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Thoroughbred Horses facts

While investigating facts about Thoroughbred Horses Crossword and Thoroughbred Horses Crossword Clue, I found out little known, but curios details like:

After a stable boy misspelled the name of a thoroughbred Potatoes, the horse was named Potoooooooo, or Pot-8-Os. In 27 years Potoooooooo won 30 races and sired 5 winners.

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All thoroughbred horses are given the birth date of Jan. 1 regardless of when they were really born.

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what are thoroughbred horses. Here are 15 of the best facts about Thoroughbred Horseshoes and Thoroughbred Horses For Sale In Texas I managed to collect.

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  1. Iditarod huskies have a 'Maximal Oxygen Uptake' (V02 Max) as high as 240 mL/(kg·min) - greater than Thoroughbred horses (180 mL/(kg·min), and nearly three times greater than the highest human V02 max ever recorded (97.5 mL/(kg·min).

  2. The term dead ringer comes from the practice of substituting a thoroughbred horse with a look-a-like to trick bookies.

  3. A thoroughbred named Sham, considered one of the fastest race horses of the 20th century, didn't win a single leg of the 1973 Triple Crown because he was beat each time by his half-cousin, Secretariat

  4. All thoroughbred horses used in racing are descended from just three horses; Darley Arabian, Godolphin Arabian and Byerley Turk.

  5. The average thoroughbred horse is valued around $90,000. That's just shy of a BMW M5 at 92k.

  6. The Thoroughbred horse breed was created by English knights bringing Arabian stallions back with them following the crusades, to be bred with English mares.

  7. Air Horse One, a Boeing 727-200 operated by the H.E. "Tex" Sutton Forwarding Company, the only U.S. based dedicated to the transportation of large animals, primarily thoroughbred horses.

  8. All thoroughbred racehorses have been descendants of at least 1 of 3 horses, Darley Arabian, Godolphin Arabian, or Byerley Turk.

  9. The father of Rielle Hunter, mistress of former senator John Edwards, had her thoroughbred horse electrocuted so he could collect on its $150,000 life insurance policy

thoroughbred horses facts
What do thoroughbred race horses eat?

What is true about thoroughbred horses?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

Thoroughbred horses in the northern hemisphere are assigned a birthday of Jan 1st. It's advantageous to impregnate a mare in February so that they can have a foal in January. In the southern hemisphere it's August 1st.

95% of modern Thoroughbred horses, including potential Triple Crown Winner American Pharoah, can trace their Y chromosome back to a single 18th Century sire. - source

On average, over 600 thoroughbred horses die each year. - source

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Thoroughbred Horses. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Thoroughbred Horses so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor