Incredible and fun facts to explore

Software Engineer facts

While investigating facts about Software Engineering and Software Engineer Salary, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Preventing an abort of the Apollo 11 mission has been attributed to the work of Margaret Hamilton, the lead flight software designer for Project Apollo. She was 31 when the lunar module landed on the moon, running her code, and is credited for coining the term “software engineering.”

how software engineering is a layered technology?

A trading company went bankrupt after a software engineer forgot to set a single flag on a server, resulting in a loss of 460 million dollars in 45 minutes.

What's software engineering?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what software engineering is all about. Here are 38 of the best facts about Software Engineer Jobs and Software Engineering Course I managed to collect.

what software engineers do?

  1. Noisestorm earned 50 thousand dollars from Epic Games for using their Unreal 4 game engine to create the music video for Crab Rave, "for having the most creative and original use of their software. "

  2. Margaret Hamilton was the lead software engineer for Project Apollo. (Apollo 11 was able to land at all only because she designed the software robustly enough to handle buffer overflows and cycle-stealing.)

  3. The term Software Engineering was coined by the lead engineer of the software used in all the Apollo missions, Margaret Hamilton, who was contracted by NASA from MIT at 25. No bugs were ever found in the software, and it was adapted for use in other projects, including the first US Space Station

  4. In 1997, software engineer Philippe Kahn figured out a way to connect a digital camera to his cell phone. When his baby was born, he used his invention to capture his daughter’s first moments and sent that picture to more than 2,000 people, making it the first cell-phone picture.

  5. The "Rubber Duck Debugging" used in Software Engineering that makes the programmer tell his code line by line to a rubber duck in hopes of finding a bug.

  6. The term “bug” as it pertains to computer software (and hardware), does not derive from the famous Mark II computer incident wherein a moth was trapped in a relay. The term has actually been in use in engineering and early computing since at least the 1870’s.

  7. The vocalist in the chorus of Macklemore's "Thrift Shop" is now a QA engineer at software company Tableau.

  8. The software that runs all of Google's Internet services takes up around 2 billion lines of code, almost all of which is available to all of Google's 25,00 engineers. Managing so much code is such a large task that Google created their own version control system called Piper.

  9. Apple knowingly grants free updates to pirated versions of some of their programs. When asked about it, one of their software engineers stated: "We like to believe that our users are honest, even if that belief is in vain."

  10. The earliest pioneers in computer programming were women, until the home computing revolution software Engineering was considered "womens work".

software engineer facts
What software engineers do at work?

Software Engineer data charts

For your convenience take a look at Software Engineer figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

software engineer fact data chart about 3 years of studying for software engineer
3 years of studying for software engineer

software engineer fact data chart about What my Software Engineering income is actually used for nea
What my Software Engineering income is actually used for near Washington DC, USA

Why software engineering is important?

You can easily fact check why software engineering is hard by examining the linked well-known sources.

211,700 Computer programmers / software engineers were outsourced in 2015

After Elon Musk thought the Silicon Valley (HBO) was not a proper representation of software engineers, TJ Miller said "you guys DO have bike meetings, motherfucker." Other engineers agreed the show had a pretty accurate portrayal of them. - source

Yellow sac spiders are apparently attracted to gas fumes and like to make their webs in car engines. In 2014, Mazda had to issue a recall to update its vehicle software so it could detect spiders webs that may cause engine vent blockage. - source

"cargo cult software engineering" in which a software company mandates long hours and unpaid overtime in order to emulate successful software companies, when in fact motivation and a desire to see their project succeed is the driving force at the successful companies.

Stephen Hawking's son, Robert, lives in Seattle, a software engineer for Microsoft and is mentioned in a number of their patents - source

When software engineering?

The Boeing 737Max was fitted with a larger engine to be more fuel efficient, however the top of the engine would be bit above the wing; the nose would point too far up in full thrust during take off, so a new Software system MCAS was introduced. This seems to cause the 2 disastrous crashes.

How to become a software engineer?

Unreal Engine 4 can be effectively and legally used for a one-time payment of $19, as an active subscription is not required to use the software.

Wanz, or the 'deep voice' in the song 'Thrift Shop' was a full-time software engineer prior to its release. In 2015 he again took up a full-time job as a quality-assurance engineer at a software company.

The term "Software Engineer" was colloquial/professional, and not an official, licensed term in the US, until 2013. The NCEES worked with the IEEE to develop a Principles of and Practice of Engineering Examination (PE) starting in 2009. The pass rate last year was 47%.

Based on a sample of 36,800 people, only 36% of software engineers in India could write compilable code, and while only 14.67% of Indian engineers were employable by an IT services company.

SolidWorks Corp. a maker of a computer-aided design (CAD) software programs used by more than 2 million engineers and designers at 165,000 companies worldwide, was founded by Jon Hirschtick who used $1 million he had made while a member of the MIT Blackjack Team to set up the company.

Software engineer infographics

Beautiful visual representation of Software Engineer numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

software engineer fact infographic about CS new grad's journey to find the first software engineer po

CS new grad's journey to find the first software engineer position

software engineer fact infographic about My Salary As A Software Engineer In Southern California

My Salary As A Software Engineer In Southern California

Software requirements engineering what why who when and how?

Duane Chase, who played Kurt Von Trapp in The Sound of Music, now is a software engineer.

In 2010, Apple Software Engineer Gray Powell, leaving a bar for his birthday, accidentally left behind the first iPhone 4G prototype to be revealed to the public; it was eventually sold to Gizmodo for $5,000

Software Engineering is the least stressful college major, followed by Computer Science

A Canadian software engineer,Robert Penner, working in Nepal was arrested and asked to leave the country over his political tweets

Software Project Management, the Software Engineering project Management System, MIS management Information System Process for development of software, planning monitoring and control of the people, process and events is know as project management.

How much do software engineers make?

Ken Kocienda, the software engineer who designed software assisted typing for the first iPhone keyboard that all phones now use. After typing letters such as T other letters commonly used after T such as H (the, that) look the same on screen but have a larger hitbox making it easier to click.

The Weissman Score for compression in the show Silicon Valley was made up just for the show, and is now being adopted by actual software engineers

Garmin International has placed 194 H1-B Visas applicants in it's Kansas offices almost all from India and almost all software engineers

Google's search engine software is made up of 2 billion lines of code

In 2011 a software engineer's "Infinite monkey" simulation randomly reproduced the complete works of William Shakespeare., a company started by two unemployed software engineers, is now worth close to a Billion

In software engineering, rubber ducking is a method of debugging code. The programmer would carry around a rubber duck and debug their code by forcing themselves to explain it, line-by-line, to the duck.

Netflix starves their software engineers as a form of motivation

Because Volkswagen has committed large-scale fraud with the software in diesel engines, 44,000 years of human life have been lost and 72,000 years could still be lost in the future

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This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Software Engineer. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Software Engineer so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor