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Passports Issued facts

While investigating facts about Passports Issued During Government Shutdown and Passports Issued By State, I found out little known, but curios details like:

When the mummy of Ramses II was sent to France in the mid-1970s, it was actually issued a legal Egyptian passport. Ramses' occupation? "King (deceased)."

how many uk passports are issued each year?

The Queen doesn't have a passport and doesn't need one because passports are issued in her name

What colour passports are being issued now?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what passports are being issued now. Here are 50 of the best facts about Passports Issued By Governors Of Georgia and Passports Issued After Brexit I managed to collect.

where are passports issued at?

  1. Queen Elizabeth does not need a passport. Since all British passports are issued in the queen's name, she just has to say that she is the queen.

  2. In the 80s, Munich's Playboy Club issued membership cards that, at a glance, looked very similar to diplomatic passports. As a result, many people escaped East Berlin by simply flashing their membership cards, and were usually waved through by guards.

  3. Pharoah Ramesses II was issued an Egyptian passport 3,197 years after his death in 1984 for transportation to France due to preservation issues with his profession listed as "King (Deceased)". He was greeted as a king with full military honors

  4. In their 2002 World Cup qualifying match against Australia, American Samoa had 19 players out because of passport issues and the under-20 team replacements unavailable due to school exams. As a result they only fielded one regular player and lost 31-0.

  5. In 1974 ,Pharoh Rameses II's mummy was issued an Egyptian passport and was received in France with full military honors befitting a king.

  6. Queen Elizabeth does not hold a passport. Since all British passports are issued in the queen’s name, she herself doesn’t need one. She just has to say that she is the queen.

  7. When the mummified body of Ramses II was transported in 1974, it was issued an Egyptian passport, which listed his occupation as “King (deceased).”

passports issued facts
What city are uk passports issued from?

Why are passports not being issued?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

Between 1941-1944, Turkish diplomats saved thousands of Jews by issuing them Turkish passports and sometimes pulling them off trains headed for the death camps. Among these diplomats was Necdet Kent, whose son Muhtar Kent, is the current chairman and former chief executive of Coca-Cola.

Egypt issued a passport to the mummy of Pharaoh Ramses II - listing his occupation as "King (deceased)" - source

The Knights of Malta, a sovereign entity (part of the U.N. General Assembly) with 13,500 knights, 40,000 doctors and a further 80,000 volunteers. They have only 2 official citizens, but they still issue passports, coins and postage stamps despite having no physical land or territory - source

The 1972 Novel “The Day of the Jackal” showcased an easy method of obtaining a fraudulent British passport, which was later used by the IRA and the KGB. This loophole went unclosed until 2007, and may have resulted in up to 1,500 fake passports being issued each year.

When will blue passports be issued?

In 1974 when the mummy of Ramesses the Great needed to be sent to Paris for preservation, he was issued an Egyptian passport that listed his occupation as "King (deceased)." He was received at Le Bourget Airport with the full military honours befitting a king.

How long are passports issued for?

The Queen of England does not have a passport, as every British passport is issued in her name.

The Serbian border police annulles every passport stamp issued by the Republic of Kosovo with an "invalid" stamp to demonstrate its non-recognition of the Kosovo

Some Native American tribes issue their own passports

In 1974 egyptologists discovered Ramsses II's mummy was rapidly deteriorating, and when being flown to Paris for examining he was issued an Egyptian passport with the occupation title "King (deceased)", followed by a full military honors to receive the king outside the airport.

In 1974 Egypt issued a passport to Pharaoh Ramses II. He died more than 3,000 years ago, but his mummified body needed a passport to fly to Paris for some repairs. On that special Egyptian passport, the pharaoh’s occupation was listed as "King (deceased)."

When are blue passports being issued?

There's an unofficial country called Sealand that consists of 2 columns and a platform in the sea, has a prince, a national football team and issued their own passports

The Knights Hospitaller, founded in the 11th century, still exists today as a sovereign order which enjoys diplomatic relations with over 100 states and issues its own passports, license plates, stamps and coins.

World Government of World Citizens (WGWC) is an organization with whom people can register as world citizens. WGWC issues World Service Authority (WSA) Passports & Visas which are being accepted by a growing number of countries.

How many passports are issued each year?

Queen Elizabeth II owns every dolphin in Britain and doesn't need a passport to travel abroad since all passports are issues in her name.

There's a german passport company that issues passports to stuffed animals

A single diplomat from El Salvador, Jose Castellanos Contreras, issued false Salvadoran passports to (and therefore saved the lives of) at least 13,000 Jews during World War II

Egyptian pharaoh Ramesses II's 3,000-year-old mummy was issued a valid passport in 1974 in order to be able to fly to Paris for repairs

Shayna Steinger, a consular official who issued the 9/11 hijackers with US visas didn't interview some, provided visas for others after rejecting initial applications, even when the applications weren't prepared properly, their reasons had changed and one of the the passports appeared fake.

Abdol Hossein Sardari, an Iranian diplomat known as the “Schindler of Iran.” As the head of the Iranian consul in 1941, he protected over 1500 Jews of his country when war broke out, issuing passports that faked their religion and identity to protect them from Nazi officials.

The British Foreign and Commonwealth Office issued a warning in 2010 for Brits traveling in Israel to NOT hand over their passports to Israeli officials due to suspicion they were being forged for Mossad assassinations.

1969 was the first year of passports being issued to the collective farmers in the USSR. Most collective farmers, however, recieved their passports from 1974 onward.This was the first time in history that those people recieved an id of and kind.

There is a micronation off the British coast that even used to issue its own passports to over 150,000 people

The Queen, Elizabeth II, does not have a passport because passports are issued in her name and on her authority, thus making it superfluous for her to hold one.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Passports Issued. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Passports Issued so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor