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Teens Adults facts

While investigating facts about Teens Adults, I found out little known, but curios details like:

The 1982 Swedish Hot Line Riot - teens in Sweden hacked the land line system to create a massive party line unbeknownst to adults or hte phone company. Over 1,000 14-18 year olds then decided to meet at one location with no plans. A riot ensued.

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In 2007 Boston Police Department shut down waterways, highways, and bridges after mistakenly identifing battery-powered LED placards of characters from the Adult Swim show Aqua Teen Hunger Force as improvised explosive devices. The devices were being used as a guerrilla marketing campaign.

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what teenage mutant ninja turtle toys. Here are 22 of the best facts about Teens Adults I managed to collect.

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  1. Adult Women are currently the largest computer/video gaming demographic at 36%, partly due to the rise in the casual gaming market- the stereotypical teen boy only accounts for 17% of the gaming population. Non gamers have also become the minority.

  2. An adult attracted to teens is an ephebophile not a pedophile

  3. Teens are more likely to engage in risky behavior when they are in a group than when they are alone, but having just one slightly older adult in the group decreases the risk-taking tendencies.

  4. The Slip 'N Slide toy from the 80's and early 90's is considered one of the more dangerous toys of that generation. It's very risky for teens and adults to use, resulting in many cases of spinal, neck and paralysis injuries. And that's assuming it wasn't set up on rocks in the lawn!

  5. Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret was a young adult novel about issues that pre-teen females face. It was published in 1970. This book was added to Time's top 100 fiction books written in English since 1923, in 2010.

  6. While in his teen and early adult years Tom Hardy struggled with alcohol and drugs. He checked into rehab in his mid-20s.

  7. There is a device called the mosquito alarm that is used to deter loitering. The frequency is so high only people under the age of 25 can hear it. Students can also buy a mosquito pitched ringtone aka "teen buzz" meaning teachers and adults won't hear your cellphone go off in class

  8. An empty stomach is usually the width of a teen’s/adult’s balled fist and two fists long (not just one fist). Average stomachs are around 4-5 inches wide and 8-10 inches long. Average adult stomachs comfortably hold 1-2 liters of food and liquid (and max out at 3 - 4 liters of food and liquid).

  9. In 2007, Boston had a bomb scare over LED adverts of characters from an Adult Cartoon, Aqua Teen Hunger Force. They were mistaken as bombs, and removed by police. They even arrested two men who were hired to install the signs. $2M worth of damages was caused.

  10. The quarter life crisis, which is a period of life usually ranging from the late teens to the early thirties, in which a person begins to feel doubtful about their own lives, brought on by the stress of becoming an adult.

teens adults facts
What are the names of the teenage mutant ninja turtles?

Why teenage mutant hero turtles?

You can easily fact check why are the teenage mutant turtles named after artists by examining the linked well-known sources.

About the shrinking frog which gets its name from its abnormal growth where it reaches a length of 25 cm (10 in) as a tadpole before shrinking to a quarter of this size at adult age. This would be the equivalent of a teen growing to be 6-7 m (20-23 ft) tall before becoming an average sized adult

The Adult Swim show "Aqua Teen Hunger Force" changes its name every season, since 2011. - source

Human infants are born more lightly pigmented than adults and develop their genetically determined maximum level of constitutive pigmentation only in their late teens or early 20s - source

Spider-man became the first teen superhero to hold his own - all others had been sidekicks to adult superheroes in the past.

Adult Swim had an original series reach it's 7th season (Aqua Teen Hunger Force in 2009) before a Cartoon Network proper series (Regular Show in June 2015 (narrowly getting there before Adventure Time)) - source

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Alcohol poisoning deaths are most common among middle-aged adults, not teens

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The National Sleep Foundation (USA) recommended, in hrs/day, the daily sleep duration across the life span: 14-17 for newborns, 12-15 for infants, 11-14 for toddlers, 10-13 for preschoolers, 9-11 for school-aged children, 8-10 for teens, 7-9 for young adults/adults, and 7-8 for older adults.

The signs of sexual abuse in children, teens, adults, + signs someone is a perpetrator.

In 2007 Adult Swim caused a massive bomb scare in Boston, all from promoting the new season of Aqua Teen Hunger Force

About the shrinking frog which gets its name from its abnormal growth where it reaches a length of 25 cm (10 in) as a tadpole before shrinking to a quarter of this size at adult age. This would be the equivalent of a teen growing to be 6-7 m (20-23 ft) tall before becoming an average sized adult

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Teens Adults. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Teens Adults so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor