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Sheriff Department facts

While investigating facts about Sheriff Department Near Me and Sheriff Department San Diego, I found out little known, but curios details like:

In 2011 the LA Sheriff's department discovered an inmate was an informant for the FBI reporting on jail brutality, and subsequently hid him from searching federal officers for 18 days while secretly interrogating him, faking jail records to do so.

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At the incredibly popular race track the "Las Vegas Motor Speedway" every once in a while the local sheriffs department will come down to drag race anyone who simply has a license, a street legal car, and is interested, in an effort to take illegal drag/street racing off the public roads.

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what's the number to the sheriff's department. Here are 20 of the best facts about Sheriff Department Los Angeles and Sheriff Department Sacramento I managed to collect.

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  1. William Hung of American Idol fame gave up his music career in 2011 to become a Technical Crime Analyst for the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department

  2. Shaq is a reserve officer with a Virginia Sheriff department and works undercover online to bust pedophiles.

  3. William Hung retired from music in 2011 and became a technical crime analyst for the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department. Hung stated he doesn’t regret that his music career ended. "I showed that even the Average Joe could succeed."

  4. In 2007 a Florida Sheriff's department issued an 'intelligence bulletin' warning that jenkem, a drug made from 'human waste,' was being manufactured in the US based on a hoax post to an internet forum. Many news stations reported the story creating the false impression of popularity in schools.

  5. There is a massive emerald valued at $500 mil - $1 bn USD sitting in the Los Angeles County Sheriffs Department vault because of contested ownership. The Bahia Emerald.

  6. The concept of "convict leasing" played a big role in the Black Codes, as it allowed police and sheriff's departments to arrest black men for vagrancy and then for the jails to "lease" their labor to local planters.

  7. Back in the 70’s and 80’s, Mariposa CA, sheriff Paul Paige (AKA Boss Hog) and his department allegedly operated a large drug trafficking ring, and covered up a homicide of a deputy who threatened to expose corruption.

  8. About Ligertown, a ramshackle compound in rural Idaho where 40+ lions and tigers were interbred and kept. In 1995, the big cats escaped, prompting a lockdown for the town while the sheriff’s department, SWAT, and local hunters with dogs tracked down and either tranquilized or killed the animals.

  9. A a white supremacist gang called The Lynwood Vikings who were based at the Lynwood station of the L.A. County Sheriff's Department.

  10. Serial Killer Wayne Adam Ford "turned himself in; he walked into the Humboldt County Sheriff Department...with a woman's severed breast in his pocket"

sheriff department facts
What is the non emergency number for the sheriff's department?

What is true about sheriff department?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

In September 2010 cosplay participants dressed as Pedobear were accused of being pedophiles after the San Luis Obispo County Sheriff's Department issued a warning that Pedobear was a sign of the presence of pedophiles and suggested that Pedobear was a kind of mascot among pedophiles.

There was a Dixie Mafia that orchestrated across the South East, US and involved nearly the entire Biloxi Sheriff's Department to protect fugitives, protect drug shipments, and release people from county jails. - source

Compton, California's police department was disbanded in 2000 and going forward, the city decided to contract law enforcement from the LA County Sheriff's Department - source

The 2011 Ohio Massacre, in which the sheriff department hunted down 49 loose exotic wild animals, including lions, tigers, bears, and wolves.

About John Lang, a Fresno Police accountability activist who claimed that the Police force where plotting to kill him and was later found stabbed and burned inside his own house. Prior to his murder he had recorded what he believed to be the Fresno sheriffs department recording him at his home. - source

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Before the mass shooting that occurred in Von Maur, the shooter left a note which read:"I just want to take a few pieces of shit with me... just think tho, I'm gonna be fuckin famous". The note was turned in to the local Sheriff's department by his mother, an hour before the shooting.

William Hung, famous for his American Idol audition and his hit ''She Bangs'', became a technical crime analyst for the L.A. County Sheriff's Department.

Cook County, Illinois (Chicago area), the US second largest Sheriff's department, has only lost 12 officers in the line of duty in over 115 years.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Sheriff Department. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Sheriff Department so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor