Incredible and fun facts to explore

Potter Books facts

While investigating facts about Potter Books, I found out little known, but curios details like:

50 Cent once challenged Floyd Mayweather to read one page of a Harry Potter book

50 Cent challenged Floyd Mayweather to read one full page of a 'Harry Potter' book out loud without starting and stopping or messing up. If Floyd Mayweather accomplished this, 50 Cent agreed to donate $750,000 to a charity of Mayweather’s choice. Floyd Mayweather ultimately declined the offer.

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 50 of the best facts about Potter Books I managed to collect.

  1. The most commonly used sentence in the Harry Potter book series was: "Nothing happened."; for The Hunger Games series it was: "My name is Katniss Everdeen.", and for the Twilight series it was: "I sighed."

  2. In 2002 a fake sequel to Harry Potter appeared in China with the title "Harry Potter and Bao Zuolong." The book consists of the text of JRR Tolkien's The Hobbit with names changed to those of Harry Potter characters.

  3. The release of a new Harry Potter book had such an impact that researchers in Oxford found that the admission rate of children with traumatic injuries to the city's emergency rooms plummeted on the publication weekends of both Order of the Phoenix and Half-Blood Prince.

  4. One chapter of Memory of Light, the last book in the Wheel of Time series, contained 81,200 words. By comparison, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's stone was about 78,000 words in its entirety.

  5. J.K. Rowling can go to Universal Studios and tell them to change anything about the Harry Potter area if it is incorrect, not accurate to the book, or even if she doesn't like it. (Link is contract)

  6. About the 1986 movie Troll, which is about a young wizard named Harry Potter Jr, and features an old woman who gives Harry advice and an evil villain who hides his essence in someone close to Harry – Over a decade before JK Rowling released her first Harry Potter book

  7. J. K. Rowling changed her mind about the title of the 4th Harry Potter book twice. Until 12 days before publication, the already publicized working title was "Harry Potter and the Doomspell Tournament", which turned to "Triwizard Tournament" and then "Goblet of Fire"

  8. In the Harry Potter series, Tom Riddle has a different name depending on which language the book is in, in order to preserve the anagram in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.

  9. Although many Evangelicals oppose the 'Harry Potter' series, prominent leaders of the Latter-day Saints (Mormon) church have recommended the series and spoke of being fans because the books teach morality and show good being victorious over evil

potter books facts
What are the best facts about Potter Books?

Potter Books data charts

For your convenience take a look at Potter Books figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

potter books fact data chart about Event map of name occurrences through each Harry Potter book
Event map of name occurrences through each Harry Potter book (large image)

potter books fact data chart about Harry Potter's Goodreads Rating Vs RT Rating Vs #Differences
Harry Potter's Goodreads Rating Vs RT Rating Vs #Differences in plots b/w book and movie

What is true about potter books?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

J.K. Rowling won the Nestlé Smarties Book Prize in 1997, 1998, and in 1999 for her first three Harry Potter books. This made her the first person to win the award three times running. She later withdrew the fourth novel from contention to allow other books a fair chance.

Harry Potter was the most banned book in the US for 2001 and 2002, for the reasons of being "anti-family, occult/Satanism, religious viewpoint, violence". - source

When recording the audio book for Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Stephen Fry could not say the phrase "he pocketed it" correctly, and he asked JK Rowling to replace it. She refused, and the phrase appears in each of the following 4 books. - source

To protect the final Harry Potter book from leaking to the public, a 10-million pounds security operation featuring satellite tracking systems and armed security with K-9 units was used. A Scholastic lawyer also physically sat on a copy during flight to prevent any potential loss.

Back in August 2014, 50 Cent challenged Floyd Mayweather to read one page out of a Harry Potter book - source

There are fake Harry Potter books written in China using material from other authors, with titles such as "Harry Potter and the Filler of Big" and "Harry Potter and the Chinese Overseas Students at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry"

Nintendo tried to buy the rights to Harry Potter so that they could make games for each book in the series

A guy tricked a bunch of scammers into handwriting a whole Harry Potter book.

Beatrix Potter's book Mrs Tiggy-Winkle is credited with drastically changing people's attitude towards hedgehogs. Going from a maligned creature treated like a pest to a beloved symbol of the countryside.

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets has a brief after credit scene displaying a new book written by a confused Gilderoy Lockhart

In 1995 JK Rowling's first Harry Potter book was rejected by 12 publishing companies. And now she is the only billionaire author in the world.

Potter books infographics

Beautiful visual representation of Potter Books numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

potter books fact infographic about Percentual Length of Harry Potter Books

Percentual Length of Harry Potter Books

potter books fact infographic about Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone: Change in Chapter

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone: Change in Chapter Representation From Book to Movie

Interesting facts about potter books

The first Harry Potter Book was rejected by 12 different publishers, before being accepted by Bloomsbury. The CEO of Bloomsbury said it was "The Biggest Publishing Phenomenon of Modern Times."

Nicholas Flamel (the character from the first Harry Potter book who had the sorcerer’s/philosopher’s stone) was a real person who was thought to be an alchemist who really had discovered the stone and thereby achieved immortality.

Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality' is a 661,619 word book which adapts the story of Harry Potter by attempting to explain wizardry through the scientific method.

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone was changed to "the Sorcerer's Stone" because Scholastic Corporation thought that children would not want to read a book with the word "philosopher" in it.

J.K. Rowling, author Harry Potter series launched in 1997 successfully rebuffed a law suit by an American author who published a series of children’s books in 1984 about Larry Potter, an orphaned boy wizard wearing glasses surrounded by Muggles.

George RR Martin has been hiding famous people and names in his books for years, including Harry Potter, Carcosa, Phil Simms, and Robert Jordan.

Many of her illustrations were published in WPK Findlay's book, Wayside & Woodland Fungi.

In 2005 An unreleased Harry Potter book was sold early in Canada and the Publisher sent Injunctions to the customers forbidding them from reading the book they purchased until the release day.

When J.K. Rowling finished the first draft of the last Harry Potter book, she refused to send it to anyone over the Internet. Instead, her agent got it from Rowling herself at Heathrow Airport in a black suitcase.

The second book, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets became No. 1 in adult hardcovers within 30 days of publication in July 1998.

In 1903 Beatrix Potter registered her Peter Rabbit doll with the patent office, following the publication of several more of her books.

In 1901 the first commercial printing of Beatrix's book The Tale of Peter Rabbit was published, by Frederick Warne.

J. K. Rowling was financially poor for a time, living on welfare. It was during this time that she completed the manuscript for the first Harry Potter book.

Beatrix Potter drew many pictures of fungi and other botanicals, some of which were used in books and annuals.

Harry Potter books are banned in some schools because some religious authorities claim that the curses used in the book are real!

When Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince was mistakenly sold before its release by a Canadian supermarket, Raincoast Books obtained an injunction prohibiting purchasers from reading the book.

Evanna Lynch, Luna in Harry Potter movies, was pen pals with J.K before she was cast. Battling anorexia, Lynch wrote to Rowling telling her the books gave her hope and asked to be cast as Luna. J.K. told her she'd need to be well first. Lynch said, "In the end, I think that's why I recovered."

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone which was released 1997, is the only book to have sold more than 100 million copies since The Lord of The Rings which was released 1954-1955

The last Harry Potter book is considered one of the fastest-selling products in history, with 15 million sales in its first day alone.

A translation of the first Harry Potter book is the longest published work in Ancient Greek since the 3rd century AD.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Potter Books. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Potter Books so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor