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Swear Words facts

While investigating facts about Swear Words In Spanish and Swear Words In Italian, I found out little known, but curios details like:

South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut would've got an NC-17 rating if they used more than 400 swear words in their movie, they intentionally used 399 swear words

how swear words were invented?

Saying curse words when you're in pain actually reduces your suffering. The psychologist who showed this said, "I would advise people, if they hurt themselves, to swear."

What swear words are in the bible?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what swear words are there. Here are 47 of the best facts about Swear Words In Arabic and Swear Words In English I managed to collect.

what swear words are allowed on tv?

  1. You're not allowed to swear if playing in Wimbledon. As such, line judges have to learn curse words in every language.

  2. Stephen Hawking's son once added swear words to his dad's voice synthesizer as a prank

  3. We say "pardon my French" after swearing because in the 19th century, English-speaking people would drop French phrases into conversation to display class, apologizing because many of their listeners wouldn't know the language. Then people hid swear words under the pretense of them being French.

  4. There is an episode of Dexter's Laboratory called "Rude Removal", in which Dexter and DeDe's niceness and rudeness turn into two separate people. The many swear words used by the rude clones caused this episode not to be aired, but it is available to stream online.

  5. In 1962 comedian Lenny Bruce was arrested for using the word "schmuck" on stage. "Schmuck" is a Yiddish swear word for "penis", and is considered deeply offensive in Yiddish speaking communities.

  6. In a similar way to "shoot" and "darn" being inoffensive substitutes for harsh swear words, the Australian exclamation "Crikey," made world famous by Steve Irwin, is shorthand for "Christ kill me"

  7. Humans are not the only primate that curse. Chimps do it to. In project Washoe, chimps being taught sign language internalized taboos around the toilet, with the sign “dirty” representing something shameful. They started using that sign as an admonition or to express anger, like a swear word.

  8. Coprolalia -- the involuntary uttering of obscene words in inappropriate situations sometimes found in people with Tourette's -- has been observed in some deaf people, who involuntarily swear in sign language.

  9. Deaf people with Tourette syndrome may involuntarily sign swear words.

swear words facts
What swear words are allowed in pg 13?

Swear Words data charts

For your convenience take a look at Swear Words figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

swear words fact data chart about Most common swear words on Reddit[More info in comments]
Most common swear words on Reddit[More info in comments]

swear words fact data chart about Total number of swear words in Eminem songs
Total number of swear words in Eminem songs

Why swear words are swear words?

You can easily fact check why swear words are offensive by examining the linked well-known sources.

81-year-old Dame Judi Dench makes beautiful embroidered gifts for fellow celebs with swear words on them. Eg: "You Are A F****** S***"

The German swear-word "Tussi" means "dumb broad" and was named after Thusnelda, the wife of Arminius who first united the Germanic tribes in 9 AD to slaughter the Roman army in the Black Forest - source

The human brain processes swear words in a different place than normal words: the limbic system, which is also largely associated with emotions. - source

A lot of Finnish swear words involve "vagina" including my personal fave "Ski into a vagina"

The part of the brain that we use to swear is close to the parts of the brain we use to cry/scream. When you stub your toe in front of a child it's hard not to swear because you haven’t consciously processed those words through the same part of the language engine that you use tell a story. - source

When swear words were invented?

Swearing can relieve pain. Volunteers who were asked to submerge their hand in ice water could endure almost twice as long if they repeated a swear word than a neutral word. The effect is diminished for regular fucking swearers however

How many swear words are there?

Swearing may help to reduce pain. Researchers found that study subjects were able to endure pain for longer when allowed to swear versus chanting a neutral word.

The single "Real Ni**a Roll Call" by Lil Jon & the East Side Boyz holds the Guinness record for "Most swear words in a song" with 295 cusses.

The first-ever "swear" word heard on prime time network TV was "damn" and was uttered on an episode of "My Favorite Martian" in 1965. The potty-mouth was actress Doris Packer, better known as school principal Mrs. Rayburn on "Leave It to Beaver".

The Russian language has a parallel dialect that consists entirely of variations on 4 swear words

Swear words infographics

Beautiful visual representation of Swear Words numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

swear words fact infographic about Most common swear words - from

Most common swear words - from

swear words fact infographic about Update : Swear words in Tarantino movies

Update : Swear words in Tarantino movies

When did swear words begin?

As a child, Stephen Hawking's son Tim would add swear words into his dad's computerised speech system as a prank and would often use his specialised wheelchair as a gokart.

According to a survey conducted in the UK, cunt is the most severe swear word used on TV.

The symbols used to censor a swear word are called grawlixes, named by Beetle Bailey's Mort Walker.

Fuck" isn't really considered a swear word in Australia, and can even be said on television.

The romans had about 800 different swear words while the english language has about 20.

How to make alexa say swear words?

1st Corinthians 4:13 contains the closest thing to a swear word in the Bible. In the passage, the Greek words "perikatharma" or "peripsema" appear. Their closest English equivalent is the word "shit".

A name of a popular OS for a Raspberry Pi sounds like a swear word in Russian

The Russian government does not allow artists to use swear words

Shia LaBeouf is a Rap God (for swear words)

South Park's creators were afraid to get NC-17 rating for their movie by using over 400 swear words in it. So they used 399.

If 400 swear words are used in a film, it must be NC-17. South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut used 399.

The word 'testify' derived from a time when men were required to swear on their testicles

Analyses of recorded conversations revealed that an average of roughly 80–90 words that a person speaks each day – 0.5% to 0.7% of all words – are swear words.

Saying curse words when you're in pain actually reduces your suffering. The psychologist who showed this said, "l would advise people, if they hurt themselves, to swear."

Wikipedia assigns a point value to swear words in order to detect vandalism

In early editions of A Farewell to Arms, Ernest Hemingway re-inserted swear words by hand that had been removed due to censorship, presenting "uncensored" versions to James Joyce and Maurice Coindreau.

None of Daft Punk's songs have swear words in them, except for Touch It / Technologic, which has 24 instances of "fuck".

Saying, "Awh sheese" (Scheiße in German) is a swear word

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Swear Words. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Swear Words so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor