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Volcanic Ash facts

While investigating facts about Volcanic Ash Osrs and Volcanic Ash Advisory, I found out little known, but curios details like:

The ancient Romans used concrete with volcanic ash mixed in, which allowed for much stronger crack-resistant concrete

how volcanic ash is formed?

In 1982 a British Airways 747 had all 4 of its engines flame out after flying through a cloud of volcanic ash over Indonesia. The crew managed to maneuver the powerless plane through the cloud, restart all 4 engines in mid-air, and then safely make an emergency landing in Jakarta.

What's volcanic ash?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what volcanic ash cloud. Here are 45 of the best facts about Volcanic Ash Definition and Volcanic Ash Cloud I managed to collect.

what's volcanic ash made of?

  1. Sunsets painted after the eruption of Mt.Tambora in 1815 all have distinctive warm hues dabbed in the paintings' skies indicative of the presence of volcanic ash and dust in the atmosphere when the artworks were created.

  2. Roman concrete, subject to marine corrosion, has stood for over 2000 years, while modern cement can break down in as few as 50 years. The concrete the Romans used contained volcanic ash and got stronger over time: the ash was slowly replaced with Al-tobermorite, a rare hydrothermal mineral.

  3. The celebrity holdout of the Mt. St Helens eruption, Harry Truman, refused to believe the volcano would be a threat to him. His family was futile in an attempt to bribe him away with whisky. On 05/18/80 Harry was buried under 150 ft of volcanic ash with his 16 cats.

  4. Ancient Roman concrete is 10 times weaker than modern concrete. The reason structures such as the Colosseum (~70 AD) and the Pantheon (~14 AD) are still standing was the inclusion of a specific volcanic ash in the mixture.

  5. Much of Pompeii was actually preserved under the volcanic ash.

  6. Volcanic ash rose to more than 80,000 feet into the air within 15 minutes of the landslide.

  7. The famous 3.5 million year old Laetoli footprints were found when anthropologist Andrew Hill ducked out of the way of some elephant dung thrown at him by a friend. With his face close to the rock, he recognized ancient footprints in the volcanic ash.

  8. When gas-charged andesitic magmas erupt it, they cause many volcanic plumes and ash eruptions. The pressure of the gas causes the eruptions, and then blows large amounts of tiny rock and magma particles into the air and carried long distances by the wind. They may also cause problems for aircraft downwind from the volcano.

  9. The volcanic eruption at Mount Pinatubo in 1991 resulted in a cubic mile of ash and pumice lapilli being released into the atmosphere and falling to the surface blanketing the countryside.

  10. Weather satellites can record a variety of weather and other phenomena including clouds, cloud systems, fire, pollution effects, dust storms, sand storms, snow, ice caps, ocean currents, volcanic ash in the air, smoke and much more.

volcanic ash facts
What happens if you inhale volcanic ash?

Why are ancient volcanic ash deposits important to geologists?

You can easily fact check why is there lightning in volcanic ash clouds by examining the linked well-known sources.

The oldest footwear ever found and accurately dated was in Fort Rock Cave, Oregon, USA. The sandals were dated to be between 9,300 and 10,500 years old and were found under a layer of volcanic ash.

The blood-red sky shown in Edvard Munch's famous 1893 painting 'The Scream' was because of the ash from the volcanic eruption of Krakatoa in 1883, which caused vivid red sunsets for years afterwards - source

Laser ceilometers are being used to map clouds of volcanic ash. They are set up at commercial airports in New Zealand. These laser ceilometers can help alert air traffic personnel to the presence of volcanic ash clouds and help pilots avoid them to avoid damage to aircraft or potential tragedy.

In 1816, "The Year Without a Summer", volcanic ash from Mt. Tambora darkened the sky such that candles were needed in the day, birds roosted at noon, crops failed sparking famine, riots and suicides broke out, religious fervour exploded and prophecies of a global apocalypse were prevalent.

Later that night the mound had grown into a small volcanic cone, releasing hot ash and flames as high as 2,625 feet (800 m) into the air.

When volcanic ash mixes with water what does it resemble?

Within a week before its conquest, Constantinople experienced a thick fog, a thunderstorm, the fiery reflection of volcanic ash on the Hagia Sophia, and a partial lunar eclipse.

How volcanic ash affect planes?

Explosive volcanic eruptions, which are common to stratovolcanoes, pose serious threats to aviation travel. The ash clouds can damage engines and cause structural damage. The ash is also very damaging to lungs.

Color of the fur can be white, grey, black, beige or silver. Chinchilla occasionally needs to remove oil and moist from the fur by rolling in the volcanic ash or in the dust.

In 2002–2003, a large volcanic eruption from Mt. Etna threw up a huge column of ash that could easily be seen from space. Footage from the eruptions was recorded by Lucasfilm and integrated into the landscape of the planet Mustafar in the 2005 film Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith.

The pink and white terraces of New Zealand “the eighth natural wonder of the world” were thought to have been destroyed by a Volcanic eruption, but new evidence suggests they may have survived covered by ash and debris.

Herculaneum, a town near Pompeii, was destroyed not by volcanic ash, but by a 500°C pyroclastic surge that caused some victims' brains to explode.

When volcanic ash breaks down it releases?

After British Airways flight 9 lost all engines to volcanic ash, the pilot calmly addressed the passengers regarding the 'small' problem, saying they are ' trying our damnedest to get them going again'.

There is an active volcano in Nicaragua you can snowboard down using the volcanic ash from previous eruptions.

The Year Without A Summer (when volcanic ash in the atmosphere caused famine) also resulted in JM Turner's atmospheric paintings and Mary Shelley's Frankenstein.

There are only two farms remaining in Skaftafell National Park's land, making their income from tourism. Farming ended as a means to make money in 1988 when ash and sand from the frequent volcanic eruptions made the land unmanageable.

It is estimated that the Lava Creek eruption that created the Yellowstone Caldera ejected 240 cubic miles of volcanic ash, dust, and rock into the surrounding sky.

How volcanic ash is made?

Harry Truman, who lived near the foot of Mount St. Helen, refused to leave his home when the volcano erupted and ended up being buried under 150ft of volcanic ash

Volcanic lightning, or "dirty thunderstorms", where charged particles from the collision of rocks, ash, and ice produce static charges, resulting in a violent storm in the volcano's smoke plume.

The Polynesian megapode lays its eggs near the rim of an active volcano. The eggs are incubated by the heat of the volcanic ash.

The largest-known volcanic eruption in history occurred in Colorado 26 million years ago. It ejected 4800x more material than Mt. Saint Helens, enough to fill Lake Michigan with ash.

The statues were not all made from the same stone. 834 of the 887 known moai were created from compressed volcanic ash called tuff.

Borobudur, the biggest Buddhist temple in the world, built in the 9th century in Java, was abandoned and left hidden under volcanic ash and jungle growth until Stamford Raffles ordered the clearance of jungle and restoration of the temple.

A 1982 British Airways flight lost all four engines after flying through a volcanic ash cloud. It managed to land safely.

A volcanic ash field in Hawaii contains fossilized human footprints, which might be from a 230 year old war for the Hawaiian throne.

When Mount Vesuvius erupted in 79 A.D. it lasted for over 24 hours, shooting 1.5 million tons of volcanic material into the atmosphere every second. This material included volcanic ash, molten rock and pumice.

100 years ago today on May 22, 1915, a powerful explosive eruption at Lassen Peak in Northern California devastated nearby areas and spread volcanic ash as far as 200 miles. Lassen Peak was the first volcano in the contiguous US to erupt during the 20th century.

The Easter Island statues have full bodies, and they were created from volcanic ash.

Ancient Romans used a mixture of limestone, volcanic ash, and water to make concrete. The mixture and curing technique produces a stronger and more environmentally friendly concrete than modern Portland cement

The Kuwae, a Pacific volcano, fulfilled the prophecy of the Fall of Constantinople. The volcanic ash made an optical illusion where flames engulfed the dome of the Hagia Sophia.

Pliable volcanic ash rock is called tuff.

Co-pilot Imme Visscher (not Capt. Karl van der Elst) saved the lives of 245 people on KLM 867 (Boeing 747) after it flew through a volcanic ash cloud and lost all 4 engines. Audio is chilling.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Volcanic Ash. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Volcanic Ash so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor