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Winnipeg Canada facts

While investigating facts about Winnipeg Canada Map and Winnipeg Canada Weather, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Christopher Robin was a real boy who befriended Winnie, a black bear at the London Zoo, named after Winnipeg, Canada, by a Canadian soldier who bought a real bear cub and took him to Europe during WW1.

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Pine Street in Winnipeg, Canada, later renamed Valour Road due to three neighbors all from the same block winning the Victoria Cross, the U.K.'s highest military honour

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what to see in winnipeg canada. Here are 22 of the best facts about Winnipeg Canada Day 2019 and Winnipeg Canada Zip Code I managed to collect.

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  1. Winnipeg is known as "Chicago of the North". Much of Winnipeg’s remaining architecture of the late 1800s and early 1900s is heavily influenced by the Chicago style and it was the third biggest city in Canada

  2. About "If Day", a fundraising event in Winnipeg, Canada during WW2. Canadian soldiers pretended to be an occupying Nazi force who launched an attack on the city, declared martial law, arrested citizens, burned books, and played Fascist propaganda to simulate Nazi occupation.

  3. The longest canoe trip was 12,182 miles from Winnipeg, Canada all the way to the mouth of the Amazon River in Belém, Brazil. It took a father and his sons 23 months to complete the journey.

  4. Brian De Palma's cult rock musical horror-comedy "Phantom of the Paradise" was a commercial and critical flop when it premiered, except for in Winnipeg Canada, where it remains inexplicably and enduringly popular to this day

  5. Tara Miller of Winnipeg, Canada, won a 2011 national photography competition despite being legally blind

  6. During their 1939 Royal Visit to Canada, King and Queen were introduced to the mayor of Winnipeg, John Queen, by MacKenzie King, the Prime Minister. Mrs. Queen and Mrs. King were also present.

  7. When the Red River Floodway was constructed north of Winnipeg, Canada between 1962 and 1968, it was a larger earth-moving project than the Suez Canal, and second only to the Panama Canal as the world's largest ever. It has since saved Manitoba's capital more than $40 billion in flood damage.

  8. Francis Evans Cornish, a magistrate in Winnipeg, Canada, who in 1874, tried and convicted himself for public drunkenness. As punishment, he fined himself five dollars with costs, but then stated: “Francis Evans Cornish, taking into consideration past good behaviour, your fine is remitted”.

winnipeg canada facts
What is there to do in winnipeg canada?

Why is winnipeg canada?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

There is another professional baseball league (other than MLB) in North America. Winnipeg has a "Pro-Baseball team", meaning the Blue Jays are not the only pro Baseball team in Canada.

Pizza Pops were originally invented in Winnipeg, Canada by an entrepreneur named Paul Faraci in 1964 who later on sold his company to the now-maker of Pizza Pops, Pillsbury. - source

The Panzerotti was invented in Winnipeg Canada, not Italy - source

Edmonton has the second largest Aboriginal population of any metro area in Canada after Winnipeg and the population is expected to increase by 89% by 2036.

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The film Phantom of the Paradise flopped almost everywhere on release, except in Winnipeg, Canada, where it was played continuously for four months.

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Vince Li, the man who beheaded and desecrated the body of a 22 year old on a greyhound bus in Canada in 2008, has been granted the right to leave his mental hospital without his escort and visit neighboring city, Winnipeg.

Parts of Winnipeg in Canada has 4x's higher homicide rate than Compton.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Winnipeg Canada. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Winnipeg Canada so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor