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Wearing Clothes facts

While investigating facts about Wearing Clothes Of A Particular Type and Wearing Clothes Of A Particular Type Crossword, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Dr. Mary Walker, an abolitionist, suffragist, surgeon, and the only female Medal of Honor recipient. She advocated for women to wear what they wanted. She’d often get arrested for wearing men's clothes, though she insisted "I don't wear men's clothes, I wear my own clothes."

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Edgar Allan Poe died after being found wandering around Baltimore dirty, delirious and wearing somebody else's clothes. He was never coherent enough to explain how he came to be in such a condition before he died

Why can wearing black clothes at night be dangerous?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what's the matter with the clothes i'm wearing. Here are 50 of the best facts about Wearing Clothes Over New Tattoo and Wearing Clothes Of A Particular Type (7) I managed to collect.

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  1. A passenger was turned away from two flights because he was wearing 10 layers of clothing to avoid extra luggage fees

  2. Personal hygiene by Yugioh players got so bad, they had to make an official rule in the rule book banning wearing dirty clothes as a strategy to distract the opponent (in tournament play).

  3. Ninja where required to learn the crafts of several civilian jobs in order to more easily infiltrate enemy positions, and they would rarely if ever wear black clothes.

  4. Hours before his death Edgar Allen Poe was found on the streets of Baltimore. He was incoherent, wearing another man's clothes, and unable to explain how he got there. The cause of his death is an unsolved mystery.

  5. Walt Disney would often visit Disneyland incognito; wearing old clothes and a straw farmer’s hat, he would sit on rides and time them to make sure operators didn't rush Disneyland visitors.

  6. In 1998, Sony inadvertently released a camcorder that could see through clothes. When aimed at people wearing dark clothing, the night-vision feature created an x-ray effect, meaning what ever was beneath became visible. Sony had to recall over 700,000 units after they discovered the issue.

  7. In 1998, a Georgia high school student was suspended from school after wearing a Pepsi t-shirt on Coke Day. Upon hearing the news, a Pepsi spokesperson said, "Without knowing all the details, it sounds like (he's) obviously a trendsetter with impeccable taste in clothes."

  8. Up until the early 1900's, it was completely normal for children of both sexes in America to wear dresses until the age of 6 or 7. Gendered clothing didn't arrive until just before WWI, when pink was recommended for boys and the more 'delicate and dainty blue' was recommended for girls.

  9. Abercrombie & Fitch Co. offered to pay Michael “The Situation” Sorrentino to stop wearing their clothing.

  10. Alexander Graham Bell (the inventor of the telephone) was named honorary chief by the Mohawk Native Americans because of his work in translating and documenting their language. He participated in tribal dances while wearing native ceremonial clothing.

wearing clothes facts
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You can easily fact check why are the voice judges wearing same clothes by examining the linked well-known sources.

Walt Disney used to visit Disneyland incognito. Wearing old clothes and a straw farmer’s hat, he would sit on rides and time them to make sure operators didn't rush Disneyland visitors.

Marie Curie's notes are still radioactive and researchers must wear protective clothing and sign a disclaimer before viewing them - source

Joan of Arc was (technically) condemned to death for cross-dressing. The Church made her pledge to no longer wear men's clothing, but her jailers only let her have men's clothing to wear; breaking her pledge was defined as heresy, giving the Inquisition its excuse to burn her - source

Traditionally Japanese ninjas did not always wear black, as this was more commonly depicted in kabuki theater, but instead would typically wear regular clothes that would allow them to easily blend in with commoners. They only wore black on certain occasions, usually when a mission was at night.

Prairie dogs have different calls to communicate about humans that they've seen. "They're able to describe the colour of clothes the humans are wearing, they're able to describe the size and shape of humans, even, amazingly, whether a human once appeared with a gun," - source

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Charles Bronson's, one of the toughest men in Hollywood, was so poor growing up that at one time he had to wear his sister's dress to school for lack of clothing.

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After Tracey Morgan homophobic remark, Tina Fey released a statement reminding him some of his 30 Rock colleagues are gay "without whom Tracy would not have lines to say, clothes to wear, sets to stand on, scene partners to act with or a printed-out paycheck from accounting to put in his pocket"

The personal belongings of Marie Curie, the mother of modern physics, are dangerously radioactive to this day. They are kept in a lead box and those who wish to consult them must wear protective clothing.

Footage of Jazz being thrown out of the house on ‘Fresh Prince’ was only filmed once. The actor was to wear the same clothes on episodes he is thrown out to avoid continuity issues.

A photo of a man stealing a wallet in a store was on the bottom of The Lewiston Tribune on December 14, 2007. Above it was an unrelated photo of a man painting a business. Readers noticed both men were wearing the same clothes. They were identified to be the same person leading to his arrest.

French diplomat and spy to England a Russia Chevalier d'Éon. Once retired, he revealed that he had actually been a woman. She was henceforth made to wear gender appropriate clothing for the rest of her life. When she died, they found out she was actually a man. He was double crossdressing.

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Ozzy Osbourne was arrested for urinating on an Alamo memorial, while drunk, and wearing his wife's dress, because she hid all his clothes so he can't buy liquor. He was banned from San Antonio for 10 years.

It is illegal for anyone, even children, to wear camouflage clothing of any kind in Barbados

Marie Curies research papers are still highly radioactive and to access them you must sign a waiver and wear protective clothing.

A UK zoo banned visitors from wearing animal print clothes because it confuses the animals. "If someone wears the same pattern to the animal's coat they can become over friendly," a zoo spokesperson said.

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Prairie dogs have a complex language in which they can describe the size and shape of a human, the color of clothes the human is wearing, and even whether the human has a gun.

In the 1690s, Swordswoman and Opera Singer Julie d’Aubigny kissed a woman while wearing men’s clothes at a ball. For such an 'insult' she was challenged to a duel by three men. She accepted and beat all three, at the same time!

Charles Bronson's family was so poor that at one time he had to wear his sister's dress to school for lack of clothing.

It is illegal for civilians to wear camouflage clothing in at least 18 countries, including Jamaica, South Africa, Saudi Arabia, and the Philippines.

There was a man that was killed 5,300 years ago in the Ötzal Alps on the Austrian -Italian border that was mummified due to the cold and was still wearing the same clothing and equipment he died in.

In 1971 the Indonesian government began "Operation Penis Gourd" to eradicate the traditionally worn penis gourd and encourage people to wear shorts/shirts instead. Since residents weren't given changes of clothing or soap, the unwashed clothes caused skin diseases and the program was abandoned.

In 1864, George Boole a Mathematician and Logician, walked two miles in the drenching rain and lectured wearing his wet clothes. He became ill, developing a severe cold and high fever.His wife believed that remedies should resemble their cause, so she poured water on him, he died that year at 49

Russian soldiers only recently starting wearing socks; until 2013, wrapping feet in squares of cloth - portyanki - was standard issue.

In Helena Montana, a woman cannot dance on a table in a saloon or bar unless she is wearing at least three pounds, two ounces of clothing.

People in the Mongolian Empire did not believe in washing themselves or their clothes, wearing the same clothes until they literally rotted off.

A 2014 Canadian study showed that cyclists were actually more likely to be involved in an accident if they were wearing reflective clothing at night

About Giulio d'Este who after a failed plot against his brother, the Duke of Ferrara was imprisoned and spend 53 years in his cell,untill he was pardoned,after he got out the people of Ferrara made fun of him for the outfashioned clothes he was wearing

When a man's attempt to rob a store failed, he fled across the street and jumped a fence -- right into a nudist resort and spa. Being the only one wearing clothes, the police soon caught him.

In the 1907 Sydney Bathing Suit Protests thousands of men poured onto Sydney's beaches wearing wearing "their sisters' or grandmothers' underwear, ballet frills, curtains or tablecloths" To protest an increase in clothing regulations.

People employed in the manufacture of fireworks must wear cotton clothing, including undergarments. Synthetic clothing can create sparks capable of detonating fireworks.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Wearing Clothes. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Wearing Clothes so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor