Incredible and fun facts to explore

Pop Culture facts

While investigating facts about Pop Culture Trivia and Pop Culture Quiz, I found out little known, but curios details like:

The first use of "Google" as a verb in pop culture (TV) happened on Buffy the Vampire Slayer in 2002

how pop culture trends influence youth?

Samuel L. Jackson called the free porn site RedTube the "greatest pop culture achievement of the last 50 years" during an Avengers Q&A. The quip outraged several adult film stars, who viewed the remark as an endorsement to steal porn.

What pop culture happened in 2019?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what pop culture happened in 2008. Here are 42 of the best facts about Pop Culture Trivia Questions and Pop Culture Quiz Questions I managed to collect.

what's pop culture?

  1. Despite basing 'O Brother, Where art Thou?' on The Odyssey, neither of the Coen Brothers had ever read the Epic and were only familiar with the plot through adaptations and pop culture references.

  2. There is no scientific basis for the Kübler-Ross "DABDA" model, aka the 5 stages of grief. The author herself insisted the stages didn't all happen and not in any order. The model was embraced in pop culture because humans are naturally predisposed to explanations that tell a simple story.

  3. The author of the poem "Do not go gently into that good night" died at the mere age of 39. His poem is used frequently in modern pop culture, including the films "Independence Day" and "Interstellar," and inspired a book George R.R. Martin penned in the 70s.

  4. Kinsey was a highly controversial figure and his work was widely criticized in pop culture and the media; the scientific community, however, was intrigued by his information given his meticulous attention to following the scientific method and incorporating sound research practices and data collection.

  5. A small 'futuristic' township founded in India in 1968 to have "no money, no government, no religion" still exists, but has descended into a culture of negativity, fear and crime. Originally intended to house 50 000, its current pop. stands just over 2400.

  6. Tambourines today can be found in a variety of music styles including rock and roll, classical, marching bands, pop music, and almost every other style imaginable around the world and in different cultures.

  7. There is an organization dedicated to smuggling documentaries, American TV shows, and South Korean pop culture into North Korea through USB drives and SD cards

  8. When John Cena was asked about the "unexpected Cena" memes he stated "When pop culture is kind enough to let you in, exploit you, and in a lot of cases make fun of you...I totally embrace it...Just to be accepted at this point in my career, I think it's pretty special"

  9. Japanarama, a Japanese game show where an elderly woman has to answer questions about pop culture to prevent her grandson from being shot into the sky.

  10. Stuart's post-Civil War legacy has been somewhat mixed: although he has generally been viewed positively in pop culture in past decades, more recently his named has been taken down from a number of public institutions for his defense of the Confederacy and for having owned slaves.

pop culture facts
What pop culture happened in 2001?

Pop Culture data charts

For your convenience take a look at Pop Culture figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

pop culture fact data chart about "American Idol is a pop-culture staple that left the air too
"American Idol is a pop-culture staple that left the air too soon." - Channing Dungey, President, ABC Entertainment

Why pop culture is popular?

You can easily fact check why is pop culture dependent on globalization today by examining the linked well-known sources.

In South Korea popular music is called K-pop, which includes bands such as Brown Eyed Girls, Bangtan Boys, Red Velvet, and hip hop artists such as Drunken Tiger and GDragon.

Stephenie Meyer's 'Twilight' novels, when translated into Chinese, were published with detailed footnotes explaining cultural references (Pop-Tarts, slumber parties, Ivy League colleges, Greek mythology, etc.); some took up more than half the page. The books were all best sellers. - source

The Brady Bunch became a pop culture hit once it entered syndication after being canceled - source

The Producers Degrassi Junior deliberately excluded pop culture references to avoid becoming dated.

The famous Red Phone, the direct line connecting Washington and Moscow, has never been neither red nor a phone. The Red Phone is a notion created by pop culture - source

When did pop culture start?

Quintessential 80's "Nerd Actor" Eddie Deezen ("Grease", "Midnight Madness", Mandark on "Dexter's Laboratory") has had a second career writing about pop culture and trivia on the web.

How pop culture influences society positively?

Ira Glass (host of This American Life) is a staunch atheist who says "Christians get a really bad rap in the media" and that contrary to the way they are portrayed in pop-culture, the Christians in his life "were all incredibly wonderful and thoughtful."

While the Gamera series began as a cash-in on the popularity of the Godzilla franchise, it has since developed its own identity and become a popular and respected film series in its own right. Gamera, not as popular Godzilla, is still a recognizable pop culture icon in Japan and around the world

Unfortunately, many in the media and pop culture took Nobel's ninety weapons factories as a sign of his fascination with war and killing, despite his belief in pacifism.

Gunslingers of the wild west is pop culture fiction.

Workers at a call center "boot camp" in India watched Chris Rock to learn about American pop culture and Jack Nicholson in "A Few Good Men" to prepare themselves for rude callers.

When is denver pop culture con?

Beginning in 2003 Stephen King began writing for Entertainment Weekly as a pop culture journalist.

The most expensive piece of pop culture memorabilia are the ruby slippers Dorothy wore in ‘The Wizard of Oz.’ The slippers are up for sale with a price tag of $6 million!

While he was one of the greatest influences on rock & roll and pop culture, Jimi Hendrix was technically a "One-Hit Wonder"

The annexation of Hawaii - in 1959 - catalyzed an explosion of "tiki" pop culture, causing people to become infatuated with a fictionalization of Polynesian society.

One of the major effects that the second Red Scare had on American pop culture was the creation of the Hollywood blacklist. Any writer, actor, director, or producers who was believed to be a communist or communist sympathizer was "black listed" and kept out of the industry/

How pop culture influence youth?

The "S" drawing we all did in school has an unknown origin, and has been part of pop culture all over the globe. Surfwear company Stüssy did not create the symbol, and some people report seeing it as early as the 1960s.

Californian-based artist Hoang Tran makes intricate crayon carvings of famous characters from pop culture. Each hand-carved sculpture takes several hours to complete.

“what does it do?” “That’s the beauty of it, it doesn’t *do* anything,” a widely-recognized pop culture quotation for which no one can find the source

Ready Player One and 80's pop culture enthusiast Ernest Cline drives a DeLorean.

Emilio Salgari, considered the father of Italian adventure fiction, science fiction, Italian pop culture and the "grandfather" of the Spaghetti Western

The addams family got their staying power into pop culture due to the movie that gave them the popularity today and also that Wednesday didn't get their personality today from the comics but through the movie

There was an 80’s cartoon called BEVERLY HILLS TEENS which was billed as a cross between Dynasty and Richie Rich and is universally thought of as one of the great head-scratch moments in pop culture.

The Tesla/Edison narrative of The Eccentric Visionary vs. The Shrewd Thief doesn’t hold up to historical scrutiny and could fairly be called a pop culture myth fueled by internet sites like the Oatmeal. “How we think about them is a reflection of modern values.”

The term "dumbing down" originated 80 years ago in relation to pop culture.

The character of James Bond in Ian Fleming's books was a Benzedrine user. A drug popular in that time period that influence pop culture.

Mary-Lu Zahalan-Kennedy became the first graduate of Liverpool Hope University's MA in the Beatles. She studied the Beatles' compositions, sound and impact on pop culture.

Mark Zuckerberg, as made to believe through pop culture and hearsay, is not really a 'coding genius'.

A lavishly ornate Buddhist temple in Thailand decorated all over with pop culture icons, including a mural depicting Angry Birds attacking the twin towers

The YATTA song from Japan was just a parody on pop-culture. Sadly, now I will have to take my Japanese friends a little more serious.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Pop Culture. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Pop Culture so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor