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Sumo Wrestler facts

While investigating facts about Sumo Wrestler Diet and Sumo Wrestler Costume, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Sumo wrestlers of the lowest ranks must always wear wooden sandals in public. The clacking sound of their footsteps is a reminder to improve their skills.

how sumo wrestlers gain weight?

In Japan, letting a sumo wrestler make your baby cry is considered good luck.

What sumo wrestlers wear?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what sumo wrestlers throw. Here are 49 of the best facts about Sumo Wrestler Weight and Sumo Wrestler Salary I managed to collect.

what sumo wrestlers eat?

  1. In Japan, letting a sumo wrestler make your baby cry is considered good luck.

  2. Professional Sumo wrestling in Japan has been dominated by Mongolian wrestlers for nearly 20 years.

  3. There are no professional female sumo wrestlers because professional sumo wrestling bans women from competitions and ceremonies. Women are not allowed to enter or touch the sumo wrestling ring (dohyō), as this is traditionally seen to be a violation of the purity of the dohyō.

  4. Russians have a breed fighting geese that fight like sumo wrestlers

  5. There is a style of Japanese calligraphy used specifically for writing the list of professional sumo wrestler rankings.

  6. Sumo wrestling dates back 1500 years but it's only since the 20th century that participants have sought to increase their size. Wrestlers are not allowed to drive. Due to their diet and alcohol consumption, life expectancy is ten years shorter than an average Japanese male.

  7. To gain and maintain their weight, sumo wrestlers eat a special diet of a stew called chankonabe. Chankonabe is so delicious that after retirement many Sumo wrestlers start their own restaurants.

  8. In Japan sumo wrestlers are not allowed to drive cars.

  9. Nakizumo is a 400-year old Japanese contest where sumo wrestlers compete to make a baby cry first.

  10. Sumo wrestler's inserted silicone implants beneath their scalp's to meet a 5'8 height requirement.

sumo wrestler facts
What do sumo wrestlers eat?

Why sumo wrestlers throw salt?

You can easily fact check why sumo wrestlers wear diapers by examining the linked well-known sources.

The annual Nakizumo Festival is held in Japan where sumo wrestlers compete to see who can make a baby bawl first.

UFC 3 featured, among other things, a 6'8'' 600lb Sumo wrestler fight a 5'11'' wrestler 200lb, and a trained minister fight MMA legend Royce Gracie after carrying a full-sized cross on his back to the octagon - source

On the rare occasions that two sumo wrestlers in a bout fall at nearly the exact same time, the first one to fall wins. This is because he brought his opponent to an unrecoverable position through superior technique and is therefore more skilled... even if he "dies" first. - source

There was a Yokozuna (top ranked Sumo wrestler) weighing only 127kg

Sumo wrestlers eat a daily diet of 20,000 calories. - source

When sumo wrestlers eat?

The annual Nakizuma festival held in Japan, an event where student sumo wrestlers try to make babies cry

How sumo wrestlers get fat?

Yokozuna, the highest rank in Japanese Sumo wrestling, was not at first officially considered as such but started out simply as a license given to some chosen wrestlers to perform a certain ritual relating to having good harvests.

Since 2003 only 4 Sumo Wrestlers have been promoted to Yokozuna, the highest rank in Sumo Wrestling, and they are all from Mongolia

Kelly Gneiting, a 400 pound sumo-wrestler, is the heaviest person to ever finish a marathon at 9:48:52

Japanese professional sumo wrestlers are banned from driving by the association because some are just too big to fit behind a steering wheel and them driving could lead to a serious car accident.

What do sumo wrestlers get when they win?

Unofficially there are only 70 professional Sumo wrestlers in the world. The rest are considered "in training".

Japan has a 400 year old tradition of sumo wrestlers make babies cry on purpose.

There's a festival in Japan where Sumo Wrestlers try to make babies cry to ward off demons.

Takashi Saito, an aspiring 17 year old Sumo, was hazed and beaten with a metal bat by other wrestlers. He died the next day in hospital.

The pioneer of professional wrestling in Japan was a Korean who had previously fought as a sumo wrestler

How sumo wrestlers train?

A Japanese sumo wrestler reached​ the top of the sumo rankings for 1st time in 19 years

Hakuhō Shō, one of the best Sumo wrestlers of all time, was smaller than most boys and almost didn't get accepted into the official Sumo system.

Sumo wrestlers and some Japanese politicians wave fish in celebration.

UFC's first ever fight featured a Sumo wrestler versus a "stick figure"

An Orangutan can out-pull a Sumo Wrestler.

Sumos wrestlers do not retract their testicles inside their bodies. The myth was popularized by Sir Ian Fleming's Bond novel "You Only Live Twice".

Sumo wrestlers make babies cry, and the baby that cries first or cries the loudest will have good health.

Sumo wrestlers in Japan make babies cry every year in an annual contest

A rikishi is a professional sumo wrestler (and not just the name of a pro wrestler).

In Japan, letting a sumo wrestler make your baby cry is considered good luck.

There is a "Baby Crying Competition" in Japan where sumo wrestlers compete to make their assigned babies cry

Chankonabe, a Japanese stew eaten in bulk by Sumo wrestlers, is served in Sumo tournaments with chicken since rikishi must be on two legs like them and not on all fours.

There is an annual festival in Japan where sumo wrestlers are given babies, then attempt to make them cry.

In Japan, letting a sumo wrestler make your baby cry is considered good luck.

In Japan, letting a sumo wrestler make your baby cry is considered good luck.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Sumo Wrestler. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Sumo Wrestler so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor