Executive Orders facts
While investigating facts about Executive Orders By President and Executive Orders Michigan, I found out little known, but curios details like:
The German military manual states that a military order is not binding if it is not "of any use for service," or cannot reasonably be executed. Soldiers must not obey unconditionally, the government wrote in 2007, but carry out "an obedience which is thinking.".
how executive orders work?
Norm Macdonald was fired from Saturday Night Live because an NBC executive ordered him to lay off jokes targeting his buddy, O.J. Simpson & instead Macdonald did many more. When Simpson was acquitted, Macdonald opened with: “Well, it’s official: Murder is now legal in the state of California."
What executive orders have been overturned?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what executive orders were signed today. Here are 50 of the best facts about Executive Orders Nj and Executive Orders White House I managed to collect.
what executive orders can the president issue?
Stalin's guards were so afraid of him that no one called a doctor until hours after he had a stroke. They feared he might recover and execute anyone who had acted outside of his orders.
That, in 1838, Missouri Governor Lilburn Boggs issued Missouri Executive Order 44, ordering all Mormons to leave the state or be killed.
Prince Yasuhiko, the perpetrator of Nanjing massacre was never charged after the war because of he was member of the Imperial family. General Matsui was executed despite forbidding his men to loot and expressed grief in his diary when his order was disobeyed.
Albrecht II of Bayreuth, a famously cruel ruler once picked a random man from a crowd and ordered him to perform an execution. Due to the severe social stigma attached to executioners he couldn't return to his job as a woodcutter,he was condemned to carry on as an executioner and so was his son
In 2012, investigators discovered Wal-Mart de Mexico had bribed various government officials in order to increase growth in the country. They found a paper trail of hundreds of suspect payments totaling more than $24 million. Wal-Mart executives in the US tried to bury the matter.
Over 300 incidents of child murder occurred in 1700s Germany and Austria due to incidents of "suicide by proxy". Religious people were killing young children in order to have the government execute them so they could get into heaven.
On Sep 11, 1857, a group of Mormon militiamen persuaded a band of passing emigrants to march down a trail in Mountain Meadows, Utah. Under the pretense of protection and following the orders of their local Church leaders, these militiamen proceeded to execute 120 men, women, and children.
Michel "Marshal" Ney 'refused to wear a blindfold and was allowed the right to give the order to fire' at his own Execution.
The Soviet Secret Police on Stalin's orders executed 22,000 Polish officers but Roosevelt and Churchill had to deny it and blame the Nazis in order to maintain their alliance with Stalin
Executive Orders data charts
For your convenience take a look at Executive Orders figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why executive orders are good?
You can easily fact check why executive orders are bad by examining the linked well-known sources.
Ronald Reagan signed an executive order prohibiting assassinations
The Emancipation Proclamation was enacted by Executive Order. - source
The Dakota 38. 38 Dakota Warriors ordered to be hung by Abraham Lincoln. It was the largest mass execution in U.S. history. - source
Heinrich Himmler, leading member of the Nazi SS, dry heaved and nearly fainted when witnessing executions that he had ordered.
A Soviet Special Forces Commander who ordered the execution of all Afghan witnesses to a coup was killed because he was wearing an Afghan uniform. - source
When did executive orders start?
There's video of Saddam Hussein becoming dictator of Iraq in 1979 at a Baath party leadership meeting, where he named some members as traitors -- and then ordered the rest to go outside and execute them
How many executive orders by president?
Ivan IV (the Terrible) inherited a library thought to contain ancient works from Libraries of Alexandria & Constantinople. Afraid that books would be stolen, he ordered his men to bury the books, then executed them. He died before revealing the location. Searches for the library continue today.
In order to woo women drivers better and tailor a vehicle to their specific needs, Cadillac had their male executives drive around with paper clips on their fingertips, in order to simulate and cater to the "distinctly feminine experience of operating a vehicle with long fingernails."
In order to keep Genghis Khan's burial site a secret, Khan’s successors killed anyone who witnessed his funeral procession. Some 800 soldiers are said to have massacred the 2,000 people who attended his funeral, before being summarily executed themselves.
When Shaka Zulu's mother died, he ordered that any woman who became pregnant in the year of mourning was to be executed, anyone not sufficiently sad was to be executed, and calves would have their mothers slaughtered so that they would know his pain.
Executive orders infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Executive Orders numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.