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Southeast Asian facts

While investigating facts about Southeast Asian Countries and Southeast Asian Games, I found out little known, but curios details like:

There is a flower often used as a food dye in Southeast Asian cuisine called "Clitoria"--named because it resembles a woman's sexual organs

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There is a disease called "Sudden unexpected death syndrome" where the heart of a seemingly healthy adult just stops for no reason. It mostly affects young men in select Southeast Asian countries.

What southeast asian country is a constitutional monarchy?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what are the southeast asian countries. Here are 27 of the best facts about Southeast Asian Games Philippines and Southeast Asian Games 2019 I managed to collect.

what southeast asian country is primarily roman catholic?

  1. A Krasue, a Southeast Asian creature of folklore. The entity appears as the floating head of a beautiful girl but has internal organs hanging out below the neck. It floats through the night dragging its entrails and is said to eat both humans and animals. It drinks blood and eats organs.

  2. Khao Yai National Park was declared an ASEAN Heritage Park in 1984. ASEAN stands for Association for Southeast Asian Nations Heritage Parks.

  3. The word "amok" in "running amok" is actually taken from Southeast Asian culture, referring to the belief that an evil tiger spirit would enter one's body and cause them to go on a sudden, unprovoked violent rampage

  4. About the Secret War (1959-75) otherwise known as the 'Laotian Civil War'. The United States flew more than half a million missions over this tiny southeast Asian nation, dropping more bombs here than on Germany and Japan in all of World War 2 combined.

  5. Following World War II the Philippines was the first of the Southeast Asian countries to gain its independence.

  6. Only two types of snake are known to be poisonous: Southeast Asian snakes of the genus Rhabdophis, and certain garter snakes in Oregon that eat rough-skinned newts.

  7. There is a delusional condition called "koro", seen in Southeast Asian and Chinese men, where the patient suddenly grasps his penis, fearing that it will retract into his abdomen and ultimately cause his death.

  8. The 1997 Southeast Asian Haze, a large scale air quality disaster spanning over 1,200,000 square miles caused by Indonesian farmers utilizing slash-and-burn techniques.

  9. Eurasians have 1-2% Neanderthal DNA and some Southeast Asians up to 6% Denisovan DNA; moreover, scientists were afraid studying this would justify racism.

  10. In the Portuguese colony of Macau, many slaves during the 1500s had slaves of their own. A Portuguese master would often own an African or Southeast Asian slave who in turn would have his own Chinese or Japanese slave.

southeast asian facts
What is the association of southeast asian nations?

Why is terracing used in southeast asian agriculture?

You can easily fact check why was the fall of southeast asian colonies significance by examining the linked well-known sources.

The Southeast Asian soup Laksa was created by local women trying to woo Chinese sailors.

During his stint as Secretary of State, Dulles organized may international anti-communist alliance, including the Southeast Asian Treaty Organization (SEATO).

Singapore served as the Southeast Asian headquarters of Sun Yat-sen's revolutionary movement to establish a republic in China. A huge stone mounted in Singapore's memorial park bears the Chinese characters tian xia wei gong, meaning "for the people" - source

The Bullshark is not the only species of shark that can live in completely fresh water. There are three species in the Glyphis genus in southeast Asian and Australia that are only found in rivers. - source

Where and when were the 22nd southeast asian games held?

In 2015, the Associated Press helped free over 800 Southeast Asians from slavery. They filmed one man being reunited with his family after 22 years.

How was colonial rule a threat to southeast asian culture?

Persons found guilty of homosexual sex and adultery in the small southeast Asian kingdom of Brunei will be stoned to death under a law that goes into effect next week

Tetraphobia is the fear of the number 4 and is most common in East and Southeast Asian regions, as the word “four” sounds similar to “death”. In China, special care is taken to avoid occurrences of the number 4 during everyday life including elevator floors, phone numbers, and property prices.

About the Southeast Asian "Super Pussy Show" where for example a goldfish is put in a vagina and shot into a bowl, or a large frog is stuffed inside to see how long it can be kept in.

A Southeast Asian ver. of NATO, SEATO existed from 1954 - 1977. It ended due to internal conflict and dispute; many members lost interest and withdrew.

The deadliest mushroom in North America poisons and kills mostly Southeast Asians, because the Death Cap looks just like the delicious Paddy-Straw that grows in Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, and Vietnam, and because of communal dining, there are usually many victims, often including children.

When and where were the 23rd southeast asian games held?

Esports will be included in 2019 Southeast Asian Games, marking the first time video game competitions become part of a multi-sport event sanctioned by the International Olympic Committee

A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984) was based in part on "Sudden Unexplained Death Syndrome Among Southeast Asian Re fugees". Where Asian men betwixt 19 and 57 would suddenly at night or in their sleep.

Despite lying off the southeastern coast of Africa, Madagascar's population largely descends from southeast Asian peoples who migrated from Southeast Asia about 1500-2000 years ago. Madagascar's national language is related to Malay/Indonesian.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Southeast Asian. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Southeast Asian so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor