Incredible and fun facts to explore

Tough Guy facts

While investigating facts about Tough Guy, I found out little known, but curios details like:

While Danny Trejo was filming his cameo in "The Muppets: Most Wanted!" his mother passed. The cast all offered their sympathy but he shrugged it off because of his 'tough guy' persona. It wasn't until Steve Whitmire apologized in character as Kermit the Frog that Trejo broke down crying.

Bob Ross was a Master Sergent in the US Airforce. He was required to be "mean and tough," to be "the guy who scream at you for being late to work." After 20 years he left the military and decided "he would never scream again." 3 years later he started "The Joy of Painting"

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 16 of the best facts about Tough Guy I managed to collect.

  1. Hollywood "tough guy" actor Humphrey Bogart was a male victim of domestic violence. His third wife (Mayo Methot) once stabbed him in the shoulder & threatened him with a pistol at a party.

  2. Charles Bronson, tough guy actor of classic films like The Magnificent Seven and Death Wish, grew up in abject poverty, the 11th of 15 kids. His family was so poor he once had to wear his sister's dress to school. When he was 16, he mined coal for $1 per ton.

  3. Liam Neeson agreed to say any line that the writers of the Family Guy episode "Fighting Irish" wrote except one: "I’ve been a world-famous tough guy since 56", which he altered on the basis that he was 55 when he filmed Taken.

  4. Having held military positions that required him to be, in his own words, "tough" and "mean", "the guy who makes you scrub the latrine, the guy who makes you make your bed, etc.", Bob Ross decided that if he ever left the military, he would never scream again.

  5. There's a group of tough-looking guys who rescue animals by force from abusive homes when the police won't do anything

  6. Lionsgate executives announced that Leonardo DiCaprio would be playing the lead in American Psycho, director refused quoting "Leonardo wasn't remotely right [...] He's not credible as one of these tough Wall Street guys".

  7. Matt Dillon was discovered as a young teen when the makers of the film "Over The Edge" were casting for delinquent kids, and found him at a NY middle school skipping class and acting like a tough guy.

  8. The Sega Toylet, an interactive urinal, challenges players to interact with it by urinating on a sensor. That input controls the videogame, shown on a screen mounted at eye level. The games include filling coffee cans, squirting milk out of a tough guy's nose and blowing wind up a girl's skirt.

  9. Bob Ross was a Master Sergent in the US Airforce. He was required to be "mean and tough," to be "the guy who scream at you for being late to work." After 20 years he left the military and decided "he would never scream again." 3 years later he started "The Joy of Painting"

  10. Teddy Roosevelt was saved from death by an assassins bullet by one of his famously long speeches, he was such a tough guy that he gave the speech anyway, still bleeding from the bullet wound...

tough guy facts
What are the best facts about Tough Guy?

What is true about tough guy?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

Tough guy actor Lawrence Tierney featured in a deleted scene in the movie Armageddon as Bruce Willis' character's father

There is an event called the "Tough Guy Competition" which includes a 6 mile run, shock tentacles, running through fire, and swimming through freezing water. - source

In the Summer of 2011 three Enforcers (ice hockey's archetype of the tough guy) died separately from drug overdose or suicide. These deaths were used to highlight some of the risks of head trauma resulting in chronic traumatic encephalopathy. - source

The movie "Tough Guys Don't Dance" was so bad the trailer is just the director reacting to the audiences opinions.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Tough Guy. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Tough Guy so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor