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Costa Rica facts

While investigating facts about Costa Rica Map and Costa Rica All Inclusive, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Gordon Ramsay was covered in gasoline and held at gunpoint in Costa Rica while he was investigating illegal shark fin trading for a TV show

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Costa Rica went 300 days on 100% renewable energy in 2017.

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering where is costa rica located at. Here are 50 of the best facts about Costa Rica Vacations and Costa Rica Resorts I managed to collect.

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  1. Costa Rica is an uninterrupted democracy since 1948, has no army, is the 12th-happiest country in the world and produces 98% of its electricity from renewable sources.

  2. Earl Tupper, inventor and founder of the Tupperware Company, sold his ownership interest, bought himself an island in Costa Rica, and gave up his U.S. citizenship to avoid taxes.

  3. A local fisherman in Costa Rica nursed a crocodile back to health after it had being shot in the head, and released the reptile back to its home. The next day, the man discovered "Pocho" had followed him home and was sleeping on the mans porch. For 20 years Pocho became part of the mans family

  4. An error of Costa Rica's border on Google Maps led to an invasion of Costa Rica by the army of Nicaragua. Google responded, saying that their Maps "shouldn't be used as a reference to decide military actions between countries".

  5. There is a territory in Costa Rica called Territorio De Zaguates (Land of the Strays) which is basically a huge no kill dog shelter where you can hike for free with the dogs

  6. there is a no-kill animal shelter in Costa Rica called "Territorio de Zaguates", or "Land of Strays". It sits on 378 acres and is home to approximately 1,000 dogs. There, visitors are able to go on scenic hikes with the dogs, even if they have no plans to adopt.

  7. A bridge built in 2003 in northern Costa Rica is colloquially known as 'Backstab Bridge'. It was paid for, designed and built by Taiwan only for Costa Rica to cut off ties with Taiwan in favour of China.

  8. Costa Rica plans to shut down its zoos and release some animals in captivity and eventually do away with public zoos altogether

  9. In Costa Rica, a sea turtle conservation organization is exposing sea turtle egg poachers by placing fake sea turtle eggs on the beach, with GPS trackers imbedded inside the eggs to reveal the location of whoever takes them.

  10. After a Groom forgot his wedding pants in the dressing room of a Minnesota clothier and flew to Costa Rica for his wedding, the Clothier sent his daughter on an 11-hour flight to deliver the pants personally because UPS and FedEx said they could not help.

costa rica facts
What costa rica is known for?

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You can easily fact check why costa rica coffee by examining the linked well-known sources.

Costa Rica is the first country to start a ban on all single-use plastics, scheduled to be complete by 2021

Stanford researchers in Costa Rica found adding a single tree to pasture land could boost biodiversity. For example, the number of bird species after one tree was planted went from near zero to 80. - source

Areas where it is common for people to live over 100 years are known as "Blue Zones". There are 5 on Earth: Sardinia, Italy; Okinawa, Japan; Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica; Loma Linda, California; and Icaria, Greece - source

In 2008, a couple who inherited a 378 acre farm in Costa Rica transformed it into a huge no-kill dog shelter. Over 1000 dogs, many recovering from illness, starvation and abuse, live there together. Visitors are welcome to walk and play with them.

In 2007, three armed men attempted to rob a tour group in Costa Rica. The tour group, which included a US Marine, fought back. One assailant died after having his neck broken by the Marine...who was 70 years old. The other two ran away. - source

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During the peak of Ebola news in 2014 people started to avoid Liberia airport in Costa Rica thinking that it was the country in Africa.

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Different Dolphin species will attempt to speak a 'common language': When Bottlenose and Guyana dolphins come together in the waters near Costa Rica they change the way they communicate and begin using an intermediate language

Englishman Frank Bickerton fought in both world wars, was drafted into 2 Antarctic expeditions, developed a golf course, was the hero of a novel, killed bears, wrote major motion pictures, treasure hunted in Costa Rica & married an earl's granddaughter

2018 is the fourth year in a row Costa Rica generated more than 98% of its electricity from renewable sources. Almost no fossil fuels were used.

An error of Costa Rica's border on Google Maps led to an invasion of Costa Rica by the army of Nicaragua. Google responded, saying that their Maps "shouldn't be used as a reference to decide military actions between countries".

Costa Rica is home to 10% of the world's known butterfly species.

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Costa Rica plans to shut down its zoos and release some animals in captivity and eventually do away with public zoos altogether

In the 90s Costa Rica saved a dying forest by dumping 12,000 tons of waste orange peels and pulp (1000 truckloads)

Costa Rica is the only Latin American country to ban hunting for sport

"125 meters west of the Pizza Hut" can literally count as an address in Costa Rica.

The first country in the world to run off completely green energy was costa rica.

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Costa Rica which is roughly the size of Denmark, grows 60% of planet's pineapples.

In San Jose, Costa Rica, you are allowed to drive only 6 days a week by law. The last letter/number on your license plate corresponds to your banned day (Monday-Friday)

Costa Rica is the only country in the world whose constitution forbids having a national army. The previous army was disbanded in 1949 after victory in the civil war.

Costa Rica does not have traditional street addresses, but instead use distances from landmarks to guide taxis, guests, mail etc.

There are places on Earth that are considered ‘Blue Zones.’ Where its inhabitants lifespans are much longer than average. These are Okinawa (Japan); Sardinia (Italy); Nicoya (Costa Rica); Icaria (Greece); and among the Seventh-day Adventists in Loma Linda, California.

The small country of Costa Rica ran 300 days out of 100% renewable energy

Costa Rica, a nation of more than 4.5 million people, abolished its military in 1949 and has been without one ever since.

There are only two coral reefs in Costa Rica. Cahuita National Park protects one of them.

Cahuita National Park is one of Costa Rica's smallest national parks.

Although there's no difference in taste or quality, egg color is a highly variable regional preference: most of the US prefers white eggs, part of New England, as well as China, Brazil, and Costa Rica prefer brown eggs

Costa Rica surpassed the US in life expectancy in the late 80s.

There are countries that border the Caribbean, including Panama, Belize, Guatemala, Costa Rica, and several others.

Cahuita National Park has one of Costa Rica's most developed and most beautiful beaches.

Various butterfly and moth species can be found in Costa Rica and Chirripo National Park including the green page moth, owl butterfly, violet sabrewing, monarch butterfly, and chestnut headed oropendola.

Efforts to protect Corcovado National Park and Osa Peninsula involve many agencies including The Nature Conservancy, Conservation International, WWF - United States, Organization of American States, Catholic Relief Service and the governments of several countries including the U.S. Costa Rica, Sweden, and Holland.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Costa Rica. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Costa Rica so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor