Incredible and fun facts to explore

Trophy Stolen facts

While investigating facts about World Cup Trophy Stolen and Telkom Trophy Stolen, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Vincent Vega and Mia Wallace do not actually win the Jack Rabbit Slim’s Twist Contest. We see them walk into her house with the trophy but later when Butch is walking into his apartment a commercial is on, and the faint voice in the commercial says that the trophy was stolen.

how many times was the world cup trophy stolen?

After the iconic dance scene in Pulp Fiction, you see Vincent Vega and Mia Wallace holding a trophy. It's assumed they won the contest, but later in the film, a barely audible advert states the trophy had, in fact been stolen.

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 17 of the best facts about Telkom Knockout Trophy Stolen and Clippers Trophy Stolen I managed to collect.

what year was the world cup trophy stolen?

  1. A dog named Pickles found the stolen 1966 FIFA World Cup trophy while going for a walk

  2. In 1966, the world cup trophy was stolen off England, only to be found 7 days later in a garden by a dog named pickles

  3. The Stolen 1966 World Cup Trophy was found by a Dog named Pickles who was then invited to the celebration banquet and allowed to lick his owners bowl.

  4. Mia Wallace and Vincent Vega didn't actually win the trophy from the dance competition in Pulp Fiction - there's a radio bulletin later in the film saying the trophy was stolen.

  5. Months before the legendary 1966 England World Cup, the Trophy was stolen and hidden in a garden hedge. It was recovered a week later by a dog named 'Pickles' who was later invited to the celebration banquet after England won the World Cup.

  6. Since 1994 the NHL championship trophy, The Stanley Cup, is always accompanied by a human handler. Before that, the cup was stolen, used as a planter, kicked over a river, set on fire, and urinated on.

  7. On the 20th March 1966, four months before the 1966 FIFA World Cup in England, the trophy was stolen during a public exhibition at Westminster Central Hall. It was found seven days later wrapped in newspaper at the bottom of a suburban garden hedge in South London by a dog named Pickles.

  8. The original FIFA World Cup Trophy was known as the Jules Rimet Trophy. The Brazilian national team was allowed to keep the trophy in perpetuity for winning the world cup 3 times as was stipulated in the contract. In 1983, however, the cup was stolen from its cabinet never to be found again.

trophy stolen facts
What are the best facts about Trophy Stolen?

Why trophy hunting is bad?

You can easily fact check why trophy hunting should be banned by examining the linked well-known sources.

In Pulp Fiction Vincent Vega and Mia Wallace do not win the Jack Rabbit Slim’s Twist Contest. We see them walk into her house with the trophy but later when Butch is walking into his apartment a commercial is on, and the faint voice in the commercial says that the trophy was stolen.

William Shakespeare's skull was removed from his body after he was buried. It is believed to have been stolen by trophy hunters more than 200 years ago. - source

The FIFA World Cup trophy went missing 7 days in 1966, when it was stolen just prior to the tournament. It was then found by a mongrel dog named Pickles in a London street.

A dog named Pickles found the stolen 1996 FIFA World Cup trophy while going for a walk - source

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Trophy Stolen. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Trophy Stolen so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor