager 1 probe launched in 1977 containing music, images, and sounds from Earth, in case the spacecraft is ever picked up by aliens. Carl Sagan was the head of the committee that chose the tracks.

The Voyager 1 carries a gold-plated audio-visual disc with music from Mozart and Chuck Berry

Due to a metal shortage during World War II, the Oscar award statuettes were made of painted plaster for three years. After the war ended, the Academy invited recipients to redeem the plaster figures for the actual gold-plated metal ones.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Gold Plated. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Gold Plated so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor