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Iron Curtain facts

While investigating facts about Iron Curtain Speech and Iron Curtain Definition, I found out little known, but curios details like:

The no mans land of the Iron Curtain created a natural wildlife corridor

how iron curtains?

Once the Iron Curtain came down Czeslaw Milosz was able to return to Poland. At first he made trips to visit but eventually he took an apartment in Krakow where he lived part-time. The rest of his time was spent at his home in Berkeley.

What iron curtain means?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what iron curtain divided the world into. Here are 16 of the best facts about Iron Curtain Map and Iron Curtain Cold War I managed to collect.

what's iron curtain?

  1. The European Green Belt, a flourishing natural area that connects many national parks along the route of the old "Iron Curtain." After the Cold War, scientists noticed that animals/plants were thriving here due to the limited human impact in the areas that split the West from the USSR.

  2. The Berlin Wall is also referred to as the Iron Curtain.

  3. About two men, Daniel Pohl and Robert Ospald who escaped Czechoslovakia in the 1980s by zip lining over the Iron Curtain. They created a wooden pulleys and used them to zip line on a power line into Austria.

  4. In 1984 a man escaped the Iron Curtain by flying a self-built aircraft across the Czechoslovakian border

  5. Winston Churchill was a massive sci-fi fan and he might have stolen his famous “iron Curtain” line from a HG Wells book

  6. The idea of an "Iron Curtain" that separates the Communist Bloc from the rest of Europe, was not coined by Winston Churchill. British poets, Russian authors and even Joseph Goebbels used it before the cold war.

  7. The use of "Iron Curtain" as applies to the Cold War was coined by Winston Churchill in Missouri. He was speaking at a place called Westminster College; the British Parliament in London (where he gave most of his speeches) is, coincidentally, in the suburb of Westminster.

  8. Playwright Molière wrote/starred in 'The Imaginary Invalid' a 1765 play about Argan: a hypochondriac. On the 4th performance he ironically fell ill on stage and died. A 2005 adaptation had the actor 'collapse' as the curtain fell, the last line: 'Molière's ill! Is there a doctor in the house?'

  9. The phrase "Iron Curtain" as a reference to the Soviet Union wasn't coined by Winston Churchill but was used by the Nazis as early as 1943.

  10. The phrase «Iron Curtain» was firstly introduced by Josef Goebbels, the Nazi propaganda minister, and was later used on Churchill’s Iron Curtain speech

iron curtain facts
Define what iron curtain is?

Why was the iron curtain a problem?

You can easily fact check why did the iron curtain fall by examining the linked well-known sources.

Folk singer Tommy Makem's song "The Winds are Singing Freedom" became a popular song in the Eastern Bloc, particularly in East Germany, as the decline of the iron curtain got closer

About two men, Daniel Pohl and Robert Ospald who escaped Czechoslovakia in the 1980s by zip lining over the Iron Curtain. They created a wooden pulleys and used them to zip line on a power line into Austria. - source

There is a 6800km cycle path along the former USSR border through Europe, passing through twenty countries- The Iron Curtain Trail - source

The Original Iron Curtain Is Now A Green Belt

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Iron Curtain. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Iron Curtain so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor