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Potoooooooo Pot facts

While investigating facts about Potoooooooo Pot, I found out little known, but curios details like:

After a stable boy misspelled the name of a thoroughbred Potatoes, the horse was named Potoooooooo, or Pot-8-Os. In 27 years Potoooooooo won 30 races and sired 5 winners.

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There was an 18th-century racehorse named Potoooooooo. His name was originally Potatoes, but when his owner told the stable boy to write his name on a feed bin, he misheard it as "pot-eight-o's". The owner found it so funny that he kept it as the horse's name.

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what kind of fish are in the potomac river. Here are 15 of the best facts about Potoooooooo Pot I managed to collect.

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  1. There was a famous 18th century racehorse named Potoooooooo. His original name was Potatoes. Potatoes acquired the strange spelling of his nickname, Pot-8-Os, when a stable lad was asked to write it on a feed bin. The lad's version, Potoooooooo, was said to amuse his lordship so he kept it.

  2. About Potoooooooo (or Pot-8-Os), an 18th century racehorse who was aptly named when one of the stable boys misunderstood his real name, Potatoes

  3. Potoooooooo was a racehorse born in 1773 known for having 34 victories over 7 years. The horse got it's name when the stable boy wrote potatoes on it's feed bucket as "pot" with 8 O's. Eventually, it was shortened to just pot8os, possibly being the first case of 1337 speak in history.

  4. There was a famous 18th-century Thoroughbred racehorse called Potoooooooo. His owner, Earl of Abingdon intended to name him "Potato" and instructed the stable boy to write the name on a feed bin. The boy spelled the name as "Potoooooooo" (Pot-8-O's) which amused Abingdon so much that it stuck.

  5. Potoooooooo or Pot-8-Os (foaled in 1773) was a famous 18th-century Thoroughbred racehorse who defeated some of the greatest racehorses. The name was given after a stable hand misheard the name as "Pot-8-Os" and wrote it down as "Potoooooooo".

  6. There was an 18th century racehorse called Potoooooooo (or Pot-8-Os), named after a stable boy was asked to write 'potatoes' on a food bin

potoooooooo pot facts
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You can easily fact check why is the potomac river so dangerous by examining the linked well-known sources.

Potoooooooo (Pot-8-Os), an 18th century racehorse, who was originally named 'Potatoes', but had his name misspelled by a stable lad. Willoughby Bertie, the 4th Earl of Abingdon, decided to keep the name as it amused him so much. - source

Potoooooooo was a racehorse born in 1773 known for having 34 victories over 7 years. The horse got it's name when the stable boy wrote potatoes on it's feed bucket as "pot" with 8 O's. Eventually, it was shortened to just pot8os, possibly being the first case of 1337 speak in history. - source

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Potoooooooo Pot. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Potoooooooo Pot so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor