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Windows Xp facts

While investigating facts about Windows Xp Download and Windows Xp Service Pack 3, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Clippy was so unpopular at the time, part of Windows XP's marketing was making people aware they could disable him.

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There was a computer worm that would gain access to Windows XP systems, download a patch from Microsoft to close the vulnerability that it used to infect the system, attempt to delete the infamous Blaster worm (if present) from the system, then delete itself.

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the best browser for windows xp. Here are 50 of the best facts about Windows Xp Product Key and Windows Xp Mode I managed to collect.

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  1. Because Windows XP’s wallpaper was costlier than FedEx's insurance, Microsoft had to buy a plane ticket for the photographer to personally deliver it to Seattle

  2. Cash machines predominantly use Windows XP as their operating software.

  3. Microsoft was about to use "Prepare to Fly" slogan for Windows XP launch but dropped it because the 9/11 happened.

  4. The hill in the Windows XP desktop photo was actually part of a vineyard that had recently been destroyed by a bug infestation.

  5. There was a so called "helpful worm" that would gain access to Windows XP systems, download security patches from Microsoft to close the vulnerability that it used to infect the system, attempt to delete the infamous Blaster worm (if present) from the system, then delete itself.

  6. The Windows XP wallpaper was so expensive FedEx refused to ship it and was hand-delivered to Microsoft by the photographer himself

  7. The Royal Navy's nuclear-armed submarines run on an outdated version of Windows XP called "Windows for Submarines"

  8. The Windows XP wallpaper titled Bliss was bought from a photographer which is the second-largest payment ever made to a photographer for a single image, however he signed a confidentiality agreement and cannot disclose the exact amount

  9. The famous windows XP desktop background "bliss" was only possible due to an infestation that killed all of the grapes that would have been in that field

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Pinball was removed from Windows because it had a rounding error in the 64 bit version of XP. The code was written by an outside company and it had no comments whatsoever, so they decided to scrap it instead of spending time trying to figure out how the code worked.

There's an edition of Windows called "Windows XP™ for Submarines", and it's run on the United Kingdom's nuclear missile submarines - source

The famous Windows XP background is a photo called "Bliss". The photo is completely unedited and is a real place in California. - source

Chuck O'Rear, Original Photographer of "Bliss" (The Windows XP Background) Met his Future wife on the same day he took his most famous picture

Microsoft used a cracked version of Sony Sound Forge to create sounds in Windows XP - source

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Microsoft bought all the rights to a Corbis stock photo called Bliss, better known as the Windows XP default wallpaper, for over $100k, making it the second largest amount of money ever paid to a photographer for a single photograph at the time of sale.

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The pinball game in Windows XP was developed by Maxis, the same company that created the SimCity and Sims series

While the photographer for Windows XP's "Bliss" wallpaper was paid over $100k, the guy that shot XP's "Autumn" wallpaper only got $45

More people still use Windows XP than Mac OS X

Microsoft was about to use ‘prepare to Fly’ as a slogan for Windows XP but scrapped it because of the whole 9/11 thing.

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In 2007 25-35% of all Windows XP systems were pirated copies

In 2010, millions of machines worldwide running Windows XP broke due to system components being detected as malware... by McAfee.

The hill that is pictured in the default Windows XP wallpaper is now a vineyard in California.

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In 2009, ViewSonic developed a smartphone that ran Windows XP.

The default Windows XP wallpaper is a real photo that was taken in Sonoma County, California.

Microsoft changed the Windows XP slogan because of 9/11

Microsoft changed the planned slogan for Windows XP from "Prepare to Fly" to "Yes You Can" because of 9/11

The UK Government paid Microsoft £5.5m in 2014 to continue support Windows XP, Office 2003 and Exchange 2003

The default Windows XP wallpaper is an unedited photograph of an actual location in Sonoma County, California

In an effort to combat rampant software piracy in China, Windows Genuine Advantage changed XP users' desktop to a pure black background every hour, along with displaying constant warning messages, starting in 2008.

The worlds most viewed photo was the Windows XP desktop image

Microsoft began work on Windows Vista, known at the time by its codename Longhorn, in May 2001, five months before the release of Windows XP. Vista wasn't released for general public until 2007

The Windows XP default desktop wallpaper is a real picture of a real location with no digital enhancements.

Microsoft changed the advertising slogan for the Windows XP operating system from "Prepare to Fly" to "Yes You Can" because of 9/11 since the slogan wasn't catchy anymore. It cost them $200 million.

The UK's Trident nuclear missile submarines use a control system which the media have nicknamed "Windows for Submarines", because it is based on Windows XP.

Both the UK and the Netherlands paid Microsoft millions of dollars to extend support for Windows XP after it was cutoff

The Popular hill in the Windows XP desktop photo was actually part of a vineyard that recently experienced one of the worst brush fires in history. Homes and vineyards were destroyed in various places.

Windows XP is still very popular in China, running on one in four desktop computers

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Windows Xp. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Windows Xp so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor