Incredible and fun facts to explore

Qr Code facts

While investigating facts about Qr Code Generator and Qr Code Reader, I found out little known, but curios details like:

QR codes have been popping up in cemeteries. When you scan a code on a gravestone, you can read an obituary and see photos of the deceased.

how qr code works?

A nude photographer got around censorship by painting an "abstract art" piece which was really a QR code to his original pictures.

What's qr code?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what qr code reader is the best. Here are 21 of the best facts about Qr Code Maker and Qr Code Monkey I managed to collect.

what qr code means?

  1. The food company Heinz has apologized after a QR code on a bottle of tomato ketchup directed people to a pornography website.

  2. An old Heinz QR code on a ketchup bottle linked to a German hardcore porn site. A German man who scanned the code thinking it would go to a design you own label page, got an apology from Heinz, and offer of a free year's subscription from the porn site.

  3. A QR code on a Heinz ketchup bottle once took people to a porn site.

  4. The Virgin Hotel in Chicago has no check-in desk; it uses a smartphone system in which you scan a QR code and retrieve your room key from a vending machine. The personal comfort assistant app named Lucy can order more pillows, control room temperature, and coordinate messages with hotel staff.

  5. QR codes have been popping up in cemeteries. When you scan a code on a gravestone, you can read an obituary and see photos of the deceased.

  6. QR codes can now be used at cemeteries to see the person's obituary and photos.

  7. People in China cash so infrequently that panhandlers in the large cities have their own QR codes to accept payments.

  8. The QR code was invented in Japan; They required more storage to code kanji characters into bar codes.

  9. QR codes were not intended to have logos, but error-correction techniques are so effective that you can cover large areas of a code while keeping it readable.

  10. 30% or less of a QR code can be removed and it will still function

qr code facts
What qr code reader?

Why qr code on business card?

You can easily fact check why qr code payment by examining the linked well-known sources.

A Chinese village built a giant QR code in a field in an effort to connect with visitors

The world's largest QR code was roughly 29,000 square meters and made of corn. - source

You can Scan Qr codes with your phones camera app - source

How Read Whatsapp Message Without Scanning QR Code 100% Work

There are enough possible QR codes that there's one for every possible thing you could say in 350 words, and then one for all the combinations of letters that aren't words, and then one for all the combinations of bits that don't make sense as letters. - source

When to use qr codes?

Due to the prevalence of knife attacks in Xinjiang province. The Chinese authorities require each knife to be registered and etched with a QR code

How qr code scan?

The Buxton collection is comprised of devices from an over thirty year span, including pen computers and other touch technologies whose design was regarded as interesting, useful, or important. Supported by Microsoft Research, exhibits utilized Microsoft Tag, a proprietary form of QR code.

An iPhone’s camera can recognize QR codes without the assistance of an app!

An old Heinz QR code on a ketchup bottle linked to a German hardcore porn site. A German man who scanned the code thinking it would go to a design you own label page, got an apology from Heinz, and offer of a free year's subscription from the porn site.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Qr Code. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Qr Code so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor