Incredible and fun facts to explore

Software Developer facts

While investigating facts about Software Developer Salary and Software Developer Jobs, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Actor Ashton Kutcher took part in the development of software used to identify child sex trade victims, with nearly 6,000 identified to date.

how software developer work?

After A SendGrid employee publicly humiliated a software developer for joking with another developer at a conference, and got him fired, SendGrid itself was attacked by a DDOS and ended up firing her

What software developer work?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what does a software developer do. Here are 50 of the best facts about Software Developer Job Description and Software Developer Vs Software Engineer I managed to collect.

what software developer do?

  1. a programmer that had previously worked for NASA, testified under oath that voting machines can be manipulated by the software he helped develop.

  2. Inspired by the Black Mirror episode "Be Right Back," a software developer gathered over 8,000 lines of text from friends and family of her recently deceased best friend, and used it to create an artificial intelligence simulation of him.

  3. Adobe is developing audio-editing software that, when combined with new facial reenactment/manipulation software, can essentially allow anyone on the Internet to create realistic video of anyone saying anything.

  4. A software developer outsourced his work to China paying someone else less than one fifth of his six-figure salary to do his job. He used the free time mostly to surf the web and watch cat videos.

  5. A company called No More Woof is developing a device and software which monitors dogs' brainwaves and translates mental states into English so that they can tell us how they're feeling

  6. A software developer rigged the lottery software he coded in several states, so he would know what the winning numbers would be 3 days per year.

  7. The bassist of 1970's rock band Iron Butterfly developed missile guidance systems and software based digital video compression, was rumored to have disappeared in time travel attempt.

  8. Id Software made a prototype PC port of Super Mario 3 and showed it to Nintendo, who declined permission to fully develop it, leading to them making Commander Keen, which then lead to them being able to publish Wolfenstein 3D, and finally lead them to creating DooM.

  9. Disappointed that he'd earned nothing from the software he'd developed, Paul le Roux started selling painkillers online, then branched out into illegal narcotics, money laundering, and arms dealing, soon becoming the leader of a rich and powerful cartel.

  10. The first Macintosh keyboard had no arrow keys so that users could only move the cursor with the mouse and to force developers to design UI oriented software specifically for the Mac.

software developer facts
What is the difference between software engineer and software developer?

Software Developer data charts

For your convenience take a look at Software Developer figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

software developer fact data chart about Software developer job hunt as a new grad
Software developer job hunt as a new grad

software developer fact data chart about I visualized all my work from home days as a Software Develo
I visualized all my work from home days as a Software Developer in the US (so far this year)

Why do you want to be a software developer?

You can easily fact check why become a software developer by examining the linked well-known sources.

A US software developer outsourced his Job to China, paying them just 1/5th of his 6 Figure wage, while he spent his work day browsing internet sites such as Reddit, and playing games.

The original Macintosh 128k didn't have arrow keys because Apple wanted to force developers to create new software that used the mouse/GUI, rather than port over old programs - source

David Newman, a software developer, was hired to tutor Mark Zuckerberg when he was younger.

SeaCode, an idea to house software developers on a ship off the coast of California to leverage decreased wages and visa fees while still technically utilizing "American" labor

GIMP, the free open source image manipulation software, is mainly developed by only 6 people working at night after their day job. - source

Are there situations when software bugs are unethical?

The cell phone was developed in Israel, as well as the first anti-virus software.

How software developer make money?

Chris Korda, a DJ, transgender programming prodigy who developed the software for the first colored printer, began a cult that promotes suicide and cannibalism, and is seen as a non-profit educational organization by the United States Government

About a blind software developer who uses a screen reader to dictate the code. My mind is blown.

A man named Bill Yates helped to develop the first successful personal computer. A short time later a man named Bill Gates would help to develop Altair BASIC, the system's first software.

There have been 7 space tourists already ranging from video game software developers to performance artists

The Tamagotchi effect is the development of emotional attachment with machines, robots or software agents. It has been noticed that humans tend to attach emotionally to things which otherwise do not have any emotions.

Software developer infographics

Beautiful visual representation of Software Developer numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

software developer fact infographic about monthly expenses as a Software Developer in Austin, Texas

monthly expenses as a Software Developer in Austin, Texas

software developer fact infographic about Percentage of Software Developers with a Bachelor's Degree o

Percentage of Software Developers with a Bachelor's Degree or Less in California Counties in 2017

When should software bugs and defects be resolved?

The Silk Road founder was arrested after federal agents got access to incriminating evidence on his laptop without his cooperation by copying data from its flash drive after distracting him. In response to this, a "kill switch" software was developed to quickly destroy all evidence on a computer

The RAR compression algorithm (WinRaR) is officially owned by the developer's older brother because Eugene Roshal has "no time to concern himself with software development and copyright-related issues at the same time."

Naughty Dog, then known as Jam Software, lost their development progress on an Apple II skiing game when they accidentally overwrote bootleg games over their only copy of the game.

Activision was first game company to introduce third-party developers. Originally software for video game consoles were published exclusively by makers of the systems for which the games were designed. Today Activision is one of the largest third-party video game publishers in the world.

Winamp developers created the peer to peer network software behind many popular file sharing programs such as LimeWire and Morpheus.

How to become a software developer?

In 2005, a software development company included a clause in its EULA saying that readers of the agreement could E-mail and get a monetary reward. It took five months and 3,000 sales before somebody claimed their $1,000 prize.

GIT, the source controll system, was concieved and written by Linus Torvalds, since he needed a better source controll system for the development of Linux. (Making it his second world dominating software)

Police sketches of suspects are rarely accurate and researchers have developed software that allows victims to generate a far more realistic representation of the suspect. [4:11]

The term "Software Engineer" was colloquial/professional, and not an official, licensed term in the US, until 2013. The NCEES worked with the IEEE to develop a Principles of and Practice of Engineering Examination (PE) starting in 2009. The pass rate last year was 47%.

A spider species that's attracted to the smell of petroleum and has caused problems by weaving webs inside the canister vent of particular models of Mazda vehicles. Mazda issued a voluntary recall of Mazda 6 models to fit them with software which would alert drivers if problems developed.

In 2010 Sony bundled software in their computers to help scientists cure cancer, battle AIDS, eliminate world hunger, and develop clean energy resources

Ashton Kutcher started a company and developed software to find human trafficking victims and they've been able to help about 6000 victims so far.

After Star Fox 2 on the SNES was cancelled so as not to compete with the N64 (which would not be released for another year and a half) Nintendo re-used much of the Star Fox 2 code for Star Fox 64 without paying developer Argonaut Software for it.

At age 14, Jack Dorsey developed software that is still used to dispatch taxicabs and inspired him to create Twitter.

Scott Forstall, the Apple employee who led the software development of the original iPhone and iPad, has an older brother who works at Microsoft

When You Use iTunes, You Agree Not To Design & Develop Nuclear Weapons with the software.

The software developed for the Xbox 360 was taken from Mac's

Software development (The 3 Main Routes)

In Computer Programming, the ninety-ninety rule is an aphorism stating that 90% of the code accounts for 90% of the development time. The remaining 10% accounts for the other 90% of the development time. Software projects are notorious for over-running schedules.

design patterns in software development.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Software Developer. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Software Developer so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor