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Ss Officers facts

While investigating facts about Ss Officers Names and Ss Officers Ww2, I found out little known, but curios details like:

When Picasso was interrogated by an SS officer about his painting Guernica, “Did you do that?” Picasso replied, “No, you did.”

how many ss officers were there?

Oskar Dirlewanger was a Nazi officer so sadistic that other SS units avoided interacting with him. He's been accused of child molestation and necrophilia, and was beaten to death by guards while in Allied custody

What happened to ss officers after ww2?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what did ss officers do. Here are 50 of the best facts about Ss Officers Uniform and Ss Officers Hat I managed to collect.

what are ss officers?

  1. During the Third Reich, there was a programme called Lebensborn, where 'racially pure' women slept with SS officers in the hopes of producing Aryan children. An estimated 20,000 children were born during 12 years.

  2. Albert Battel, a German officer serving in the Wehrmacht during WWII, who commanded his whole unit to protect Jews and threatened the SS to kill them if they crossed a bridge into a Jewish ghetto to round them up.

  3. In 2007, an elderly man visited Auschwitz and recognized his father as one of the SS officers.

  4. The SS officer who arrested Anne Frank and the other inhabitants of the secret annex later bought her book to see if he was in it. (He wasn't.)

  5. The SS officer who captured Anne Frank and her family became a member of West Germany's intelligence service after WWII. He bought Anne Frank's book to see if he was mentioned.

  6. Otto Rahn was an SS officer in the 1930's who was, homosexual, believed to be Jewish, fascinated with finding the Holy grail, and is described to be the inspiration for Indiana jones and the raiders of the lost ark.

  7. Sgt Earl Hale. While taking six SS officers prisoner, one slashed Hale's throat. He survived and remained in the European Theater. Later, General Patton himself would berate him for being out of uniform until he produced a doctor's note excusing him from wearing the required tie.

  8. Albert Battel and Max Liedtke, German officers who threatened to shoot a group of SS attempting to execute Jews in Poland. They successfully rescued 100 Jews, and are among the few Wehrmacht members to be recognised as Righteous Among the Nations

  9. Sergeant Tommy Prince of the 1st Special Service Brigade (aka "The Devil's Brigade") would sneak into SS Officers' quarters and kill every third officer while they slept in their beds, and leave the others alive so they could find them dead in the morning.

  10. Kurt Gerstein, a top SS Officer who secretly tried warning the Allies of the horrors he witnessed at the Nazi Death Camps. He later committed suicide after they failed to listen to him.

ss officers facts
What happened to all the ss officers?

Why did the ss eastland sink?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

The screams of those being gassed during the Holocaust were so disturbing that in order to stifle them, SS Officers would rev motorcycles as far as they would go. This proved to be futile, so they built gas chambers offsite.

During WWII women signed up to be impregnated by SS officers to help further the Aryan race. They waived all rights to the children they birthed, and they were raised in group homes that instilled Aryan beliefs. - source

The bones of notorious Auschwitz doctor and SS officer Josef Mengele are used as a teaching aid in medical forensics classes at the University of São Paulo. They were originally exhumed in 1985 in order to confirm his death. - source

The German WWI officer that recommended Hitler for an Iron Cross was Jewish. He was arrested and later released by the SS once they discovered his identity.

Dr. Kurt Debus, The first director of the Kennedy Space Center, was a former Nazi SS Officer - source

When questioned by the ss officer?

An American Army Air Force officer deserted in Pakistan during WW II, hitched a ride to Italy, stole a P-38 plane, deserted with the plane to the Nazis and became an officer in the SS.

How many ss officers were executed?

Many SS officers were imprisoned for war crimes after the war.

After being acquitted of war crimes at the Dachau trials, former Waffen-SS officer Otto Skorzeny later went on to work with the Israeli Mossad

Georg Konrad Morgen, an SS judge, who tried to investigate and prosecute other SS officers for the murder of concentration camp prisoners.

Two Polish fishermen took a giant catfish weighing 410 pounds from the Oder river which had in it's stomach human bones and uniform insignia of a Nazi SS officer dating from the occupation of Poland by the Germans.

One of the last treason convictions in the US was for an American pilot who deserted in 1944. When the Allies found him a year later, he was a propaganda officer in the Waffen-SS.

In the book night when questioned by the ss officer?

Wernher von Braun, first director of NASA, was a Nazi Party member and SS officer.

During the Holocaust a wife of an SS officer ordered prisoners to make lamps from skins of fellow prisoners.

In 1985 Ronald Reagan visited a West German cemetery where 49 Waffen-SS members were buried, in spite of protests by government officials, Army officers, and celebrities

Otto Skorzeny, a high-ranking SS officer known as "Hitler's commando" who led the operation to free the captured Benito Mussolini, later went on to become an assassin for the Mossad

In WW2 Germany and Finland were allies, and Finnish Jews fought side by side with Germans. One Jewish doctor saved the lives of hundreds of Germans, including SS officers, and Berlin offered him the Iron Cross: the doctor refused, saying "Tell your German colleagues that I wipe my arse with it!"

How many ss officers were prosecuted?

A German SS Officer who "had some involvement in the planning of the Final Solution" was recruited into the CIA after WWII and wasn't outed as a Nazi until 1979

Werhner von Braun, a Nazi SS officer credited with inventing the German V2 rocket, was brought to the US under Operation Paperclip and invented the Saturn V rocket - the rocket used to propel the Apollo missions into space. He also originated the idea of the NASA Space Camp for kids.

On May 1, Goebbels young children were given morphine injections and then administered cyanide. Goebbels and Magda then took cyanide capsules and were shot by SS officers.

Albert Goring the brother of Hermann Goring actively defied the Nazi regime by helping Jewish prisoners escape from concentration camps. He once joined a group of Jewish women who were forced to scrub the streets and the SS officer in charge halted all activity upon realizing who he was.

Rudolf Kastner, a Jewish-Hungarian lawyer, negotiated with Adolf Eichmann, the German SS officer in charge of deporting Hungary's Jews to Auschwitz during WW2 to allow over 1,600 Jews to escape in exchange for gold, diamonds and cash.

Rudolf Hoess was an SS officer at Auschwitz who testified at Nuremberg that "at least 2,500,000 victims were executed and exterminated there by gassing and burning" and that "the 'final solution' of the Jewish question meant the complete extermination of all Jews in Europe."

SS officer Murer who set up a ghetto in Lithuania, was captured by the British, sentenced by the Soviets after the war, released to Austria and let go by an Austrian court after a second trial

The Defense of the Polish Post Office in Danzig, where 55 postmen, army officers and civilian volunteers and 1 railwayman held off 200 SS and SA soldiers, policemen, paramilitaries, army regulars, and 3 armored cars with artillery support for 15 hours.

Ulrich Schnaft was a Waffen-SS soldier, Israeli artillery officer, Egyptian Spy, and Lutheran minister

The conductor Rafael Schächter, while imprisoned in Terezin, organised the prisoners into a choir that preformed the Verdi Requiem 16 times, including in front of high ranking SS officers.

There is a former SS officer buried in Arlington Cemetery.

On this day 70 years ago, a one-eyed Canadian badass soldier retook a Dutch town single-handedly from the Nazis, set the Gestapo HQ on fire, and killed a bunch of SS officers. RIP Léo Major.

In WWII, Captain Witold Pilecki went undercover in the Auschwitz concentration camp, and helped prisoners to cultivate Typhus to infect SS officers inside.

A USAAF officer and pilot defected during the WWII and joined the Waffen-SS

Approximately 82,000 Polish Citizens served under SS officers in 1939 before being disbanded to join the SS and the Gestapo.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Ss Officers. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Ss Officers so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor