Incredible and fun facts to explore

Personality Types facts

While investigating facts about Personality Types Test and Personality Types A B C D, I found out little known, but curios details like:

According to research, there are four types of drunks: the Hemmingway, whose personality doesn't change a bit, the Mary Poppins, those who gets sweeter and happier, the Nutty Professor, who becomes more social, and the Mr. Hyde, who becomes more hostile and less responsible around booze.

how personality types affect communication?

The research behind "Type A and Type B personality traits" was secretly funded by cigarette companies in the 1960's to suggest that smoking cigarettes didn't cause cancer and heart disease, being Type A did.

What personality types are prone to anxiety?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what personality types go together. Here are 50 of the best facts about Personality Types List and Personality Types Myers Briggs I managed to collect.

what personality types are compatible?

  1. Researchers developed a blood test that can detect if a person has cancer from a single drop of blood with 96% certainty for most cancer types.

  2. A woman with Type 1 diabetes underwent an islet cell transplant. Since the transplant, her glucose levels have remained at a healthy level, and she was taken off insulin and has no dietary restrictions. “She is like a nondiabetic person but requires antirejection drugs,”

  3. A tick bite can cause a lifetime allergy to red meat. The Lone Star tick injects a type of sugar found in red meat into the blood, and causes antibodies to be made that cause an allergic reaction when the person later ingests meat with the sugar.

  4. The Type A/B Personality Theory was actually invented by the cigarette industry in the 1950's to prove coronary heart disease and cancer were risks related to high-stress personality types instead of tobacco use.

  5. “Opposites attract” is a common myth. People are actually attracted to those who have a similar personality type.

  6. Classical and heavy metal music attract listeners with similar personalities but dissimilar ages. Younger people of the personality type like metal, older counterparts like classical. Both share their motivation: to hear something dramatic and theatrical, a “love of the grandiose."

  7. Japanese games tell you characters' blood types because they believe that the blood group determines someone's personality.

  8. Emily Rosa became the youngest person to publish in a medical journal (at 11 years old) when her school science project was published. It demonstrated that Reiki (a type of alternative medicine) practitioners could not detect the alleged "life force" under experimental conditions.

  9. The way an individual types on a keyboard is unique to each person. So much so that it can be used as a biometric, just like a fingerprint.

  10. In Japan, there is a belief that your blood type determines your personality and compatibility similar to Zodiac sign or Astrology.

personality types facts
What personality types are compatible with infp?

Personality Types data charts

For your convenience take a look at Personality Types figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

personality types fact data chart about Population distribution of Myers Briggs Personality Type sub
Population distribution of Myers Briggs Personality Type subreddits (2019)

personality types fact data chart about Myers-Briggs Personality Types displayed by Astrological Sig
Myers-Briggs Personality Types displayed by Astrological Sign

Why is it important to understand personality types?

You can easily fact check personality types and why by examining the linked well-known sources.

Pythagoras did not believe in irrational numbers, and when someone discovered them, the other Pythagoreans killed that person by throwing him overboard on a sea voyage. They vowed to keep the idea of these types of numbers a secret.

The Anton-Babinski syndrome, a rare type of brain damage, where the person loses complete sense of sight, but is absolutely unaware of their blindness. - source

Morton's fork is a type of false dilemma in which contradictory observations lead to the same conclusion. Asserting that a person suspected of a crime who is acting nervously must have something to hide, while a person who acts calmly and confidently must be skilled at hiding something. - source

There are four different types of OCD. One of them is checking. The checking is often carried out multiple times, sometimes hundreds of times, and for hours on end, resulting in the person being late for work, dates and other appointments.

In 2008, a 15-year-old liver transplant patient became the first person in the world to take on the immune system and blood type of her donor. - source

Personality types when drunk?

Type A and Type B personality theory research was heavily funded and promoted by the tobacco industry. Their goal was to suggest a link between personality and heart disease in an attempt discredit evidence showing a link between smoking and heart disease.

How many personality types are there?

In every human being alive today, there are remnants of every nuclear bomb that has ever been exploded in human history. Scientists use the levels of Carbon 14 in each person to date how old different types of cells are in our bodies for research.

Mavis Beacon, from Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing, is not a real person and is a stock photo

Human hair is made from keratin, which is a type of protein. If there are a lot of sulfur links the person's hair will be curly.

Japanese people often use non-verbal communication to express their feelings and meanings. They rely on this type of communication because they believe that because words can have more than one meaning. By using non-verbal communication they can better read what a person means.

There are six different genotypes of hepatitis C and once diagnosed with the virus a person should be tested to determine which genotype they have. Different types respond to different treatments.

Personality types infographics

Beautiful visual representation of Personality Types numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

personality types fact infographic about A gaming community called steamgifts was asked there persona

A gaming community called steamgifts was asked there personality type

personality types fact infographic about Feelings based on MBTI personality type

Feelings based on MBTI personality type

Interesting facts about personality types

American Eskimo dog comes in three sizes: toy, miniature and standard. All three types have the same personality and morphological traits.

Type A and Type B personalities were made up by cardiologists sponsored by tobacco companies to explain heart disease.

There’s a type of tumor called the “Teratoma Tumor” - tumors that literally grow human parts inside a person, including teeth, eyes, hair, organs, feet, etc. It’s a little spooky.

Some people believe that a person's blood type can predict a great deal about them, including their character, personality, and even how well they get along with others. Despite this never being proven correct, South Korean and Japanese cultures still believe in these myths.

Stress can damage a person's immune system. Some stress is good, but too much of the bad stress can make the immune system unhealthy. This leaves the person more vulnerable to all types of illnesses.

How common are the 16 personality types?

The rate that alcohol leaves the body is constant, regardless of gender, body type or size. It leaves at a rate of .015% per hour. If a person went to bed at 2 AM with a BAC of .20, it could take 15 hours to recover

The blood type of a person is determined by chromosome 9. A child born to parents who are both O will also be O.

Tickle torture was used in ancient Rome, where a person’s feet were dipped in a salt solution, and a goat was brought in to lick the solution off. This type of tickle torture would only start as tickling, eventually becoming extremely painful.

A study showed those with a Distressed personality died at a rate almost four times to those without it. Type D personalities suppress strong emotions like crying at funerals.

Since Arnold and Allen were both type-A personalities and somewhat egotistical, they often quarreled.

A common superstition in Japan is that blood type is an indicator of a person's personality; similar to the Western belief in the Signs of the Zodiac

Cashew nuts, like many other types of nuts, may trigger severe allergic reaction in sensitive persons.

Mavis Beacon (of the old Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing software) wasn’t a real person. The model on the box worked cosmetics at Saks Fifth Avenue in Beverly Hills and the creators liked her look.

Japanese video game manuals often include the blood type of their character as there is a belief that blood type determines personality. For example, Leon Kennedy (of resident evil) is type A, so a perfectionist and team player but overly anxious.

The type of person who owns a Bugatti Chiron would also on average own 64 cars, 3 jets, 3 helicopters, and a yacht, and drive 2,500 kilometres per year in the car.

Being shallow, overly dramatic, and attention seeking is actually a type of personality disorder. It's known as "Histrionic Personality Disorder", and is a Cluster B personality disorder along with Narcissism, Borderline Personality Disorder, and Antisocial Personality Disorder.

Mormonism has Patriarchs; men who give "blessings" like a horoscope to a person which is typed up and given to the recipient. The "blessing" tells then which tribe of Israel they are from and gives them a road map for their life.

There are two unrelated types of obsessive-compulsive disorder, which people mix up. One is a personality disorder, the other is an anxiety disorder.

A person's blood type can change if they have a bone marrow transplant.

Unlike in pure breeds of dogs, characteristics (personal and morphological traits) of Labradoodle are still unpredictable and non-standardized. Type of coat and personality of Labradoodle differ from dog to dog. Labradoodle can be smart, reserved and quiet as poodle, or noisy and immature like Labrador.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Personality Types. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Personality Types so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor