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Deleted Scene facts

While investigating facts about Deleted Scene Avengers Endgame and Deleted Scene Bird Box, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Shortly before his death Stanley Kubrick had all the outtakes and deleted scenes from his films destroyed. Burning "thousands of cans" of film so that no one could re-edit his movies.

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While the "Shining" was playing in New York and Los Angeles, Stanley Kubrick ordered projectionists to cut the original final scene from the film by hand, and mail the deleted film strips back to Warner Bros. The original ending has never been released since.

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the deleted scene in avengers endgame. Here are 50 of the best facts about Deleted Scenes Of Pokemon and Deleted Scene From 13 Reasons Why I managed to collect.

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  1. Deleted scenes from 1997's "Event Horizon" were considered lost forever until some reels were found in a salt mine in Transylvania in bad condition.

  2. Cast Away's unopened FedEx box contained two bottles of salsa verde (per a deleted scene in the script)

  3. A deleted scene from Bruce Almighty shows Bruce using his newfound powers to give Evan (Steve Carell) a horrific nosebleed before setting him on fire. The producers cut the scene as it was considered ''too dark''.

  4. There is a deleted scene in from Hancock (2008) in which Will Smith's Character Super Ejaculates through the roof of his trailer.

  5. In the 2008 movie Hancock, there was a deleted scene of Hancock almost killing his partner with his ejaculation

  6. In a deleted scene from The Truman Show (1998), the show's director described a plan to have a female actress seduce Truman into conceiving a child on air, then they'd create a parallel show to follow that child's life.

  7. A scene deleted from The Wizard of Oz in which the Wicked Witch of the West sends a swarm of insects whose bites cause Dorothy and her companions to dance the jitterbug to exhaustion.

  8. Liar Liar (Jim Carrey) has a deleted scene near the beginning of the film which was removed because it made the character seem too corrupt and unlikeable

  9. Donny's (Bear Jew) baseball bat in the movie Inglourious Basterds, which he used to beat Nazi's to death had several Jewish names written on it by his Jewish Neighbors back home (Deleted scene). One of the name carved into the bat was Anne Frank.

deleted scene facts
What are deleted scenes?

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You can easily fact check 13 reasons why deleted scene reddit by examining the linked well-known sources.

Goonies was supposed to have a scene with a giant octopus/squid attacking the kids, but it didn't fit well with the rest of the movie so was deleted. The scene was re-inserted to pad out a kids-tv edit, to make up for other scenes deleted for their inappropriate content.

There's a deleted scene from The Two Towers where Frodo becomes a Gollum-like creature - source

During the filming of Zodiac, David Fincher purposely broke Jake Gyllenhaal’s spirit by deleting takes in front of him, or doing nearly 100 takes of a single scene - source

In Lilo and Stitch, there's a deleted scene where Stitch let's Pudge the Fish be violently murdered by seagulls.

Tom Hardy had a cameo as a Stormtrooper in a deleted scene of Star Wars The Last Jedi where he butt slapped Finn whilst speaking in a southern accent. - source

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In a deleted scene from Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Charlie Sheen's family was the family to which Ferris' mother was selling a house (the Vermont family). His family also owned a tow truck company, the same ones which towed Ed Rooney's car.

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A scene was deleted from Borat (2006) due to an unusually patient supermarket manager.

There was a deleted scene in Star Wars Ep. I where Anakin beats up Greedo, the same alien that Han Solo shot in Episode IV

Sitcom WKRP in Cincinnati was shot on video not film, due to a loophole allowing cheaper music licensing fees on video productions (intended for variety shows). Later syndicated repeats and DVDs substituted generic music or deleted scenes as the original music licencing deals had expired

There is a deleted scene in Alien(1979) where the Alien does the crabwalk.

A deleted scene from Major League reveals that the owner, Rachel Phelps, was only pretending to want the team to fail in order to unify them against her and work together.

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In a deleted scene in Terminator 2, Linda Hamilton's identical twin sister and a fake mirror were used to create the illusion of the Sarah Connor opening the T-800 model 101's skull.

Lexie Contursi (who played a small role in an episode of The Big Bang Theory) had her scene deleted due to time constraints. Ironically, this is also the plot of the episode: Penny, an aspiring actress played by Kaley Cuoco, has her scene cut from a small role in a fictional NCIS episode.

2001: A Space Odyssey had a deleted scene of an astronaut jogging for 11 minutes

In a deleted scene of Back to the Future II old Biff (in 2015) is shown to collapse and fade from existence.

There is a deleted scene from Disney's 'Lilo & Stitch' where 'PUDGE the Fish' dies and is buried with Lilo's parents.

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A deleted scene from Lilo & Stitch shows Stitch causing the death of Pudge the Fish.

Martin Sheen as Josiah Bartlet was invited to resume his role as President of the United States from The West Wing in the series finale "The Truth" from the X-Files. The scene, however, was deleted, but can still be seen on the DVD extras.

Michael Corleone kills Fabrizio, the bodyguard who betrayed him, in a deleted scene added to The Godfather Saga.

"Friends" deleted a scene about joking with bombs at an airport, that was supposed to air two weeks after 9/11.

Tobey Maguire was in Empire Records (but his scenes were deleted).

AVENGERS 4: ENDGAME - Deleted scene - Tony Stark tribute - Ironman (Escena Eliminada - Tony Stark)

Mick, Bowie and Lemmy were mummies in a deleted scene from "The Emperor's New Groove." Hope Mick's feeling ok.

Bill Murray Did A Deleted Scene As A Pool Hustler In 'Groundhog Day'

A young Jack Black played a movie usher in Quentin Tarantino/Tony Scott's True Romance (1993) - but the scene was deleted from the final cut.

The movie "Prometheus" has deleted scenes relating to origin of man and Jesus Christ

MCU Delete Yondu Stops Skurge Scene Form THOR RAGNAROK

Star Trek deleted a scene that looked logically at terrorism.

J.J. Jameson Wearing Spiderman Suit - Deleted Scene : why was this not in the final cut ?

There is a 13 Part Karate Kid (1983) rehearsal movie on Youtube including deleted scenes

A deleted scene from Bruce Almighty shows Bruce using his powers to first give Evan (Steve Carell) a horrific nosebleed and then set him on fire. The scene was cut as it was considered ''too dark''.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Deleted Scene. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Deleted Scene so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor