Start Ups facts
While investigating facts about Start Ups, I found out little known, but curios details like:
The Queen owns all of the U.K.'s swans. Every year there is an annual census of all the swans in the River Thames, a centuries-old tradition known as the Swan Upping that takes place the third week in July. This years Swan Upping started today.
UPS was started by two teenagers with one bicycle and $100 borrowed from a friend.
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 7 of the best facts about Start Ups I managed to collect.
UPS was originally called American Messenger Company and was started in 1907 by 2 teenagers with one bicycle and $100 borrowed from a friend
Only 3% of Americans are legally allowed to invest in start-ups. These select few determine what is new and innovative, and thus what the remaining 97 percent want, need and will use.
Kleiner Perkins hires woman at 4x the rate of other Venture Capalist firms in the industry and also backs woman run start ups at 4x the rate of other firms.
The congressional bill that will allow most Americans to invest in start-ups is called the "Capital Raising Online While Deterring Fraud and Unethical Non-Disclosure Act" -- or CROWDFUND for short.
Actor Ashton Kutcher is an investor and adviser to several start-ups, has his own foundation to fight sexual exploitation of children, and owns a news websiste
Start Ups data charts
For your convenience take a look at Start Ups figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.