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Shell Casings facts

While investigating facts about Shell Casings From Military Funeral and Shell Casings At A Crime Scene, I found out little known, but curios details like:

During the 1980s the Swiss army fired off shells during an exercise and mistakenly burned a patch of forest inside the country Liechtenstein. The incident was said to have been resolved "over a case of white wine".

how much are brass shell casings worth?

Time, spatial, and memory distortions are common in police officers after shootings. One officer described a memory of "beer cans" floating past his face, with the word "Federal" printed on the bottom. They were the shell casings from the officer firing next to him.

What are shell casings made of?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what kind of brass are shell casings made from. Here are 15 of the best facts about Shell Casings In Folded Flag and Shell Casings Of Bed Bugs I managed to collect.

what to do with shell casings from military funeral?

  1. When Bonnie and Clyde were killed in an ambush exactly 83 years ago, locals rushed to collect souvenirs from the bodies - including locks of bloody hair, shell casings, and (unsuccessfully) Clyde's ear.

  2. A Toronto man was shot 30 times by armed robbers and still survived. Police found 33 shell casings near him. He underwent two 15 hour surgeries for his gunshot wounds.

  3. U.S. Pennies dated 1944 - 1946 were minted with rifle and artillery-shell casings from WWII.

  4. One county in Texas is responsible for 44% of patent cases (many of which are shell companies referred to as patent trolls), and one Judge Rodney Gilstrap presided over 80% of these cases

  5. During the 1980s the Swiss army fired off shells during an exercise and mistakenly burned a patch of forest inside Liechtenstein. The incident was said to have been resolved "over a case of white wine".

  6. Main predators of nautilus are sharks, turtles and octopuses. In the case of danger, nautilus will hide in the shell and close it with leathery hood. Unfortunately, large predators are able to penetrate the shell.

  7. Body consists of strong, muscular foot and coiled shell. Snail uses the shell as shelter. It quickly retreats into the shell in the case of danger.

  8. Indian star tortoise has high-domed shell that is softer and narrower in males. Shell provides protection against predators (head and legs remain hidden inside the shell in the case of a danger).

  9. In 1943 the US Mint produced steel pennies instead of copper because of the need for copper to be used in shell casings.

shell casings facts
What are shell casings?

Why don't revolvers leave shell casings?

You can easily fact check why is brass used for shell casings by examining the linked well-known sources.

Hunter S Thompson's ashes were packed into firework casings and were dispersed by 34 different shells. They were fired from a gun barrel mounted on top of a 150-foot high monument.

About Wotjek (1942-1963) the soldier bear, who smoked, drank beer and carried 100lb cases of artillery shells for the Polish 22nd Transport Company’s Artillery Division, most famously in the Battle of Monte Cassino. Wotjek was formally enlisted during the war and rose to the rank of Corporal. - source

Empty shell casings are considered ammunition in Washington, D.C., so they are illegal to possess unless you are a resident and have a gun registration certificate. - source

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Shell Casings. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Shell Casings so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor