James Madison facts
While investigating facts about James Madison University and James Madison High School, I found out little known, but curios details like:
In one of Thomas Jefferson's letters to James Madison in 1789 he stated that the Constitution and laws should expire after 19 years. This was to allow the new generations to learn from the past and change accordingly, it was also to prevent older generations from "binding" subsequent ones.
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TIL The founding fathers feared the development of political parties. Among others, Alexander Hamilton, James Madison and George Washington wrote about the dangers of domestic politic factions.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the acceptance rate at james madison university. Here are 50 of the best facts about James Madison Football and James Madison Softball I managed to collect.
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The 27th amendment, which forbids congress from raising their own pay during their term, was proposed by James Madison in 1789 and wasn't ratified until 1992.
Although we picture the Founding Fathers as old men, many were quite young. By July 4th, 1776, Aaron Burr was 20, Alexander Hamilton, 21; James Madison, 25; John Jay, 29; and Thomas Jefferson, 33.
President James Madison was only 5 feet 4 inches tall and weighed less than 100 pounds.
James Madison, "Father of the Constitution", argued against a Pure Democracy, because it would lead to a dictatorship over the minority.
One of the reasons America has Electoral College is because James Madison was worried about "tyranny of the majority", which involves a scenario in which a majority places its own interests above those of a minority group.
Alexander Hamilton and James Madison both claimed to have written numbers 49-58 and 62-63 of the Federalist Papers. In 1964, a computer analysis of the text revealed that Madison was indeed the author of all 12 of those essays, despite Hamilton's claim to the contrary.
Besides 9/11, the only other attack by an outside force on Washington D.C. was in 1814 when George Cockburn, an admiral in the British Royal Navy, literally walked into the White House, ate James Madison's dinner, drank his wine, and then set fire to the place.
James Madison was our smallest president. He was 5' 4" (163 cm) and never weighed more that 100 pounds
James Madison was the shortest U.S. President in history at 5 feet 4 inches tall and he weighed only 100 pounds.
4th U.S. president James Madison wanted to rent the Portuguese Navy instead of building his own
James Madison data charts
For your convenience take a look at James Madison figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why james madison university?
You can easily fact check why did james madison die by examining the linked well-known sources.
After the White House was burned during the War of 1812, President James Madison spent the rest of his time as president living and conducting business from The Octagon House, which he rented for about $500
James Madison died in 1836 and Dolley stayed at the family's plantation for a year.
Most of the Founding Fathers of the United States were Federalists, including Alexander Hamilton and James Madison.
George Washington initially used the title, "His High Mightiness, the President of the United States and Protector of their Liberties," before changing it to "Mr. President" under the demands of James Madison and the House of Representatives.
James Madison was the American President at the time and future president James Monroe was the Secretary of State. The American negotiating team was lead by future president John Q. Adams.
When did james madison die?
In 1800 Thomas Jefferson became the 3rd president of the United States. He asked James Madison to serve as Secretary of State. He accepted.
How did james madison die?
The only two signers of the United States Constitution that went on to become United States Presidents were James Madison and George Washington.
When Jefferson's term was almost up in 1808 James Madison was nominated by the Democratic-Republican caucus.
James Madison (4th President of United States) said that the Senate's job is to protect the minority of the opulent against the majority.
James Madison and Dolley, as well as her son Payne, moved to Washington, along with their domestic slaves.