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Public Libraries facts

While investigating facts about Public Libraries Near Me and Public Libraries 50p, I found out little known, but curios details like:

In 1895, UK prime minister William Gladstone founded a public library. Aged 85, he wheelbarrowed his personal collection of 32,000 books the ¾ mile between his home and the library. His desire, his daughter said, was to "bring together books who had no readers with readers who had no books"

how public libraries help build healthy communities?

Bill Gates predicts that the growth of instructional software will replace textbooks. However, in a 2018 survey of college students, the trade publication Library Journal found that 75 percent say that reading print books is easier than e-books

What public libraries are open?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what public libraries are open on sunday. Here are 50 of the best facts about Public Libraries Of Saginaw and Public Libraries Online I managed to collect.

what public libraries are open today?

  1. Andrew Carnegie gave away more than 90% of his wealth, with much of it going to found 2509 public libraries at an inflation-adjusted cost of more than $1.3 billion

  2. The Sacramento Public Library started a "Library of Things" earlier this year, allowing patrons to check out, among other things, sewing machines and other items that patrons may find useful, but don't need to own long-term.

  3. Many American public libraries carry video games as an attempt to lure teenagers into a library. The result is more teenagers coming to the library and books are being checked out at a rate that exceeds what it was before the gamers arrived

  4. Alexandre Vattemare, who created the first cultural exchange system between public libraries and museums, was a ventriloquist who trained as a surgeon, but was refused a diploma after making cadavers seem to speak during surgical exercises.

  5. Guinness Book of Records holds the record for being the book most often stolen from Public Libraries.

  6. Andrew Carnegie, starting in the late 1800s, funded the construction of almost 1700 public libraries across the country, and over 800 abroad, for any town that would agree to set aside the land, and 10% of the construction cost annually to maintain it.

  7. Over 1000 priceless books disappeared from a mountaintop abbey to the confusion of the monks and the local police, and despite reinforcing the library's doors and changing its locks. Turned out the culprit was using a long-forgotten secret passageway found in the public archives.

  8. Ripley's Believe It or Not was researched by a man who spent ten hours a day, six days a week in the New York Public Library for 52 years, researching more than 350,000 books during his decades of work for Believe it or Not.

  9. The Guinness Book of World Records Holds the Record for Being the Book Most Often Stolen from Public Libraries

  10. In order to prevent Silk Road founder Ross Ulbricht from deleting or encrypting his hard drive during his arrest at a public library, agents pretended to be quarreling lovers to distract him, at which point a USB drive was inserted that cloned his hard drive

public libraries facts
What public libraries are open now?

Public Libraries data charts

For your convenience take a look at Public Libraries figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

public libraries fact data chart about Interest in James Patterson's series is winding down at the
Interest in James Patterson's series is winding down at the Seattle Public Library

public libraries fact data chart about Annual public library visits per capita
Annual public library visits per capita

Why we need public libraries?

You can easily fact check why are public libraries free by examining the linked well-known sources.

The Guinness Book of Records holds the record for being the book most often stolen from public libraries.

Andrew Carnegie believed that public libraries were the key to self-improvement for ordinary Americans. Thus, in the years between 1886 and 1917, Carnegie financed the construction of 2,811 public libraries, most of which were in the US - source

Lee Harvey Oswald still owes an overdue book – The Shark and the Sardines by Juan José Arévalo – to Dallas public library. - source

About Joseph C. Rowell, who in 1894, established interlibrary loan (ILL) in the US. With ILL, you can go to your library and request and borrow (almost) any resource available for public circulation that is held in ANY library in the US, for little or no cost.

The Toronto Public Library is the busiest urban public library system in the world - source

When will public libraries reopen?

An abandoned Walmart in Texas was converted into America's largest single-story public library

How public libraries are funded?

Former NBA player, Chris Webber, has an extensive collection of African American artifacts he began collecting his rookie year. It grew so large that it is housed in the Sacramento Public Library’s Archive Vault. It includes signed docs and letters from Malcolm X, MLK, and Frederick Douglass.

A young woman caught making explicit videos of herself at a public library had to pay a $250 fine and was banned for a year. She earned $1,500 for the 3 1/2 hour video she live-streamed at the library

The New York Public Library is the proud home of the REAL Winnie-the-Pooh, the actual toy teddy bear that once belonged to Christopher Robin Milne, son of A. A. Milne.

During WW1 female art students joined the National League for Women’s Service and trained to serve in the Camouflage Department of the United States Navy. They designed camouflage patterns and tested them in various locations in New York City including the NY Public Library and Union Square.

In the 1840s, Lyell travelled to the United States and Canada, and wrote two popular travel-and-geology books: Travels in North America and A Second Visit to the United States. After the Great Chicago Fire, Lyell was one of the first to donate books to help the Chicago Public Library.

When are public libraries opening?

Many public libraries have a cat - originally used to control rodents but still a (fading) tradition

New York Public Library has installed a 24 car "book train" on rails which transports requested research materials to researchers throughout the library.

Jackson's first taste of activism came when he and seven other blacks did a 'sit-in" at Greenville, South Carolina's public library to protest its segregation policies. He and the other became known as the "Greenville Eight."

The FBI maintains a list of the books American citizens check out from public libraries

Princeton University has a free digitized pictorial library of famous 'Death Masks' available to the public

How many public libraries in the us?

The Library of Congress has a copy of every public tweet from the first tweet in 2006 to late 2017. Effective Jan. 1, 2018, the Library will acquire tweets on a selective basis.

The Michigan State University Library has the largest publicly available comic book collection in the world

Unlike any other state, Hawaii has a single public library system and a single public school system. There are four county governments, but county libraries were consolidated into the statewide public library system after statehood in 1959.

The guy who wrote/voiced "Teeny Little Super Guy" on Sesame Street was an advertising copywriter who went to University of Michigan. The original Teeny Little Super Guy plastic cup is on display at the Brooklyn Public Library.

On July 16th, 1960, Jesse Jackson and seven others participated in a sit-in at the Grenville Public Library due to their policy to only allow whites. The group was arrested and two months later after their lawyer filed suit the library abandoned its segregation.

About the House of Wisdom, a place where ancient Muslims aggregated and translated all publicly available intellectual works of the time into one giant library in Baghdad.

The Sacramento Public Library has a Library of Things where anyone can checkout board games, musical instruments, video equipment...even a sewing machine. They even have a 3D printer and scanner.

The New York Public Library organizes books in its closed underground stacks by size -- rather than subject -- to make more efficient use of space

Americans spend nearly three times as much on candy as they do on public libraries.

After the Chicago fire, the city's first public library was started by a donation campaign in England. Even Queen Victoria donated an autographed biography of her husband. The library eventually opened in one of the few structures to survive the fire -an old water tank.

The Sacramento Public Library started a "Library of Things" earlier this year, allowing patrons to check out, among other things, sewing machines and other items that patrons may find useful, but don't need to own long-term

Since 2006, the Library of Congress has been collecting every single public tweet ever made on Twitter and archiving them digitally. More than 50 million tweets are collected every day.

He was always an inquisitive child, and spent much of his time in the local public library or visiting the Museum of Natural History in New York.

The secret muse of T.S. Eliot, Emily Hale, donated over 1,100 letters she received from Eliot to Princeton's Firestone Library, with the caveat that they remained sealed to the public until 50 years after her or Eliot's death.

The U.S Library of Congress Have A Public Service Where You're Allowed to Ask Any Question And Librarians Would Do Their Best To Answer.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Public Libraries. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Public Libraries so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor