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Political Opponents facts

While investigating facts about Political Opponents Synonym and Political Opponents Meaning, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Andrew Jackson's political opponents referred to him as jackass. He adopted the name and used it as his campaign symbol. It would eventually become the symbol of the entire Democratic Party

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"Reichstag fire", a term used to denote a calamitous event staged by a political movement, orchestrated in a way that casts blame on their opponents, causing the opponents to be viewed with suspicion by the public. The Reichstag fire was seen as pivotal in the establishment of Nazi Germany.

What is a political opponents?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what does political opponents mean. Here are 48 of the best facts about Political Opponents Definition and Political Opponents Iran I managed to collect.

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  1. There was a Tennessee Republican politician who changed his middle name to 'Low tax' so that it would appear on the ballot box, murdered his political opponent in a later senatorial race, was sentenced to life and died in prison.

  2. Francisco Franco is credited with saving between 30,000 and 60,000 Jews during the nazi era. He is also thought to have been responsible for killing between 15,000 and 50,000 of his political opponents.

  3. In curling, good sportsmanship and politeness are essential. Congratulating opponents and abstaining from trash talk are part of what's known as the "Spirit of Curling."

  4. The racist use of 'coon' started out as a political insult. The Whig party used a raccoon as it's emblem, and were referred to as "coons" by their opponents. In the 1830s the Whig's were seen a too sympathetic to African-Americans.

  5. Gaslighting was used as early as WWII by Nazi Germany as one of the Zersetzung psychological manipulation warfare techniques to destroy and drive political opponents to psychosis and suicide.

  6. Abraham Lincoln was once challenged to a duel by a political adversary. Lincoln accepted. Instead of pistols Lincoln chose swords instead of pistols. Friends intervened and it ended bloodlessly. Lincoln and his opponent laughed it off as being silly and became lifelong friends.

  7. Tennessee politician, Byron Low Tax Looper. In 1998, in order to advance his political career, he legally changed his middle name from "Anthony" to "Low Tax". He also murdered his election opponent and was given a life sentence in prison.

  8. Carmichael was jailed for three days in 1986 by the at the time new government of Guinea for supporting the regime of Sékou Touré, who was accused of numerous human rights violations, including imprisoning and torturing his political opponents.

  9. Pat helped Richard in his political ascent by research his opponents. Richard's first political victory was in California's 12th congressional district in 1946, which was/is essentially the city of San Francisco. California was much more conservative in the 1940s and "50s, which allowed Nixon to become one of the more powerful Republicans in the state at the time.

  10. To discredit his political opponent, Helen Douglas, Richard Nixon's supporters sent out postcards to houses that said, "The Communist League of Negro Women Voters" supports Helen Douglas

political opponents facts
What is the meaning of political opponents?

Political Opponents data charts

For your convenience take a look at Political Opponents figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

political opponents fact data chart about Twitter sentiment towards Irish president and a political op
Twitter sentiment towards Irish president and a political opponent

What is true about political opponents?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

Within two months of the conference, Stalin set to work arresting potential political opponents in Poland. A rigged election was held in Poland in 1947 that established a communist government.

Death squads and paramilitary groups, which became a common tactic used by right-wing Latin American governments from the 1960s through the 1990s, were first used by Trujillo during the 1930s. His former street thug associates from his criminal days served as paramilitaries who threatened, beat, and killed his political opponents.

When a Jewish political opponent accused him of anti-semitism Fiorello La Guardia challenged him to a debate in Yiddish. The man couldn’t speak Yiddish so he declined - and lost the election. - source

For decades, Lysenko was able to use his political power to silence his critics and eliminate his opponents.

Richard Nixon resigned from his presidency in 1974 due to the Watergate scandal, which involved his administration taking part in illegal activities such as bugging political opponents" offices.

When a least industrialized nation experiences political instability?

Arthur was the subject of the original "birther" controversy in 1880 when he was accused by his political opponents of being born in Ireland when he was the vice presidential candidate for the Republican Party.

US Pres. William McKinley took to wearing a red carnation on his lapel as good luck after he was presented one from a past political opponent. While visiting a NY Expo, he took part of a greeting line and met a little girl to whom he gave his flower. Moments later his assassin emerged & shot him

The Reichstag fire, an arson attack on the German parliament. Hitler blamed the communists, using this incident to give himself emergency dictator powers which included the arrest of his political opponents and the suspension of civil liberty. Historians believe the Nazis started this fire.

Abraham Lincoln suspended habeas corpus and imprisoned political opponents without trial.

Tennessee state senator Charlotte Burks, who in 1998 was elected in a landslide write-in vote of 30,252 to 1,531 after her husband was assassinated by political opponent Bryon Looper

The first President of Equatorial Guinea killed the governor of the central bank, carried all that was left of the treasury to his house in a rural village, and then had 150 political opponents executed in a stadium while amplifiers played Mary Hopkin's "Those were the days".

Interesting facts about political opponents

Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi (unrelated to Mohandas Gandhi) ordered a 21 month "blackout" in India from 1975 to 1977. Most of her political opponents were imprisoned, and press was silenced. A mass sterilization campaign was also spearheaded by her son.

Psychiatry was used to eliminate political opponents in the Soviet Union. Involvement in forbidden religious activity was cause for psychiatric incarceration, and the religious faith of prisoners was determined to be a form of mental illness that needed to be cured.

The term Nazi was actually a derogatory term before the rise of Hitler and was used by political opponents of his National Socialist party.

Thomas Jefferson received 2 grizzly bears as a gift but said they were too dangerous to keep. While they awaited transfer to a museum they were kept on the White House lawn, in which Jefferson's political opponents referred to as his "bear-garden"

When as a Senator, John Glenn was caught up in a political scandal, his opponent in the next election used the slogan "What on earth has John Glenn done?"

The Curley Effect, in which some politicians of urban areas shape a left-wing electorate by implementing wealth-reducing policies to make their political opponents emigrate.

German General Staff officer Karl Mayr introduced Adolf Hitler to politics in 1919. Mayr later became Hitler's opponent, fled to France after Hitler came to power, got arrested by the Nazis after the 1940 Fall of France, and got killed in Buchenwald in 1945.

The Chilean dictatorial regime of Augusto Pinochet would sometimes kidnap political opponents and dissidents, take them on a helicopter then toss them into the ocean from the helicopter. Around 120 were believed to have died this way.

On Christmas day the president of Equitorial Guinea executed 150 political opponents in a football stadium. The executioners were dressed as Santa Claus and the pa played Those Were The Days

People From Michigan Are Called Michiganders Because Abraham Lincoln Made Fun of a Political Opponent For Looking Like a Goose

Thomas Jefferson was accused by the press of having children with one of his slaves, Sally Hemings. Jefferson never made any public statements about the story despite it being continually ran in papers and used by political opponents for the remainder of his presidency.

Justin Trudeau fought in a charity boxing match vs a political opponent in front of the nation and all of his peers

During the French Revolution, the revolutionaries would use the skin of their political opponents for binding copies of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the new French Constitution.

TIP Barack Obama weaponized American intelligence agencies and used them spy on his political opponents.

That, in the Middle Ages, blinding was used as a penalty for treachery or as a means of rendering a political opponent unable to rule and lead an army in war.

The Republican and Democratic Party symbols emerged less from political tact and more in jest and retribution. The Democratic Party’s donkey symbol was adopted in 1828, when, during an election, Andrew Jackson’s opponents called him a jackass.

During the late 1940s, future UK Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher worked as a chemist for food manufacturer J. Lyons and Co. Her political opponents said that by "inventing" soft serve ice cream, Thatcher "added air, lowered quality and raised profits", used as a metaphor for her later policies.

A man changed his name to Byron "Low Tax" Looper as a strategy to get elected to local office. He was subsequently arrested for political corruption and then again for assassinating his opponent.

Using Violence to Intimidate & Disrupt Political Opponent's was One of the Primary Tactics Used by the Nazi Party to Rise to Power

Margaret Thatcher worked as a chemist for a food manufacturer and helped to develop soft serve ice cream. This later became a running joke among her political opponents who said that she "added air, lowered quality and raised profits," an appropriate metaphor for her policies as Prime Minister.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Political Opponents. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Political Opponents so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor