Incredible and fun facts to explore

Tl Dr facts

While investigating facts about Tab Doxy-1 L-dr Forte and Tablet Doxy-1 L-dr Forte, I found out little known, but curios details like:

About the TL;DR Act of 2018 which requires U.S. federal agencies to provide clear instructions in all communications.

how to use tl dr?

In 1989, 6 out of 178 workers at the United States Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases had antibodies for a strain of ebola. The strain wasn't contagious to humans, and the 6 workers had all been in contact with macaques that had died from the disease. TL;DR Monkey ebola in the US

What's tl dr?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what does tldr mean. Here are 18 of the best facts about Take The L Dr Phil and *tl Dr* I managed to collect.

what tl dr means?

  1. Only 25%-30% of the energy created by burning gasoline in a car is used; 70%-75% is rejected as heat without being turned into useful work. TL;DR Gas Powered Cars Are Incredibly Inefficient.

  2. Opportunity did not say “My battery is low and it’s getting dark”, it was a TL;DR

  3. The words Hangry, Bougie, and TL;DR were added to the Webster Merriam Dictionary yesterday.

  4. Male elephants are starting to gang up to protect themselves from humans — usually male elephants are solitary! TL;DR, humans are forcing animals to change their behaviour

  5. Where you grew up is recorded in your teeth (TL;DR in comments)

  6. The top 4 most common religious rituals and the top 4 most common obsessive compulsive behaviors are the same: cleansing of the body, food preparation, entering/leaving buildings and numerology. TL;DR Religion is linked to mental illness.

  7. Why every Florida Publix has a large scale. (TL;DR: Founder wanted another place for people to weigh themselves that wasn’t the doctor’s office)

  8. CreditKarma's "Terms of Service" document has TL;DR summaries for every subsection

  9. 'Passion of Christ' is the Highest Grossing R-rated Movie and Deadpool is about to surpass it. TL:DR Deadpool > Jesus

tl dr facts
What does tldr stand for?

Tl Dr data charts

For your convenience take a look at Tl Dr figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

tl dr fact data chart about What Trump and Clinton supporters love and hate the most acc
What Trump and Clinton supporters love and hate the most according to the Hater dating app (TL;DR guacamole can heal our nation)

Why tk maxx and tj maxx?

You can easily fact check why is it tk maxx in europe by examining the linked well-known sources.

The ToSDR, a wiki of ToS documents in TL;DR format

Early up-votes can dramatically affect a post's probability of reaching the frontpage. TL;DR - front-page posts plausible with just one early up-vote (more info in comments) - source

Probes have discovered appreciable amounts of Hydrogen Sulfide, the chemical that is known as rotten egg smell, on Uranus. TL;DR: Uranus Smells like Rotten Eggs - source

TL;DR means too long; didn’t read. For those longest time, I thought it was Too lazy; didn’t read. I like my version better.

One of France's most revered singers/song writers, Charles Aznavour, has written 1300 songs sung in 8 different languages. He has been dubbed the Frank Sinatra of France. Eventually, he decided to also become a naturalized Armenian. What an interesting life! TL:DR Un chanteur français est cool. - source

When to use tl dr?

There's a website that takes terms of service and makes a tl;dr of them.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Tl Dr. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Tl Dr so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor