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Publicly Stated facts

While investigating facts about Publicly Stated Or Declared and Publicly Stated Goals Are Called, I found out little known, but curios details like:

In 1949 the Costa Rican government abolished their army, stating that the army "would be replaced with an army of teachers." The country has free universal public education and a literacy rate of 97%.

how to get over being publicly shamed?

The Golden State Killer attended a public information meeting about his own attacks. A husband stood up and mocked the notion that the killer would attack if a man was present in the home. The killer followed the couple home to see where they live and returned 6 months later to attack them.

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 50 of the best facts about Publicly Stated Policy Goals Are Called and Publicly Stated Or Acknowledged I managed to collect.

what was the publicly stated purpose of the constitutional convention?

  1. The highest paid public official is not a legislator or head of state. With a salary of 7.09 million dollars it is actually Nick Saban the head football coach for The University of Alabama.

  2. The original Illuminati sought to suppress religion's role in society. Opposing superstition, religious influence over public, abuses of state power. Outlawed by the Catholic Church, vilified by conservatives and religious critics caused many conspiracy theories you hear of them, even today.

  3. Florida has a law called Sunshine law. Which allows meetings, records, votes, deliberations and other official actions to be available to the public. Which is why you always hear about crazy things happening there. The local news can provide details of crimes committed that other states cannot.

  4. Once you become President of the United States of America you can no longer drive on public roads

  5. Alabama football coach is the highest paid public employee in the United States.

  6. The Ohio River is the most polluted waterway in the United States, with 32 million lbs of toxic discharges every year. Companies are not required to release the results of their chemical safety testing to the public, nor do they have to reveal how much of each chemical they are releasing.

  7. In 2011, a woman died in a Fall River, MA public pool and was not discovered until two days later when her body floated to the surface. The pool was visited by state health inspectors during the period the body was in the pool.

  8. In 1912 criminologist Arthurt MacDonald suggested making it a misdemeanor to name assassins publicly, stating that "This would lessen the hope for glory, renown or notoriety, which is a great incentive to such crimes.”

  9. There's a diamond mine open to public in Arkansas that is the only diamond mine open to public. Visitors can keep whatever the gems they find . 31000 gems have been found so far since it became a state park in 1972.

  10. The world's only diamond mine open to the public is in Murfreesboro, Arkansas. Visitors can keep whatever gems they find, and over 31,000 diamonds have been found since it became a state park in 1972.

publicly stated facts
What are the best facts about Publicly Stated?

Publicly Stated data charts

For your convenience take a look at Publicly Stated figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

publicly stated fact data chart about Average Cost of Attendance vs Graduate Income for United Sta
Average Cost of Attendance vs Graduate Income for United States public and private colleges/universities

publicly stated fact data chart about Public Employee Pensions: Per Capita Unfunded Liability by S
Public Employee Pensions: Per Capita Unfunded Liability by State

Why is the bbc publicly funded?

You can easily fact check why is npr publicly funded by examining the linked well-known sources.

In an effort to one-up the Soviets during the late 1950s, the United States planned to hit the moon with a nuclear warhead-tipped ICBM. In the Air Force's infinite wisdom, however, the plan was scrapped because they felt the public would respond unfavorably to nuking the moon.

When Arizona voted against creating a state holiday for MLK in 1990, Public Enemy made a protest single "When I Get to Arizona," that led to the 1993 Super Bowl being relocated, the cancellation of thousands of conventions, and an estimated loss of $350 million in tourism. - source

In 13 states. if you're arrested for public urination, you must register as a sex offender. - source

Washington state did not officially ban sex with animals until 2005. The impetus for the ban was the highly publicized death of a man who ruptured his colon during anal sex with a horse at an animal brothel.

The Original Illuminati was an Enlightenment-era secret society in Bavaria created on May 1st 1776, The society's goals were to oppose superstition, prejudice, religious influence over public life and abuses of state power, and to support women's education and gender equality. - source

When someone publicly shames you?

One of the last grizzly bears in CA was captured in 1889, brought to San Francisco as a publicity stunt, then spent 22 years on display in a concrete cell in Golden Gate Park. After he died, 1200-lb ‘Monarch’ was stuffed, again put on display, and became the bear depicted on CA’s state flag.

How to handle being publicly shamed?

William Howard Taft, the 27th president of the United States, once said that perhaps the best way to handle former Presidents was to chloroform and ceremonially cremate them when they left office, in order to “fix their place in history and enable the public to pass on to new men”

Only one person has ever been executed by the state of Wisconsin. The public execution was so graphic and horrible that Wisconsin abolished the death penalty two years later.

The United States, Canada, and New Zealand are the only 3 countries in the world that allow prescription drugs to be directly advertised to the general public.

There's a Secret 103rd Floor of the Empire State Building that's off-limits to the general public and offers an even better view.

Seven states in the US ban atheists from holding public office. Which is unconstitutional, but still on the books.

Publicly stated infographics

Beautiful visual representation of Publicly Stated numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

publicly stated fact infographic about 2018-19 Tuition and Fees at Public Four-Year Institutions by

2018-19 Tuition and Fees at Public Four-Year Institutions by State

publicly stated fact infographic about Public opinion on legalizing marijuana in the United States

Public opinion on legalizing marijuana in the United States

Interesting facts about publicly stated

The USA signed and ratified the United Nations Convention against Torture, which reads, in part: "No exceptional circumstances whatsoever, whether a state of war or a threat or war, internal political instability or any other public emergency, may be invoked as a justification of torture."

The first public school in the United States is still open. The Boston Latin School was founded over 380 years ago; famous alumni include Sam Adams, Ralph Waldo Emerson, John Hancock, and Leonard Bernstein.

The Bradley Effect is when voters give inaccurate polling responses out of fear of stating their true preference. Members of the public may feel under pressure to provide an answer that is deemed to be more publicly acceptable.

The JFK Records Act, an act that states that all government documents related to the Kennedy assassination be publicly disclosed on October 26 2017.

As long as they are not expressly prohibited, anyone may camp anywhere on all 17.8 million square acres of public land in the State of Wyoming nearly indefinitely [PDF].

There are 33,000+ PhD graduates receiving public aid in the United States.

Florida has so much bizarre news stories because the state has exceptionally open public records and a high population

flat-faced dogs like pugs are so deformed that veterinary students can mistake their x-rays for dogs that have been hit by cars. One vet has publicly stated that their nose is so misshapen that they only get enough oxygen when they're intubated with a breathing tube.

U.S. Postal Service regulations originally stated that mail deliveries be made "as frequently as the public convenience may require". Residential customers received mail two or three times a day until 1950 and some businesses received mail up to five times a day.

Until 1993, the BT Tower was an official state secret despite being a 177-metre tall structure in the middle of central London that was open to the public

The United States and New Zealand are the only countries on earth which allow pharmaceutical companies to advertise to the public.

Minnesota has a law (statute 340A.902 - Drunkenness not a crime) that explicitly states that "no person may be charged with or convicted of the offense of drunkenness or public drunkenness."

The constitutions of 7 states (AR,MD,MS,NC,SC,TN,TX) specifically ban atheists from holding public office

After the removal of the Creek and Cherokee from their lands, the state of Georgia held a series of public lotteries to give away the property to White settlers.

A Japanese word, "Bushusuru," was coined after George H.W. Bush publicly vomited on the Prime Minister of Japan during a formal state dinner. The word literally means "to do the 'Bush' thing, or to vomit in public."

King Alexander of Yougoslavia refused to do public events on Tuesdays because 3 family members had died on Tuesdays. When he finally DID begin a state visit on a Tuesday, he was assassinated.

Public hangings at the West Virginia State Penitentiary were stopped in 1931 when a prisoner was decapitated by the hanging process

In 1978, a student who worked a minimum-wage summer job could afford to pay a year's full tuition at a in state 4-year public university. This assumes the national average of the cost of a 4 year university and doesn't include room and board.

Missouri has extremely loose alcohol laws. Not only is public intoxication legal under state law, but it's illegal for local governments to illegalize it; furthermore, one can drive from St. Louis to Kansas City with an open container, closing it only when passing through five towns.

You cannot be arrested for public intoxication in Las Vegas. Nevada state law expressly prohibits any county, city, or town from making public drunkenness an offense or crime.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Publicly Stated. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Publicly Stated so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor