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Restraining Order facts

While investigating facts about Restraining Order Uk and Restraining Order Texas, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Billy Nye has a restraining order on his ex wife because she sprayed herbicide on the plants in his garden.

how restraining orders work?

King's decision to obey the restraining order became known as "turnaround Tuesday," The move also caused an already apparent rift between the SCLC and the SNCC.

What to expect at restraining order hearing?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what's restraining order. Here are 16 of the best facts about Restraining Order California and Restraining Order Ontario I managed to collect.

what happens at restraining order hearing?

  1. The Supreme Court has ruled police have no legal duty to enforce restraining orders, after police failed to act on the restraining order of a mother whose 3 children were later murdered by her ex-husband.

  2. During the second march on March 9, King led about 2,500 marchers to the bridge and then promptly turned around, obeying a court restraining order that prohibited further marches until more hearings on the matter were held.

  3. Scientist Bill Nye has a restraining order against his ex-wife because she sprayed herbicide on the plants in his garden.

  4. Bill Nye married an oboe player, and Rick Warren was the preacher. The marriage lasted seven weeks, and later on, he filed a restraining order against her and sued her for $57,000.

  5. Blair Tindall, the woman who wrote the memoir "Mozart in the Jungle", married Bill Nye in 2006. Nye left the marriage less than two months later, and eventually filed a restraining order, which she violated.

  6. Bill Nye had a restraining order against the author of Mozart in the Jungle, his one-time wife.

  7. In 1972, Coca-Cola won a copyright infringement case against a commercially sold parody "Enjoy Cocaine" poster designed to look similar to Coca-Cola's logo. The poster creator, Gemini Rising had to pay $25,000 in connection with a temporary restraining order.

  8. Women could get restraining orders on abusive husbands as far back as 1941

  9. In New Jersey, Who Has The Burden Of Proof In Regards To A Final Restraining Order Hearing?

  10. Would A Temp Restraining Order Be Put Into effect After A Domestic Violence Arrest In NJ?

restraining order facts
What's restraining order definition?

Why get a restraining order?

You can easily fact check why do restraining orders expire by examining the linked well-known sources.

How Would A Temporary Restraining Order Be Issued In NJ?

California gun laws tighten in 2016, The most groundbreaking of these laws will allow people to obtain a 21-day restraining order barring a family member from owning guns if it is believed that they are in danger of committing a violent act. - source

A student who was given a restraining order by his University, preventing him from attending class, visiting his dorms, or going to his campus job, for resembling a fellow student's rapist - source

The FBI has planted agents in mosques to try to radicalize members to do terrorist acts. The FBI would then try to sell them weapons and then arrest them. In one case, a mosque’s Muslims were so alarmed by an agent’s talk of violent jihad that they obtained a restraining order against him

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Restraining Order. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Restraining Order so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor