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Starbucks Coffee facts

While investigating facts about Starbucks Coffee Menu and Starbucks Coffee Mugs, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Starbucks was a complete failure in Australia, mainly because Aussies are used to good quality coffee. They entered Australia in 2000, opened 84 outlets across Australia’s eastern coast. Eight years and $143 million in losses later they closed 60 stores, and sold the rest.

how starbucks coffee is grown?

A Starbucks grande coffee has 320 milligrams of caffeine, over four times the amount of caffeine in a Red Bull and the Starbucks cinnamon chip scone has more calories than a McDonald's quarter pounder with 480 calories. Nutrition fact.

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the best drink at starbucks coffee. Here are 50 of the best facts about Starbucks Coffee Cups and Starbucks Coffee Cup Pig I managed to collect.

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  1. Shaq was one of the original investors in Google and VitaminWater, but passed up on Starbucks because he didn't drink coffee.

  2. A Starbucks grande coffee has 320 milligrams of caffeine, over four times the amount of caffeine in a Red Bull and the Starbucks cinnamon chip scone has more calories than a McDonald's quarter pounder with 480 calories

  3. Boston Law Enforcement agencIes asked Dunkin Donuts to stay open while the city was on lockdown during the search for the second Boston Marathon Bomber. They did, and provided food and coffee to officers for free. Starbucks, and the rest of the city, were shut down.

  4. Starbucks spends more on health insurance for its employees than on raw materials needed to brew its coffee.

  5. Starbucks spends more money on health insurance for its employees than on coffee beans.

  6. Starbucks spends more on health insurance for its employees than on coffee.

  7. In 2005 Starbucks spent more on health insurance for its employees than on raw materials needed to brew its coffee.

  8. In 1994, Guns N Roses bassist Duff McKagan decided to invest $100k of his new GNR money in local Seattle companies, including an expanding chain of coffee shops, a software company and an online book seller - Starbucks, Microsoft and Amazon.

  9. A 16 year old Starbucks barista won a lawsuit against the coffee giant because they failed to act when she reported that her 24 year old supervisor had repeatedly made sexual advances towards her. His name is Tim Horton.

  10. There are stealth Starbucks locations, which are operated by the coffee giant, but do not advertise the Starbucks brand. They serve as a "laboratory" to conduct market research on how customers react to new drinks. There is one location on the second floor of Macy's in NYC.

starbucks coffee facts
What starbucks coffee has the most caffeine?

Starbucks Coffee data charts

For your convenience take a look at Starbucks Coffee figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

starbucks coffee fact data chart about My Starbucks Habit is Screwing Me. This Week I Quit Coffee.
My Starbucks Habit is Screwing Me. This Week I Quit Coffee.

starbucks coffee fact data chart about My School Gym's Vending Machine sells Starbuck Coffee for le
My School Gym's Vending Machine sells Starbuck Coffee for less than any other vendor I could find

Why starbucks coffee is bad for you?

You can easily fact check why starbucks coffee is famous by examining the linked well-known sources.

The name for the coffee company "Starbucks" comes from Captain Ahab's first mate in the classic novel Moby Dick, who was named Starbuck.

McDonald's coffee is higher rated than Starbuck's Coffee - source

Every scene in Fight Club has a cup of Starbucks coffee in it, except the one where the coffee shop was destroyed. - source

Starbucks opened a number of "Stealth" stores that were meant to mimic independent coffee shops

Starbucks has beer flavored coffee in Florida and Ohio - source

When is starbucks giving away free coffee?

The round tables in Starbucks coffee houses were chosen over square or rectangle so that any customers that visit by themselves won"t feel so alone.

How to make starbucks iced coffee?

There are 87,000 drink combinations available at Starbucks.

The Starbucks company provides health care to any employee that works more than 20 hours a week, which equals roughly $300 million a year in health care costs. This is more money than the company spends on coffee beans each year.

Harold Schultz changed the company from selling coffee beans to also selling brewed coffee when he bought it. Prior to 1987 it had been selling only roasted coffee beans and equipment.

Starbucks has round tables in their coffee shops to make solo coffee drinkers feel less alone.

Today there are more than 20,519 Starbucks locations in 40 countries around the world. Starbucks is the largest coffee retailer in the world.

Starbucks coffee infographics

Beautiful visual representation of Starbucks Coffee numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

starbucks coffee fact infographic about Starbucks vs. Third-Wave coffee shops, Manhattan, NYC

Starbucks vs. Third-Wave coffee shops, Manhattan, NYC

starbucks coffee fact infographic about Luckin Coffee vs. Starbucks: The China Coffee War Mapped

Luckin Coffee vs. Starbucks: The China Coffee War Mapped

When is national coffee day at starbucks?

A bakery has more locations in the UK than McDonald's or Starbucks. Greggs sells 2.5 million sausage rolls and 1 million cups of coffee a week at its 1,698 bakeries.

A Starbuck's coffee has more caffeine than an energy drink.

Some Starbucks locations are beginning to sell wine and beer to their customers as well as coffee, treats and food.

A coffee shop opened named "Dumb Starbucks" and was only closed because they didn't have the permits to sell coffee and food

Starbucks gets its name from the so called "First-Coffee-loving-Mate" character Starbuck in the book Moby Dick, Coffee is never once mentioned in Moby Dick

How much caffeine in starbucks coffee?

When originally choosing a name for their new coffee company, the names "Cargo House" and "Pequod" were tossed around. They chose the name Starbucks after brainstorming - Starbuck was Pequod's first mate in the book Moby Dick. Pequod was a ship in the book.

Originally Starbucks only used whole milk in its drinks. Their CEO was dead set against making coffee with nonfat milk, as he thought it didn't taste good.

Starbucks will give you a bag of used coffee grounds for free to use as compost for gardens.

The original founders of Starbucks owned both Starbucks and Peet's Coffee but sold Starbucks in order to focus on the latter.

The Starbucks logo was originally a bare breasted eagle spread mermaid screaming "Buy Coffee!"

You can't recycle coffee cups from Starbucks, et al.

Every scene in the movie 'Fight Club' has a coffee cup, usually from Starbucks

You would need around 3 and a half shots of espresso to surpass the caffeine in one 12oz (355ml) cup of coffee. Starbucks coffee - 12oz: 260mg caffeine. 1 shot of espresso - 1.5oz: 77mg caffeine.

Researchers from BBC watchdog program found fecal bacteria in iced coffee in Costa Coffee, Starbucks and Caffe Nero café chains in 2017

A Starbucks grande coffee has 320 milligrams of caffeine, over four times the amount of caffeine in a Red Bull

Just 8.5% of Starbucks coffee is Fair Trade certified

There are more marijuana dispensaries than Starbucks coffee shops in Denver, CO

A Starbucks grande coffee has 320 milligrams of caffeine which is over four more times of caffeine than in a Red Bull

Between 1987 and 2007, Starbucks was opening an average of 2 new coffee shops every day

Alfred Peet, who founded Peet's Coffee & Tea, taught and mentored Jerry Baldwin, Zev Siegl, and Gordon Bowker, who all went on to start Starbucks Coffee with the knowledge and equipment they learned from Alfred. All three are now co-owners of their mentor's business.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Starbucks Coffee. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Starbucks Coffee so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor