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Thirteen Colonies facts

While investigating facts about Thirteen Colonies Map and Thirteen Colonies Flag, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Scottish economist Adam Smith predicted in his book the Wealth of Nations (1776) that, if given representation in Parliament, in a century the Thirteen Colonies would control the British Empire. By 1913, the USA's economy surpassed the entire British Empire.

how many of the thirteen colonies voted for independence?

The Thirteen Colonies legally separated from Great Brittain on July 2. The future U.S. President John Adams wrote, "The second day of July, 1776, will be the most memorable epoch in the history of America," but Congress didn't agree on the language and sign the papers until July 4.

What's thirteen colonies?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what are the thirteen original colonies. Here are 15 of the best facts about Thirteen Colonies List and Thirteen Colonies Quiz I managed to collect.

what thirteen colonies were founded by 1732?

  1. Rhode Island was the first of the Thirteen Colonies to declare its independence from the British but the last of the Thirteen Colonies to become a U.S. state.

  2. The British plan during the Battles of Saratoga was to split the Thirteen Colonies apart, as they decided that the New England Colonies were less loyal than the Middle and Southern Colonies. Their plan was to sever the New England Colonies altogether.

  3. The word 'Dollar' comes from the German word and currency 'Joachimsthaler.' A Dutch variant of the coin and word spread to the Thirteen Colonies through New Netherland (New York)

  4. Great Britain passed the Quebec Act of 1774, respecting Catholicism and French civil law, because they worried French settlers would revolt. The act also gave land West of the Thirteen Colonies to Quebec, angering Colonials and precipitating the American Revolution. The French never revolted.

  5. Technically, the American Revolution was a secessionist war more so than a revolution because it involved the thirteen American colonies seceding from the United Kingdom to form the United States of America.

  6. The Dutch played a big part in the American Revolutionary War by selling an estimated one half of all the military supplies used by the thirteen colonies from an island called Sint Eustatius.

  7. Susanna Wheatley used her connections in England to get Phillis" book published. It became popular in England and soon it became popular in America in the Thirteen Colonies as well.

  8. Americans living in the Thirteen Colonies were taxed much less than their British counterparts. With the average British citizen paying 26 Shillings a year in taxes compared to 1 Shilling in New England.

  9. Legal separation of the Thirteen Colonies from Great Britain actually occurred on July 2, 1776, when the Second Continental Congress voted to approve a resolution of independence declaring the United States independent from Great Britain's rule.

  10. In his book "The Wealth of Nations" [1776], Adam Smith predicted that if given representation in Parliament, in a century the Thirteen Colonies would become the center of the British Empire. By 1876, the GDP of the USA was identical to that of the British Empire.

thirteen colonies facts
The thirteen colonies were colonies of what country?

Why were the thirteen colonies founded?

You can easily fact check why were the thirteen colonies established on the east coast by examining the linked well-known sources.

The Olive Branch Petition: was written in a final attempt to avoid war between Great Britain and the Thirteen Colonies in America. John Adams believed that war was inevitable, and decided that the wisest course of action was to remain quiet and wait for the opportune time to rally the people.

The penal colony of the Province of Georgia was the only one of the thirteen British colonies to have banned slavery—1735—before legalizing it. It was legalized by royal decree in 1751, in part due to George Whitefield's support for the institution of slavery. - source

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Thirteen Colonies. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Thirteen Colonies so important!

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